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Everything posted by NeoverseOmega

  1. Good soldier that Graham. Linda Tripp probably simultaneously burned the eyes out of his skull, made his willy roll up into a ball and pull itself into his body, and ultimately traumatized him for life. Yet he has remained tight-lipped. Thank God I missed it myself. I may want to have children someday. And on a serious note: I think I can speak for most of us here when I say thank you for the site, the pictures, the info, the a$$loads of time and effort, and perhaps most of all, for putting up with us.
  2. It could also simply be a matter of priorities. Eat? Who needs to eat? Electricity? What's that. I want my valkyries!!!!!!!!
  3. Thanks Goonk (hmm, can't get the umlauts over the o's, oh well)!! It's been a long arduous wait - I'd offer everyone here a cigar and a drink if I could. Cheers to all!! Well, maybe not too many drinks for Vlenhoff, he needs to keep a little blood in his alchohol system.
  4. I'm 27 years old. As of this moment I don't possess any Valkyries. I did once, when I was young (heh)- my neighbor mixed it up with voltron and ripped of it's arms and legs. But my order from Twin Moons, that beautiful 1-J, has just been SHIPPED. When it arrives, it will seek vengeance for its lost brother . . . . It aint gonna be pretty.
  5. And ultimately that would make HG the peddler of bad hash.
  6. Just think of that the next time you guzzle Columbian coffee. The workers at the farm next to Juan Valdez are part of something far more insidious . . . Oh yes, Robotech is just a signal to HG's true masters. The Columbians are coming. Be afraid. (The really frightening thing is I think we MWers could virtually keep this up forever).
  7. Yep, the flower of life is just maceked marijuana. Hmmm, that would explain protocultures tendency to make things transformable. Even the components are stoned. Enter staggering robot: Ummm, dude, form is meaningless and like, matter and space and crap . . . I hover in the air like a funky feather in the wind and wonder: duuuude, am I a bot, or a birdie . . . . guardian mode - wheeeee. Cue: Fly like an eagle . . . That would make Zor the ultimate drug-dealer. Fascinating. It also explains why the Invid and the Masters were both so pissed. Major withdrawal. Suddenly the whole series seems so much more, more, meaningful. I'd still rather think of Zor as responsible for the mecha of Robotech than Macek. At least Zor is capable of remorse.
  8. Yup, we're all gonna die. Someday. (Just don't offer to leave anything to a fellow valkaholic, they'll have you eliminated to improve their collection). Actually, it's our income that's doomed.
  9. As much as I love Macross, every time that raven haired pop singer opens her mouth I can't help but see the end of "Mars Attacks". Of course at least in Macross it made some sense - in HG's universe it just made mincemeat of my brain and my pride. "Hey, guys I saw this really cool cartoon today . . . um, just let me fast forward through this part". Of course HG's universe is a little traumatizing. Zor's next discovery: Hybridizing the Flower of Life with WEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!! Funky dancing disco Veritechs here we come (cue BeeGee's music here). We can't keep track of the tie-dyed Shadow fighters mighty Regis, the color scheme is blinding us and all our sensors appear to be, well, stoned. . . . Neoverse Omega dives for cover and finds several other MWer's hunkered down behind the same rock . . .
  10. Or he might be simply an insanely clever tease. One who can tease us with his silence almost as effectively as he can with his revelations. Look at this thread, already the conspiracy theories are starting. I can almost hear the maniacal laughter now. Then, months later, when we have driven ourselves beyond frothing insanity with all the unknowns (Q-reaus, yf-19's, scale issues, Macross 0, etc. [or should I be a politician and say they're all known unknowns?]) when he sees that our spirits have finally begun to crack, he'll release a few sweet teasers and totally blow the minds of every little macross fanboy into the stratosphere. Somewhere, its coming: The tease to cause total macross orgasmic annihilation. Truly, Graham is SITHLORD
  11. Nice touch up Vlenhoff. The 1-J's a beauty. I'm still waiting on mine. Anxiously. Painfully. Every second. Waiting. With bated breath. I MUST HAVE IT NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem, where was I? Oh, Vlenhoff. Don't sweat it if your "custom" isn't a major overhaul. As wonderful as things like Rabidweasel's uber-1A are, this thread is here to show off the love people give their valkyries by bringing out their beauty. Everyone seems to have a different technique, a slightly unique touch. For example, your panel lines are very different than the first valk that was shown in this thread. They are exquisitely clean - most of what I've seen has a smeared or streaked look. I'm sure there would be some debate over which looks better (I have to admit in some cases the smeared technique looks more realistic) but those clean lines evoke the anime so well - like the valk stepped off of the frame in full 3-D glory. Did you pull that off with a wash or a marker? How on earth did you keep it so crisp? I know I know, this isn't a modelling forum, but I'd like to do the same for my valk when it arrives. Well everyone, whether it just be a nice touch up or the introduction something insane like the puce unicorn squadron keep the donations coming!
  12. Geez. The customs keep getting better. It looked great when we saw the fighter mode, but in battroid we can really see all the touch ups you've done to it. I love where you placed the dark grey. I think it actually looks a lot more like something you might see in an airfield than the classic Fokker version. Too bad we can't get a shot of Rabidweasel's custom stomping on the head of an MPC and a flock of 1/60th brownies on their knees bowing down before Jung's big daddy. OK, Rabidweasel's custom HAS to be the messiah of VF-1A's.
  13. Damn. Cannon Fodder just shouldn't look that good. Kamawori will have to make an exception and let that be the one indestructable brownie.
  14. To reiterate. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Rabidweasel, that jet almost looks like it should be on a runway. Enigma variants would be nice to see, true. Any fan-invented squadrons out there?
  15. Thanks guys! It's amazing how talented some of the people on this site are. VF-19 Pilot: Low-tech schmo-tech it looks gorgeous. I'll have to engage in your high impact arm workout when my 1-J arrives (my first valk, I'm all tingly). Great Moose: I'll have to use my lower jaw as a dust-pan because I still can't get it up off the floor. That black shark is awe-inspiring - I imagine the valk actually emits an insane giggle every time an enemy dies. Those eyes are beautifully . . . maniacal. It's interesting to see how light the "black" parts of a valkyrie actually are next to your paint job. I guess they just look black instead of grey because of contrast. Are the yellow stripes under the kite emblem actually part of a decal or did you actually paint those on? Looks like a spectacular start to the 1/48th Valkyrie Louvre. Maybe once we get a large enough collection the administrators will actually make the gallery a part of the site . . . (oh that's right, I forgot, I'm just about the only person who would notice if Graham took down everything but the forums) . Anyway, keep 'em comin'.
  16. Hmmm. Nothing new. Oedipus killed his father and married his mother, the Marquis de Sade wrote 100 Days of Sodom (which makes evangelion look like a testament to good morals) and the Bible has more incest and rape than any hundred books. Yes evangelion is twisted, brilliantly twisted - part of the pleasure is just in wondering what is going on and trying to piece together a thought process so radically different from your own - you can also consider it catharsis for the disfigured undead child sputtering with impotent rage within the souls of some anime-fans (particularly the writer of evangelion). Very Post-modern. I very much respect your opinion ComicKaze - in any medium so many people get blown away by appearances and accolades that they don't think about the meaning of the work. You appear to have thought about it and formed the opinion that is truest to your beliefs. The only thing I have a little bit of a problem with is the suggestion you agree with the defense in a murder trial. Violence and brutality is nothing new in any form of art and literature - it's not even worse now than it has been in the past (just more widespread thanks to communications technology). Sadism is older than Sade. The sad fact is that such works from early times were intended to spend that kind of rage and sorrow within the drama - it was accepted by society that these things were a form of release. Unfortunately at some point people started to get the idea that drama is intended to guide behavior - baloney, that's what teachers, parents, religious institutions, and hopefully your own conscience should be able to do. The defense is foolish - evangelion warped someone's mind? Should art be taken over by the state and sanitized so that it always tells you how to be a good little citizen? Or should we accept that a good citizen has the ability to hold on to his morals and beliefs despite watching something that might be contrary to them - and there is no excuse for violating those morals. Besides, what better way to see how truly necessary it is to be good than to see how disastrously and horrendously human perversion concludes - in an endless cycle of need, pain, and vengeance. I would think after watching Evangelion any normal person would want to avoid that kind of existence. Heck, faced with that kind of blackness I became more resolute in my own process of facing down and beating the neurosis in my own life - but then that may be a glass half empty or half full thing. I try my best to use whatever I find to improve myself. Heh, doesn't always work but it makes life a whole lot more hopeful. Of course, some people are simply evil. Evil will have it's way whatever the inspiration. More than likely he would have killed even if the only anime he had ever seen was Battle Royale. Besides, do most of us who actually found Evangelion interesting strike you as psychotic murderers? Sorry. Sometimes I just feel the need to rant.
  17. After seeing pics of Anasazi's Blue Roses Valk and a post with black shark paint scheme I wondered why there wasn't a gallery for 1/48 customs. So post one, post all - even if your custom job is just panel lining and stickering-lets see the love you've shown your valkyries!
  18. I completely agree. I didn't get a chance to see most "classical anime" except in snippets or in butchered americanized versions that I might catch fifteen minutes of when I came home from school. So while I was attracted to anime in the eighties, my real introduction to anime was late nineties early 2000. I missed so much. Eighties anime is fresher and more robust than almost anything produced now. Simultaneously, I can't help but recognize that with that level of output everything will appear in some way derivative. Heh, I remember when I first saw a "veritech"(gag, harmony gold) - the first transformable mecha I have ever seen in my life (and probably the first realistic one ever designed). I was flabbergasted. It began an obsession with reconfiguration that continues to this day. I can't look at a vehicle or object without thinking about how It might be made transformable. Shelves overflow with transformable robots, collecters new and old scramble to them. I can't design anything without someone saying Hey, is that a transformer? Those people look like they're from Voltron! It's a little better in the anime community. I try something more organic and its: Hey, evangelion meets mospeada inbit cross-bred with a legioss and wrapped in the design style of a bic razorblade! AAAARRRGGHH! It's all been done! But seriously, how can you ever outdo the very things that underly the genre? Modern Anime artists can't help but either reflect on what has gone before or pray for some mind-boggling divine inspiration to descend from the heavens. Or break completely free of anime conventions and lose the benefits of all the wonderful ideas that came before. Strange isn't it? Eighties anime - the source for almost all the joys and frustrations of anime that continue to this day. Hats off to the pioneers.
  19. I know it's been said a thousand times, but once more doesn't hurt. You can change your location, change your lifestyle, change your habits: changeing yourself is another matter - and let me tell you that little kid inside you is an incredibly resilient little cuss. You wouldn't like your life very much if you killed that part of you anyway. I once loved a woman so much I gave up everything else - my art, my writing, anime, toys, friends, the works. We were married for three years before she finally told me that she loved who she thought I could be, but realized she couldn't love who I was - She ran off with my best friend. The divorce papers followed. She took everything but the clothes on my back. Now I live in an apartment and sleep on the floor. Not only do I no longer have a lover and a confidant, not only did my new life vaporize, but I got rid of my old one. My collection has long since been sold, my portfolio has been destroyed, and my old contacts barely recognize me. Now I've got an empty room and barely enough money to start over. Is this an extreme case? Sure - but remember, you don't know what will happen in your new life. Not to be pessimistic, but if everything else falls apart, wouldn't you want to know that the little joys you set aside for yourself were still there? Keep it, treasure it, never be ashamed of it. Sure, it's just plastic - but if you can't have a little senseless joy in your life what's the point of anything?
  20. Thanks neova! The more I look at the 1-J, the more I like. It's funny how much of a shock little subtle changes like intake colors can be once you're accustomed to the black on most of the previous valks. My first impression was that the silver looked a little gaudy . . . but now it strikes me as a tad more military than the other schemes. Of course I've wanted a Hikaru 1-J of this quality for almost two decades, so I might just be nixing the nitpicking because I don't want it to ruin my fun. As far as the cyclops eye goes . . . woohoo 1-J is possessed by the spirit of shockwave! Purple redeco anyone? Well, purple photoshopping maybe, I'd hate for anyone to have to strip the paint off this baby. I just picture it shining a little red targetting dot on Rick Hunter's crotch . . . "Yamato superior, MPC inferior". I know what you mean about the hands - it's cool to have posable fingers and a hand unit that is actually integrated into the valkyrie . . . but at the same time the T.V. hands look soooo good. Decisions decisions. Heh, if only all decisions in life involved those kinds of choices.
  21. First time poster, long time lurker. Happy belated Thanksgiving to the coolest site on the net. Gorgeous shots Neova - I like the pose the 1J is in - I'll probably assume a pose something along those lines when MY beauty arrives . . . I suppose the long neck is to help accomodate that tucked chin pose we are all so familiar with when it comes to the 1J - Hikaru's head is stretching to the camera like a flower to the sun . . . thatsalotta ego there. Out of curiousity, in another thread it shows the 1J with a large black circle in the middle of its visor (people are already calling it cyclops) - I can't tell whether yours is just hidden because of the deep shadows of the pic or if your version is actually free of that little nitpicky flaw. It also makes it look like the grey on the thrusters and intakes is actually a light silver - I'm hoping that's due to the bright flash, because on yours it appears only a little lighter than on the 1S. Can the closed TV-style fists actually tuck into the forearms for transformation, or do they have to be removed? Sorry for all the questions, I've been waiting for my preorder for almost a month and I'm starting to get nervous/excited. Congratulations on the arrival of your baby.
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