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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. So... Skyland meets Star Wars
  2. Farewell, great hero The most emblematic scene of franchise.
  3. https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/obituary/7318784/aretha-franklin-dead For Aretha
  4. Robotech #12 https://www.cbr.com/robotech-12/ And introducting Rick Hunter The Chosen One! Sorry for my words, but... MAS QUER PORRA É ESSA??? Ben has been killed by Miryia with a giant lance!!!!!
  5. Since Saban Moon, No studio allows you to remake your original works in the "American style" or similar. Being able to only do this with the adjustments to the western market only. Like Battle of Planets, Robotech or Glitter Force (if they make it some day...). Saban Moom exemple (watch at your own risk)
  6. So already watch Season 7 of Voltron Legendary Defender and... WHY HG DON"T ASK for Netflix to make a reboot of Robotech?? In this season we have .
  7. AND we have a new trailer with new scenes XD
  8. No ones want to lost his jbs XD
  9. AND the movie don't die... https://movies.mxdwn.com/news/details-emerge-on-g-i-joe-ever-vigilant/ PLEASE PUT SOME TF IN THE MOVIE!!!
  10. And Nick's channel in the Youtube realse the first episode of new series And one word: Why?
  11. Well And Now? https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/07/27/disney-fox-deal-approved-by-shareholders.html we still have B-Sides Hsuper-heroes movies?
  12. This still don't buy me. AND THEY ALTERED ALL AGAIN!!!!!
  13. I still believing in this monster is Gamera, not Mothra larva I mean... Gamera is the children friend... And needs a child to link emotions and commands
  14. Well, we already have the telescreen^^
  15. Robotech Stand in the SDCC http://news.toyark.com/2018/07/20/sdcc-2018-gallery-toynami-robotech-display-310128 I notice some action figures illustration are in the same style like the variant cover comic
  16. Well The jet bot isn't Starscream. It's Blitzwing! http://news.tfw2005.com/2018/07/20/san-diego-comic-con-2018-bumblebee-the-movie-panel-368692 My humor to this movie came to low now -.-
  17. So... No More GoG3? http://www.businessinsider.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy-director-james-gunn-under-fire-for-offensive-tweets-2018-7
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