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Everything posted by flash

  1. I want about a doen of the battlepods! It's an invasion! LOL
  2. flash

    Yamato Monster 1/60?

    Ooh, put 2 of them at the end of the driveway, like gargoyles! How kick ass would that be? OK, back to reality
  3. flash

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    That had better be GBP armor ONLY! I dont' need anymore 1/60 valks wandering around! PLease plase please be armor only!
  4. Hey dude! PM me your address, and I'll get in the mail asap, I've been really bad about getting these back, I know. Let me know if there's any other armor parts you want, and I'll see what I've got to ship THanks for beign so patient! Brad
  5. flash

    K&M Macross figures

    Ooooh, I can't wait to get about a dozen of these little regaults running around my display cases!
  6. I'd love to give it a try. What kind of paper did you use, and where did you get it? I saw you said 90lb paper, I've got an office max near me, and I know the Photo paper can be like 125lb, would that work? How many sheets did you need? Thanks in advance. Brad
  7. The demo is out, 143MB or so. I saw the news on www.shacknews.com (my local gaming site) Gonna get this tomorrow!
  8. Oh no! It looks like ther's no gunpod for either, how will they defend themselves!!!! Couldn't help but joke about that.
  9. Lets see: 1/72 YF-21 FP (the box dropped on it and snapped the landing gear in too, super glue to the rescue) 1/60 CF-1a crushed the canopy trying to remove (almost cried) 1/72 vf-11b Haven't we all done this ????? I think that's it so far
  10. I get mine all over the place, but a bulk comes from Ebay. Just got a coupld of things from Blasto on ebay
  11. I really dig the fact that you can add the armor to the existing vf-1's and make an awesome machine. It gets love the same way the stampede does. The stampede doesn't have any air time, and yet ppl would shell out a lot for one.
  12. flash

    Meeting with yamato

    Darn, didn't see this in time. Otherwise I'd be asking for a 1/60 GBP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And A 1/60 regault, and glaug! Come on, we need 'pods to make battlescenes! And a 1/3000 SDF-1 That's all!
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