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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Nova Satori from Robotech Masters
  2. Today released the last season of Legendary Defensor Me:
  3. Or gonna be single mother... (One time they make Nova gonna be a Rick' bastard daughter XD)
  4. I open mi Twiter today and I found it... I hope it gonna be a fake... PLEASE SAY IT TO ME!!
  5. Leaked image from new game based in the movie^^ (And Yes, it's a joke XD)
  6. Robotech #15 https://www.comiccrusaders.com/preview-robotech-15/ WHATfrakk???? Kyle is a soldier????? Invid invasion? And a trainer valkyrie armed????
  7. They trying to put all staff of Robotech 2 or Masters (And all theses years thinked Nova was a bastard daughter of Minmey and Rick)
  8. Peserphone Satori. Mother of Nova Satori. And new wing to Vermilion Squadron after death of Ben (Killed by Miriya)
  9. Well, I hope more than this line of the official reboot.. http://www.animationmagazine.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/dreamworks-wheres-waldo-post.jpg
  10. https://www.eonline.com/news/995143/the-first-images-of-netflix-s-carmen-sandiego-are-here#photo-963839 First pics about new animated series. And yes, she's an anti-hero now...
  11. (ok, it's for Astro Boy, but it's same situation here^^)
  12. Today, in the ComicCon eXperience in Brazil. Netflix show the first traler of his remake
  13. Great news for Warner/DC https://www.comicbookmovie.com/aquaman/aquaman-takes-119m-from-early-china-screenings-best-dc-preview-since-batman-v-superman-update-a165176
  14. Voltron final season I hope they made a Robotech reboot after this...
  15. https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2018/11/27/stephen-hillenburg-spongebob-creator-dead-57/?fbclid=IwAR3ioaH-b7N9URpv-Kenh0R9UsZ-hwNOhZt98AKE6SjRo0fjIhzyy_pKj1o No more laughs.,..
  16. http://www.tmz.com/2018/11/26/bernardo-bertolucci-dead-dies-director-last-tango-in-paris-marlon-brando/ For the last tango...
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