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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Don't give up yet, this arc isn't done and Ackbar might just say it!
  2. Finally! I really have high hopes for this series. Season 3 was a really great story, I love how they did a minor "Time Skip". I find the quality of story telling in this series to be almost parallel to the films. Awesome. Can't wait to see the new episodes!
  3. *sigh* Well I can tell you all love M7. Lol. Hmmm, well I might just watch it eventually when I'm really bored. Any news on new projects? If only Macross could have as many projects as Gundam has, would be nice. But it would also suck and be repetitive I suppose. Its the only Macross animation I've yet to go through. Except Macross II. Skipped that one. :| I was given a choice between Frontier and 7. I mean cmon.
  4. There's no way you could remotely put Gurren Lagann and Macross 7 on the same page in forms of Epicness. Macross Frontier was close. I highly doubt Macross 7 has anything on those two series.
  5. Ah that makes sense. However Macross The First is still ongoing correct? Yeah, I think I'll pass, I kinda read up on it a little and knowing the story at the level I do seems to be enough. Also I do agree about some of the music. In Macross F, a couple of Fire Bomber's songs were featured as Ozma Lee themes. Those were OK.
  6. I hope they release SOMETHING for the 30th. After Frontier I've been craving more Macross. I can't wait for the 2nd Macross F movie. Maybe there will be something on the DVD that hints to a Macross The First animation? Just a question: Are "Macross Ace" and "Macross The First" the same thing? Also I'd like to as this here. During my first run through of the Macross series I was told that Macross 7 was barely worth my time and that Frontier was the way to go. Well I certainly didn't regret watching Frontier. But while recently rewatching Macross F, I realized that the authors of the series actually consider Macross 7 and the Protodevlin as cannon(they were mentioned in Frontier). You see I did some research on M7 and decided it wasn't going provide what I want from the series. Do any of you recommend watching 7 at all?
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