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    The BayArea, CA

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. This announcement is an awesome way to end my evening. Thanks
  2. Thanks daikoncat for posting the transformation video of your awesome creation. It would be so awesome if you could/would perhaps put together a tutorial on how to construct such an awesome Lego build (parts, instructions, cost, etc.) I would great appreciate it (as well as countless other members of Macross World I'm sure)
  3. mqvu

    Its Official!

    Congrats on your first awesome purchase ... I'm quite certain you'll be adding more to that collection before you even know it
  4. mqvu

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    LOL, yea my apologies, I meant to say renewal version (not reissue )
  5. mqvu

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Yea that'd be awesome if they reissued the VF-27. I've been really tempted to buy one of these off eBay or other members, but I just can't get myself to pay the ridiculous marked up prices. Hopefully they do reissue it and soon too ...
  6. NY is legit - they've fulfilled every preorder I placed through them for the last 4 Macross Frontier 1/60 renewal releases
  7. Awesome - Thanks dude, just placed my preorder
  8. I concur with Jenius ... might just have to pay a bit more than the preorders, but I'm content w/ that if it means I don't have to camp out in front of my computer screen for hella days
  9. Wow, nice, I guess I'll have to add this one to my collection as well when it's available
  10. HLJ has a Dec restock for those folks who missed out on the first batch: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00241
  11. Awesome photos IXTL, thanks for sharing
  12. Damn it! Now I gotta get the RFV-25 too or else my collection just won't feel complete (still waiting for the VF-25S re-release too though)
  13. If amiami, HLJ, or AE doesn't come through, then NY is also another viable option for pre-orders as well too . Prices are higher though than the others but the difference is negligible compared to the ridiculous prices on eBay
  14. mqvu

    DX VF-25G

    Woohoo! - just got my VF-25G delivered today, now I'm part of the club ... just gotta wait for the re-release of the VF-25S and I'll be a happy camper
  15. mqvu

    DX VF-25G

    I just logged into NY and my order status states, "Preparation in progress"
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