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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. From SDCC's Trailer! And... D of Drop^^
  2. A movie can be popular in his first run. But can be not good after
  3. The series has a ending with Lost Missions. They back not because the fans, but they don't have more ideias to continue new series. At last, a serie focusing the Young Han gonna be good, IF they don't make that movie.
  4. welll... revisiting Clone Wars after floop of Han Solo movie? Or they haven't ideas to a new series?
  5. welll... revisiting Clone Wars after floop of Han Solo movie? Or they haven't ideas to a new series?
  6. And release today in the SDCC the first trailer of serie
  7. The dream is over... https://variety.com/2018/biz/news/comcast-fox-sky-disney-bidding-war-drops-out-1202878103/ Thanks for the Justice Departament of USA because of AT&T and Warner...
  8. The toiy don't bohter anyone... But the movie....
  9. Yep^^ Ben Dunn cover (Ninja High School)
  10. Robotech #11 https://www.comiccrusaders.com/preview-robotech-11/ My desire is back to post the "pearls" of this edition... OHMYGRATLUNA!!!! WhT IS THAT THING I READ???? I mean Dolza in a regenesis tube... And Britai believeing in the SDF crew in the Arena...
  11. Oh glady... Thanks For a moment I thinked in Berserker movie.
  12. From James Gunn's Twitter It's gonna be real or only a trick?
  13. But it still monopoly.
  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/16/comcast-unlikely-to-raise-fox-bid-focused-on-sky-sources.html Ok Department of Justice of USA. Block the Fox/Disney merge, like you trying to do with AT&T/Warner ¬¬
  15. Some new leaked pics. http://ew.com/tv/2018/07/16/she-ra-see-photos-noelle-stevenson/ An yeah... Looks so diferent
  16. And finally full design (bad quality) pics XD https://www.comicbookmovie.com/he-man_and_the_masters_of_the_universe/first-look-at-she-ra-from-the-upcoming-netflix-princesses-of-power-animated-series-a162106
  17. More info about the movie http://comicbook.com/marvel/2018/07/13/venom-movie-not-part-mcu/ And 2 new pics Possible new trailer in the SDCC (with the Aquaman movie XD)
  18. ANTI-TRUST CARD https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/12/17566114/justice-department-appeal-att-time-warner
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