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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. So... When Nick Rise of TMNT staff make a game of other franchise
  2. Porra DC. Tá foda! https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3565653/confirmed-dc-universe-already-canceled-swamp-thing/
  3. Sorry for my words, but... PORRA DC, tá ficando difícil te defender assim, caralho! https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3565653/confirmed-dc-universe-already-canceled-swamp-thing/
  4. Well, after this tweet from Mark Hughes, Forbes Colunist. Warner are planing a New DCCU, with Twilight Batman and upcoming Supergirl movie. I hope it gonna be a fake, and Warner back to sense. But one time, the Batman are (until tthis moment) confirmed have nothing of BatAffleck, I have some fear...
  5. It's offical now https://www.cbr.com/robert-pattinson-batman-warner-bros-deal/ Robert Pattinson is Batman for 3 movies. And the rumour now are a reboot without links with BatAfleck.
  6. Death Stranding – Release Date Reveal Trailer | PS4 Nonsense is the key word for this game
  7. First Bloo... I Mean Teaser trailer. Note: At last, official trailer
  8. https://io9.gizmodo.com/its-official-the-sonic-the-hedgehog-movie-is-being-pus-1835006775 Still have time to cancel and make all again.
  9. Brazilian commercial of Renault new car using Dungeons & Dragons old cartoon, named in Brazil as Caverna do Dragão (Dragon's Cave) In Brazil the cartoon still much popular always receiving reprises in differents channels on TV. Much fans thinked about a live action movie, but it's only a simples commercial.
  10. The best use for Robert Pattinson
  11. Robert Pattinson the New Batman! https://www.cbr.com/report-pattinson-cast-as-batman/ Well, I don't dislike Pattinson. For me He was a great Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, but in Twilight was terrible. I hope he gonna be a great Batman. Or The Night Begins to Shine^^
  12. I don't read the novels, but, this part it's a bitly diferent from Shadow Chronicles movie.
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