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Everything posted by GabrielV

  1. VF-25 Renewal, Alto. With an armor pack. I'd prefer an Armored but I'd settle for a Super. YF-29 Isamu type. VF-0S VF-0D VF-1S Hikaru Type. DYRL Strike. VF-1(A,J,or S) or YF-19 in an all black scheme. Preferably with tiny red detail stripes. The VF-1 would need the Super packs. VF-1(A, J, or S) in low vis camo pattern. No need for super packs here.
  2. Just got a note from AmiAmi that the Faerie Squadron version has received a "change in release date." They can feel free to push it back. I just ordered the new version of Warhammer Quest.
  3. I watched the preview episode, and since then I haven't watched anything else of Macross Delta, until I watched episode 4 last night. Once again, I watched with no subtitles, so I just enjoyed the pretty pictures, singing, and tried to infer what was going on. I complained about Hayate's insane piloting skills in my opinion of the preview episode. After watching a clip of episode 3(?) and now watching episode 4, I understand why this was done. It was so we as an audience didn't have to slog through 5 episodes before Hayate would be considered good enough to be a pilot. I can get behind that goal, so complaint retracted. Also, I realized this wasn't Sailor Moon with mecha. Instead this is Jem and the Holograms with Valkyries. I can get behind that too. Walkure is the Holograms. Mikumo is Jem. The Knights of Windermere are the Misfits and the Stingers. That guy with the glasses comes across like Eric Raymond. The whole Delta fighter squadron is Rio. Upon seeing the bad guy fighters transform to battloid mode, I gained a bit more interest in them. I don't like the fighter mode at all, but the battloid mode looks fairly decent. Before I saw the episode, I learned the Blu Rays will have English subtitles. Even though I wasn't sold on the series at that point, I decided I would at least pre-order the first disc. After watching episode 4, I have my first inkling that taking a chance on the series was a good choice.
  4. Mine just arrived. I've changed it once from fighter to battroid, and back. I've extended the landing gear, and popped a few missiles on and off. So this is just a first blush impression. The feet on mine are reasonably tight. They're much better than the VF-4G. They're about the same as the feet on the VF-19 Advance. The one thing on mine which is really loose is the plate that goes over the top of the head. In fact, it had fallen off in the packaging and was resting in the middle of the jet. It doesn't stay in very well. But at least in jet mode, the mechanisms of transformation will prevent it from being lost even if I don't eventually glue it on. The only other looseness issue I've noticed is with the Sparrowlike missiles. They don't stay on their peg very well. I don't mean the peg on the wing. I mean the peg the missiles themselves peg into which then pegs into the wing. They stay on well enough when gently handling, trying to get them on the fighter without popping the peg on separately and then placing the missiles onto it is a pain. In terms of transformation, The whole thing pegs together more seamlessly than my VF-19 Advance. I'm not keen on the partsforming elements of the canards and the neck cover for fighter mode, but ... eh... whatever. It's not too bad. But in terms of ease, it was just as scary transforming this one as the Bandai version. The whole thing simultaneously feels more and less solid than the Advance. I think this Arcadia felt better and more solid in battroid mode, but a bit ... I don't know. The Advance feels better in fighter mode. Before I got it, I had wished I could cancel my pre-order. Did I really need another 19? Now that it's here... There's still a wee feeling of buyer's remorse, but not much. I'm happy it's here. Now let's hope that I'm done gushing about it, the leg doesn't fall off like what happened right after gushing about how great my VF-0A was.
  5. Don't care. I need a newer VF-1S than my old Toynami MPs and Jetfire. And I've always wanted a Strike. Instant pre-order for me. Edit: On re-reading that sounded really rude and dismissive. It wasn't meant to be. It was meant more in the same vein as the Futurama image of the guy saying "TAKE MY MONEY!"
  6. I just responded to my AmiAmi payment request this morning.
  7. GabrielV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just like the Transformers Legends Classics Jetfire from a few years back. Oh, and incidentally the weapon pod on this manages to look good even in battloid. Hopefully that will also be true on the eventual real DX toy and from different angles.
  8. GabrielV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'll just have to get Delta 2 and ignore that helmet skull thing, because otherwise it looks so damn good.
  9. GabrielV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Call me silly, but the parts forming of the shields doesn't bug me. It's probably because it's a part that is on the fighter and just moves around to another peg in a different mode. But detaching the missile pod and leaving it off to the side to make battloid mode look acceptable to me? That bugs me. And it's only in battloid mode that the missile pod bugs me. In fighter or gerwalk it can be up and I think it looks fine. It's just that having it up in Battloid mode doesn't work for me, and taking it off and leaving it to the side just seems wrong somehow. No it doesn't make any logical sense. It's just a feeling thing.
  10. GabrielV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The only reason I didn't buy a YF-30 was because of that missile pod in battloid mode. I read that in battloid mode it HAD to be up. I didn't like that. I loved everything else about it. The color, the wings, the overall look. I just couldn't stand that missile pod being up like a Mospeada Beta's sensor array in battloid mode.
  11. Crap. Missed it again.
  12. Me likey. That is now officially my favorite YF-21.
  13. GabrielV

    Macross figures

    We need a Minmei figure to rival "Sader". C'mon Toynami. Make it happen! jvmacross, I don't have the full line of those like you, and I have mixed feelings about those figures, but damn those boxes look kickass all in a row like that.
  14. GabrielV

    Macross figures

    No argument there.
  15. Well, for one thing, I could have had a red stripe instead of a yellow stripe. Plus, the more I look at pics of the SAP, the more I think it looks really, really bad. Don't mind me. Just having some AmiAmi pre-order remorse is all. I just gotta wait till May to see what the final verdict is going to be.
  16. GabrielV

    Macross figures

    I was guessing $20 USD if they're 3.75. $30 USD if they're figma sized. There's no need for hyperbole. They're bad, but the old Matchbox figures were horrible even for 80s figures.
  17. That happens to mine too. I was admiring it on the shelf the other day, and adjusted the leg stabilizer. That was when I noticed the little rectangular piece missing. That led to me scouring the carpet in the last place where I had transformed it until I found that tiny little chit.
  18. GabrielV

    Macross figures

    Have any of you seen those horrible "retro" 3.75 figures that some company makes? They've licensed just about everything: Back to the Future, Alien, Star Trek, etc, etc. The figures are done in the old late 70s early 80s Kenner Star Wars style. All of the figures are effectively the same with different paint jobs. They're disproportionate with really long torsos and short legs. They look terrible even compared to battered original Star Wars figures. The market for those Toynami figures is the same as for the retro figures I mention. They're for older people who really aren't into expensive retro-collectibles but still have an appetite for goodies related to properties from the olden days. And, to be fair, the Toynami figures look higher quality than the retro figs I mention. Of those figs pictured: Rick looks about 8 years old. I'm sure that's some good fuel for the Macross age discussion. Minmei... Well, Minmei looks OK, I guess. It's always difficult to do figures like that. They probably should have gone for a more cheerful expression. She looks really disappointed, and that doesn't fit with the Chinese dress Minmei of the early series. Miriya looks stoned out of her mind. Max looks OK. I guess. He needs his trademark glasses though. Roy... It's impossible to say much about Roy. One picture has his face completely shadowed and the other has his face at an angle where it's impossible to tell much about it. Articulation looks passable. Being Toynami, I'm sure all the joints are loose and the figure falls apart if you look at it funny.
  19. Yep, lots of regret on this one for me. I rushed in when I should have adopted a wait and see attitude. I knew I was going to feel burned on this one. I thought I might get away with just first degree burns, but it looks like things are finally moving into the second degree territory.
  20. I use a very tiny flathead precision screwdriver. The big door isn't really a problem. It's the smaller front doors. When opening them, I fit the screwdriver under there and try to gently lift upwards (not pry outwards). Then after I've got it to come up out of the slot a bit, I can flip it open. Edit: Or is that the VF-4? Crap, I'm already getting confused as to which quirks apply to which Valk.
  21. Right now AmiAmi has it for 20,500 which converts at $180.40 USD. Estimate EMS as 4,000 or $35.20. That's a little high but good enough for an estimate. So, $215.60. Then there's the currency conversion fee which is about 3% on everything I use. So add, $6.47. So guesstimate at about $220 total.
  22. The VF-4 is currently unique in my growing Valk collection as the only one I've taken the intake covers off of. Those little things went into the box after the first transformation and there they stayed. My sole objection to them is their partsforming nature. The missiles mean there's enough to potentially lose on this toy without tempting fate with the intake covers as well.
  23. Which is the same as the original US Renditions 3 volume VHS dub release. I think the only other difference is the combined episodes are shown at higher speed, but it's a miniscule increase. It's just something to nudge the runtime a hair lower. The only song which is in English is Ishtar's final song. Even then, it's only half English dubbed. It starts off in Japanese and then transitions to English quite jarringly. All the other songs were in Japanese, even in the VHS dub. The liner notes for the OAV says that all the songs were given translated lyrics, and these are what show in the subtitles, but ultimately it was decided not to integrate re-recorded versions into the show.
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