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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Robotech #07 Oh Horror... Horror! The only good thing... Space Justin Bierber have space labial leper... Space-Time Adventure!!! Goodbye Miss Macross Maxilmilian "Cobra" Sterling It's Super Sweet 18 Minmai! Space Battle overrated!!! And after the battle a kiss (RLY???) Britai version of 50 shades of Grey
  2. Poster of movie
  3. So... Habemus trailer
  4. Derrick J. Waytt (or someone with same style) made a short for TMNT version of 2012
  5. And all problem for ones in this new cartoon is about "SJW-nator" of April in a Black woman... But she originally was a black woman...
  6. First pics... http://nerdmovieproductions.it/2018/02/01/tartarughe-ninja-april-oneil-colore-nuovi-design-tutti/ Oh God...
  7. For those read this series...
  8. Thanks for all books... and the icecreams https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/obituaries/ursula-k-le-guin-acclaimed-for-her-fantasy-fiction-is-dead-at-88.html
  9. Robotech #6 The most best art in this comic... The cast (the most ugly art cast ever) So... Realy that is rick? Robotech Version of Ghost of "Carl" Macek Sargent Mostard in the Street with hands "General Kenobi, I need your help"
  10. My first song of Cranberries in the early years of MTV Brazil. But was the "horse version".
  11. Death... Please, STOP! https://www.irishtimes.com/cranberries-lead-singer-dolores-o-riordan-dies-at-age-of-46-1.3356279 To the my best singer of my youth...
  12. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/fast-eddie-clarke-dead-motorhead-aged-67-dies-died-cause-best-songs-albums-a8153266.html No more Ace of Spades... ;_;
  13. OH YEAH! We have toys!
  14. Happy New Year^^ This year I will find a girlfriend XD
  15. Thanks^^ For you and your family too.
  16. 2017... And the Grim Reaper take the more he can. http://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2017/12/19/scooby-doo-daphne-heather-north-dead-71/
  17. I saw more this act in some MLP hentai fanarts...
  18. It's because of Studio Mir's style. They made the same with Voltron Legendary Defensor.
  19. First frame from Joe Amato profile on Facebook
  20. Ok HASBRO... Give to us a Great '80 toys Cinematic Universe https://www.newsarama.com/37850-live-action-micronauts-and-dungeons-dragons-movies-get-release-dates.html
  21. The Worst Lisa-face ever... Until the Next number XD
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