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Everything posted by flash

  1. Apparently I have a 1/48 that is missing one of the sets of clear plastic "lights" on the right wing. Anyone know how or where I can get one to replace the one that's missing? I'm assuming it came from teh factory that way, as it's been displayed for awhile and not played with. (1/48 roy Fokker) - Right wing. Thanks
  2. That'd be awesome! Son: Dad, I want to be a monster for Halloween Dad: Monster it is then, Mike, I'll need a monster costume for a 8 year old boy Son: Dad, this isn't a monster, it's a robot!! it's not even scary! Dad: Scary? Scary? It's f*ing huge, and look at all these guns and barels(sp)!! Dad: It destroys LOTS of zentradi! Son: ??? LOL
  3. Wasn't meant as a defilement, this thing is freaking huge! Thought this would be great for ppl that dont have one, or were thinking about it. It's huge AND heavy, thanks mike!
  4. Just got mine. OMG thisting is huge, it hurt my head to do this, very heavy
  5. WooHoo, can't wait!!!
  6. OK, I'm back in town Mike, so let me know when my slot on the list comes up, and I'll wire you some cash for of these babies Brad
  7. Hey mike, if I counted right, I'm somewhere around 13th(or 17th, I forget) on the list. However, I'm going to be out of town for the next 2 weeks (getting married, then off to vegas). If my spot comes up in that time, go ahead and pass it on to another, and I'll take a spot further down the list when I get back (no sense someone should wait on me). I still want one though! Looks incredible!.. Thanks brad
  8. Gotta second this, nothing personal, but its been a long time now, with nothing back for all that money... 369151[/snapback]
  9. Hey Valkyrie, since the monster's on hold, can we get our money forwarded towards thenew project, or refunded? It's been a long time, and if you are working on another project, well I just dont know why i pre-paid for a project that aint being worked on ya know? Kinda thought this woulda been done a while ago is all. Thanks Flash
  10. I was also one of the people that put in the $100 for this kit, along time ago in a galaxy far far away
  11. Email sent!
  12. Gah, how can one resist the call of the monster? I'm interested. Brad
  13. I just bought a Sony DSC-P200 (7.2 mega-pixel) camera for my trip abroad, so when I get back, if my scanner can't take it, my camera sure will I've got a tripod and everything, so taking nice photos should be no problem. Brad
  14. Hey Jesse, I don't have all the ones on the list for me, but lets do this: Update this thread with what you have and what you need. Once I get back (and verify my scanner large enough), I'll can look at the list, and scan through what I have. Then, you can keep this thread updated with what you have/what you need. Also, I have Pictures of the stuff I have up at my website (http://chicagobrad.us). I have quite a few models, so I can scan boxes, and instructions for what I have when I get back.. Take care, and I'll be in touch Brad
  15. I should be able to help as well. I have a full size scanner, but am currently in Brussels for work, and wont be back until the 16th. Let me know then what you need, and I'll scan what I've got (Got a few...) Thanks Brad
  16. I'm interested in one. If the price were lower, I'd be interested in more (since no one else is making the bad guys, I need something for my toys to shoot down) ANy chance of a 1/60 version? THen it would match up with the smaller yamatos. Thanks Brad
  17. Um, this is still alive right? I'd hat to think I spent the money to get one of the first 4 slots, and then nothing. Hello? This thing on?
  18. Any update/eta on this? New pics? Just checkin in. Brad
  19. So, do we have to buy this, or will the launch vehicle come with it? Are you building/selling the launch vehicle in pieces then?
  20. It was, "R.U.S's? Rodents of Unusual Size" Great movie
  21. Truly amazing work. I've seen the green and the red now, but where's the link to the blue one? THanks Brad
  22. You know, I didn't look at it that way. You're right tho, when I stop to consider it as a "garage" kit, and very limited, it does make more sense. Wow, thanks for opening my eyes guys, I wasn't thinking right I would love to see a thunder hammers kit, that would be worth the money, knowing there's nothing else like it. Brad
  23. Wow, you really gonna spend $120 to add onto a $25 model? As much as I like your stuff captain, personally I cant justify spending that much for the items you listed. I hope you get enough interest tho, you've got some mad skills Brad
  24. I like the idea, but it'd be more interesting if we had a way of making the boxes to go with them. 1000 pieces is a lot, I don't know if you'll find that much support here. Any approximate cost per piece?
  25. You're still not getting my Bud Light...
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