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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Thanks, I tried to search, but I 'dont find.
  2. wow... I thinked in a new season, but it's a only Turtles Forever' movie
  3. Fist look at Task Master Well. when Disney make a crossover with Hasbro' Power Rangers to use Phantom Ranger??
  4. I thinked about it in these days... I mean, with all popularity about the anime in Netflix, and with much anime adaptation we have in the recnts years, it's time, they bring back the live action movie project. http://legacy.aintitcool.com/node/16790
  5. I liked this trailer. But I miss Mysteryr Incorporated style, but it's Infinity beer that trash was Be Cool.
  6. A portal open to Monster World and monster came to Earth? It's Monster Hunter or Monster Rancher?
  7. First (Leaked) teaser trailer Well... Smell like a Hellboy, but a bit of MiB Internacional
  8. Tell me about Shun in Netlix' Saint Seyia...
  9. All I remember of Banana Split (sold to a tv channel in my country) is a clip from Saturday Moning: Greatest Cartoon's Hits of 1995.
  10. Remaster of Contra: Legacy of War? Contra Rebirth is much better!
  11. Torture Monthly Robotech #21 Hell.... It's only a warm room.
  12. You say all. for me, FFVI is the bestof FF ever. More than FF7 or FF8. It's sad they don't have a remake like other before him (like FF4 of DS).
  13. It's sd they dion't put the Echo fighter of Dai
  14. QUE COISA HORROROSA!!!!!! And Arkhan Knight, of 2015 still BETTEr than this thing P.S. Some rumours linking this game with Marvel Spider-man
  15. Official Trailer #1 And we see Disney using Zack Snyder color' pallet
  16. https://movieweb.com/gi-joe-snake-eyes-micronauts-movie-release-dates-delayed/?fbclid=IwAR14qMLCMTRi3erY2M7E01rLboLAZjnhCXx2iumOGENsAa-EVH3jfWuaxN8 Sad news... Again -.-
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