Great stand! luv it.
nice valk too. well i'm ok with the scale, of cos if its the 1/60 it'll be better, but as long as it looks good, i dun care!
only hope the legs are not detachable
we know in time to come. in any case, still a great toy.
well fair enough if its a missile rack but it only appear within this 1 sec or less. prior to this, max has no such missile. just seems like a lame excuse for mistakes. nothing wrong with mistakes anyway. its normal aint it?
HI there, just wondering if the cockpit front morphing into hikaru's stunt plane only happened in his dream or
did the cockpit front ever change into a plane b4? I cannot rem but have the impression that it has always been able to change into a plane upon disengaging from the body.
Although in this particular scene, the "windscreen" enlongated and parts started appearing..
are u refering to the ep in which max was in the zentradi warship and the blue plane just miraculously change to orange for a few secs?? animation err i reckon?
hi there, sorry for bringing up prob a much talked about topic.
but just wondering if u guys paste the decals right off the sticker sheet by yamato.
or are there better stickers available outside. not refering to custom stickers but just standard macross decals.
i have the vf 1j and low vis. getting 1s soon.
maybe u guys can give some suggestions to the numbers to paste or watever neccessary decals to paste to make it as beautiful and
anime accurate as possible?
thanks a million guys! figured no one knows better than the forum members.
Hi there, just wondering if any of u rem seeing this dark blue valks in episode 5.
maybe yamato should do a limited edition tv series dark blue valk huh?