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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Sorry to post it here, but I need it...
  2. C'mon Paramount. Read my script! https://hnentertainment.co/paramounts-g-i-joe-spin-off-snake-eyes-expected-to-shoot-october-december-in-vancouver/?fbclid=IwAR3HkxBtCQUMggP-X8pNoEvk9Jd6lL3W9Ulhud49HOj6D40_MYpC4HYattc
  3. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/studios/breaking-kyoto-animation-studio-attacked-by-arsonist-multiple-deaths-dozens-injured-and-missing-177109.html I hope they're well...
  4. Akane^^ Shattered Glass Optimus Prime waifu XD
  5. https://comicbook.com/dc/2019/07/13/birds-of-prey-test-screenings-reaction-reportedly-split-audience/ Why it don't surprise me?
  6. Hey guys. It's true? https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/harmony-gold-renews-robotech-macross-licence-and-looks-forward-to-another-35-years-of-ownership/43575/
  7. One from Robotech: The Movie. Another of Robotech 3000 And the last from Shadow Chronicles.
  8. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/movies/tributes-flow-as-actor-rip-torn-dies-aged-88/news-story/0581d552f0a2b601ada39e85958287fd Farewell Zed, Farewell
  9. I know. It's like Titan Comics' Robotech, to fans of Macross.
  10. Trailer #2 And we discover all Knigths are "mutants". The series arrives in July,19 on Netflix.
  11. Some curiosities aboute REAL Mulan http://blog.tutorming.com/expats/facts-about-the-real-mulan
  12. First trailer of sequence Nothing the new until now...
  13. In Brazil, Charlie's Angel received the name of "As Panteras". But have a adult movie producer named As Panteras... And made a porn parody from the first movie named "As Piranhas" (The Whores)
  14. Someone wants a reboot?
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