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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Yep, and in these two appear he's die^^ (I hope they never put Arcadia in this comic XD)
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2019/11/15/box-office-joker-tops-1-billion/#db8cd3549dcd
  3. Robotech Remix #2 Into the Twilight Zone Until the next month^^ (or not XD)
  4. Robotech Remix #1 I forgot about this comic in the last month XD
  5. Much better, but I believe they can improved more.
  6. New leaked improviment
  7. All cast confirmed https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/11/05/snake-eyes-gi-joe-movie-cast-characters?fbclid=IwAR3YN4PhcHAbq16n7ElUJtvzDE82eOoH4CpMflfcwYAho-9nAJg0qoSnxZw Now we wait.
  8. New spot Waiting for Elsa's girlfriend or lesbian incest with Anna^^ And official music
  9. See you in the 2049 now...
  10. I hear what Valiant try to build a VCU, starting with Bloodshot and another one (I bet in Shadowman).
  11. Today https://news.hisstank.com/2019/10/15/g-i-joe-snake-eyes-live-action-movie-filming-starts-today-67086?fbclid=IwAR2PWtz7JVPLIWAzjIZbr4YHppQQEZ6lA6hmHrVaJyLib-8VGuhqj62cZTY
  12. Wow! https://news.hisstank.com/2019/10/14/takehiro-hira-to-become-the-main-villain-of-g-i-joe-snake-eyes-67109?fbclid=IwAR2Mc1tvew7vWrdcU_4aiygL4EgWmK5DoC_3Qb_Vm4ifoLvyn_0C_hJbp4k https://news.hisstank.com/2019/10/14/samara-weaving-becomes-scarlett-for-g-i-joe-snake-eyes-67103?fbclid=IwAR1rLj2FJ8PqU89Z9ix-O2TEsORzm9VFb4_IIs1qlOPpcRtf5y6_LZvD4Nc
  13. Possible leaked new Sonic
  14. Trying to understand what it was published...
  15. And now. First trailer I hope this movie works...
  16. Preview of new music
  17. Lunch teaser Come out on 10/07
  18. https://sg.style.yahoo.com/snake-eyes-ursula-corbero-play-233004043.html And news about the movie begins to flow
  19. Elsa was born to fight with ancient spirit of that forest
  20. https://deadline.com/2019/09/fate-the-winx-saga-abigail-cowebn-lead-ensemble-cast-netflix-ya-series-1202736626/ My reaction
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