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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. (sorry, I don't find the original)
  2. Robotech #24 (yes, I jump the 23, because the worst stay in the ending...)
  3. 2 running fat Aqua men^^
  4. https://lrmonline.com/news/go-joe-for-this-snake-eyes-casting-news/?fbclid=IwAR1hk4aKu9gxgejefsazdxFbH1zKcCMK6FPq6muu0ETZYOYvAImGAX8kxME More news.
  5. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/spiderman-mcu-sony-pictures-chief-1203324907/ Time for Disney to buy Sony.
  6. Ukranian teaser https://www.torredevigilancia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/BIRDS-OF-PREY-TEASER-HIGH-QUALITY-UKRAINIAN-VERSION.mp4
  7. Titans Season 2 final trailer HELLL YEAH XD
  8. Trailer #2 I want ride on mammoth XD
  9. Frozen II poster The art style remind me a mix of Samurai Jack and Secret of Kells, I mean, that art simple, but strong...
  10. Lady and the Tramp trailer PHineas & Ferb new movie https://wdwnt.com/2019/08/phineas-and-ferb-the-movie-candace-against-the-universe-currently-in-production-for-disney/ Moon Knight https://www.cbr.com/moon-knight-gets-disney-series-logo/ What If... https://www.cbr.com/disney-plus-peggy-carter-captain-britain-what-if/
  11. Trailer #2 Now with plot.
  12. https://www.cbr.com/sony-kills-spider-man-deal-with-marvel/?utm_content=buffer3c48b&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=CBR-FB-P&utm_campaign=CBR-FB-P&fbclid=IwAR1bc0eHuGNlCbtgu-Pa2n8XDSAkXMc9XABlCqyJ-tEu41NhZwUJQz5LJ1I NONSENSE XD *Spider: I don't want to go, Mr. Stark! I Want to stay! I don't want to goooooooo Venom: Hey, look who go back to Sonyverse! Cmon Here Spidey XD
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