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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. And after 2 years... New Mutants trailer 2...
  2. First trailer
  3. Thanks for the optimisc vision about a dark future. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/12/30/syd-mead-artist-behind-blade-runner-dies-tron-aliens-star-trek
  4. I hope they finish this anime now... Or they set a music like brazilian intro XD
  5. Goodbye angel voice ;_; https://www.rt.com/news/475486-roxette-marie-fredriksson-dies/ Thanks for all music and until the day we will meet in that stairway...
  6. First Season 2 Teaser trailer First Season 2 trailer https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2019/12/05/the-boys-season-2-trailer-debuts/ (Amazon removed the trailer from Youtube...)
  7. Some link with Tangled?
  8. But who's?
  9. So... Elsa get a girlfriend?
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