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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. BY THE GHOST OF LARRY HAMA https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/gi-joe-character-snake-eyes-getting-his-own-spinoff-movie-1111149
  2. http://deadline.com/2018/05/comcast-prepares-unsolicited-offer-fox-1202384424/ Ok... Please Fox, choice Comcast!
  3. I liked the movie, but. He suffers from something that he would define as "identity crisis". At first we had something very "serious", with people dying. Close to something from the comics In that second, taking the casualties from the beginning, you do not even feel that they occurred during your performance. The plot suffered because of this, becoming more like the cartoon, in case neither principal dies, and the villain fleeing in the end.
  4. Well, It seems that we will not have a reboot... http://news.hisstank.com/2018/05/04/new-details-working-title-gi-joe-3-gi-joe-ever-vigilant-65332 And rerereback of "arroz de festa"* https://www.cbr.com/paramount-wants-the-rock-to-return-for-gi-joe-ever-vigilant/amp/ *arroz de festa = party rice (sorry, I don't know if other countries uses this language figure...) The expression "party rice", as you know, means above all "a person who is seen at every feast". It ended up enlarged to designate who is always present, who seems to be everywhere at the same time, and not only on festive occasions, which has turned it into a synonymous phrase of "easy card".
  5. Me too... And I admit want a colection of this action figures^^
  6. I hope this not the principal cover I find this "variant" https://www.darksidecomics.com/content/robotech-10-cvr-c-laren#sthash.c4DJGUnA.dpbs
  7. Don't forget the Ragnarians and Voldorians
  9. So... https://www.newsarama.com/39721-power-rangers-sold-to-hasbro.html Megazord is a Transformer now? XD
  10. First... Second, I always thinked a MASK movie like The Fast and The Furious movie... http://comicbook.com/movies/2018/04/18/the-walking-dead-norman-reedus-daryl-turning-rick/
  11. Godspeed.. Semper Fi!
  12. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2018/04/14/milos-forman-oscar-winning-director-dies-86/517106002/ He flew over the Cuckoo's nest...
  13. Well... Some leaked photos of series https://geektyrant.com/news/heres-our-first-look-at-beast-boy-starfire-and-raven-in-titans-set-photos Some '90stylish culture... And please, not pouch...
  14. I liked the movie. He gonna be better? Of course. But, they made it and repaired much the wrong of the last movie (BvS). I hope they get their "way".
  15. Me too, I knew the Macross through him, and have some feelings (not many) for her. It's sad a good backgound don't receive a good sequel or decent reboot
  16. I don't dislike much Macross Delta... Ok have much failures int he project, but the final result was better if you compare with M7.
  17. WAIT!!! They ended Mac7 flame wars???
  18. well... Someone liked the movie?
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