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VF-15 Banshee

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Everything posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. Here's a strange combo. And best girl from M7, Sally Ford! :3
  2. A buddy of mine named Soulbroryu and his buddy Shoji Ramuro (King of Haters) are doing an Anime Movie Night tonight and one of the two movies on tap is… wait for it… G-SAVIOUR. Never seen it before? Haven't seen it in a long time? Come on over and we'll tear it a new… I mean enjoy it together. 10:00 PM EST tonight.
  3. A buddy of mine name o' SoulBroRyu is doing a Livestream hangout tonight for Eps. 6-10 of Build Fighters. Come hang out and dork out about Gundam! The Pre-show is live!
  4. Will it be complete with sudden Zentradi attack?
  5. I noticed a couple of things with that OP video. 1. Where's CCA's Main theme? 2. Where did that second Gundam Wing OP footage come from? It's not on my DVDs, I don't think... 3. Why are G Gundam's OPs coming after Turn A? 4. I find it interesting that ever since SEED, each Gundam series (except Build Fighters probably and Gunpla Builders) has had 3-5 OPs. Some more Destiny Remaster: Episode 35 So yeah, Shinn, you're still an idiot. Given the way Athrun was acting prior to the battle, why would he EVER be happy that you supposedly killed his best friend? Dude you deserved that punch even if Rey "All of a sudden I'm actually a character" za Burell has a point about injecting personal feelings into the situation. Ugh, this scene could also have been the perfect place to bring up the whole "Stella's death is Shinn's fault" thing as well. Is it just me or is Talia feeling just a mite uncomfortable with shooting down a target that didn't fight back? Things get stirred up with LOGOS. Poor Djibril. You were never the actual villain of this story and you don't even realize it. Durandal shows up to grant his two little protoges their new Gundams and while Shinn has drunk the Kool-Aid, Durandal has committed a tactical error and is about to make a new enemy. Episode 36 aka Athrun Gets His Balls Back Ever since the Saviour got wrecked Athrun's been moping around, so this is a welcome change of pace! You know, for being such a supposedly smart guy, Durandal's a bit of an idiot this episode. Shouldn't he have known that basically taunting Athrun with stuff he can't talk about and his reasoning for getting rid of Kira and the Archangel would drive Athrun away? If he wanted Athrun to be the ZAFT version of Kira, that's not a very good way to go about it. Plus as far as Athrun knows, Lacus was still onboard the Archangel so he would think that Kira might be right and that Durandal might be trying to get rid of Lacus. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the knowledge that a Lacus "imposter" stealing Meer's shuttle not generally known? In any case, Athrun is about to get his James Bond on. Considering all the nude fan service they've been adding to this series, I was half-expecting that when Meyrin took her shirt off we'd get an eyeful. Thankfully they decided not to tinker. I'm not sure why Luna is getting so annoyed that Meyrin answered the door in a towel. The same thing would have happened if the MPs had busted down her door, searched the room and she really had been in the shower, so why quibble? I don't particularly care for Meyrin's answer of "I don't know." That basically sums up her and Athrun's relationship for me. NEXT WEEK ON GUNDAM SEED DESTINY: Athrun: You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness! Shinn: (Doing that pose he does with his A.S.S.) I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! PLUS YOU'VE BEEN ON MY CASE LATELY SO DIIIIIIEEEE!! Also, sorry about this Luna's sister but according to Rey, you're an accomplice. So… yeah. I'll remember you but it, for some reason, won't cause me to realize that I'm now the same as the guy who killed my sister. Bye!
  6. That's what GN particles are for. It would be nice to see the dendrobium used to its full potential.
  7. Sunrise's newest offering into the world of mechs anime will premiere on January 5th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=t_Y5PEEmwQw https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yDoOvGjwedo https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GuRZ9VF9TLg It seems this show will start off with Sunrise's traditional "average joe is just living life until said life is rudely interrupted by giant robots" schtick. Here's some of the mechs from the show Macross fans should note that Sho Hayami (Max Jenius) and Marina Inoue (M30's Aisha Blanchette) will be in the show. Let's hope this one isn't as bat**** insane as Valvrave.
  8. I never got into the rest of the F&F movies but I enjoyed the first one quite a lot. R.I.P.
  9. Is there supposed to be a point to this? What should I feel besides disappointment? As far as Stella is concerned one might look at it as a mercy. Besides it's Shinn's fault she was in that cockpit to begin with. Well his and Neo's if you want to quibble. Uh yeah, I did, 'cuz he's been a blank slate up until now. I guess that goes to show how memorable Sting and his useless Gundam were. Well you know what they say about not standing the heat… Depends on what the bull**** is. Kira switching off the reactor in a split second? But yeah, there are no plans for any major re-animating, just like the SEED remaster.
  10. They already said when episode 6 came out that it would be a year before the next one.
  11. 1. See below. One episode later? Uh no, they don't get Cagalli back to ORB until about episode 38 or something. 2. How do we know, though? Sure those could have been bodies from other battles but Gundam seems to forget that blasting big holes in ships isn't the same as blasting parts off of a MS. 3. See below. Yes. Episode 25: Sorry Kira & Co. I'm completely with Athrun in this argument. You wanna do something about ORB being in the Alliance? Take Cagalli back to ORB and figure it out. Wanna know who actually ordered the hit on Lacus? Go figure it out, stop sitting on your butts and just reacting to stuff. Their first intervention might be a little excusable but they need to be a little proactive here. Tragically, that turns out to not be the case. In a rare moment of introspection, Shinn is the one who comments on the Alliance/Blue Cosmos's hypocrisy that Coordinators are an abomination yet Living CPUs are perfectly acceptable. Episode 26: Oh boy, here we go with Shinn and Stella. So Amuro does something wrong and gets thrown in the brig. Kamille does something wrong and gets Brightslapped™. Heero does something wrong and tries to commit suicide, but when Shinn does something wrong... he gets a slap on the wrist? Lol. In any case, as much as I facepalm at the Archangel Group's Big Plan being to send just the pop singer and the bionic man into space, Andy Cosplaying as Meer's manager was pretty hilarious. Also, you'd think these ZAFT guys would notice that the real Lacus is dressed much more conservatively than Meer and also has a smaller chest? Episode 27: Once again a build up episode. Honestly I think the writers just don't really know what to do with the Archangel beyond having it not stray far from the Minerva characters. Hey, is that the Blast Silhouette? Has Shinn used that at all up till now? I can't remember... Episode 28: Let's have a fight scene! While executed well in a technical sense, this battle still has things that annoy me, although it was nice to see Shinn demonstrate some actual tactics in his defeat of Auel. Rey and Luna's ZAKU's get wrecked so they can upgrade as well as Athrun's Saviour. I almost cried, that suit was so pretty and Athrun lost it purely due to the demands of the plot. Cagalli cries some more and it was darkly amusing to see even the ORB grunts calling her and the Archangel-gumi out on their bullcrap. Todaka's death was bitterly ironic and well done. I wonder if Shinn ever finds out that Todaka was the commanding officer of the Takemikazuchi? And of course the best way to follow up this action-packed episode? CLIPSHOW! Episode 29: I skipped this one, of course. Yes I know it's the famous "Ghost Chess" episode but I really don't want to see SEED flashbacks for the bajillionth time and they don't really tell you anything truly insightful about Durandal and Talia's relationship, beyond the fact that she left him 'cuz she wanted kids (which makes her end in episode 50 all the more stupid.) Episode 30: Ah yes, here we are. Shinn's crowning moment of stupid, which totally ruins his crowning moment of awesome four episodes later. What can i say that hasn't already been said? Why would you trust the promise of an enemy soldier? A soldier who wears a dark-colored mask no less. Why would trust the promise of someone who works for the same organization that created Stella in the first place? Also, Cagalli's crying infecting all those other people is annoying. Episode 31: And as we see, Neo almost immediately breaks his promise and shoves Stella into the Destroy Gundam. Congrats Shinn, you're idiot. But you don't know that do you, because HQ letting you off the hook just infuses your ego more, eh? Athrun mopes and Kira & Co. are once again sitting around, waiting for something to happen, although I do like the interactions Kira has been having with Murrue. There wasn't much of that in SEED, so I'm glad it's here. Episode 32: While this episode was big and dramatic and the struggle against the Destroy is well done (it's always nice to see Super Kira flustered) I can't feel much for Shinn when Stella dies. It's kinda his fault after all. Episode 33: Again can't feel much here. It's pretty obvious Shinn's using her as an expy for his sister but I just can't get past his misguided rage. I do feel that part of that rage, however, is that once again he's feeling powerless, just like when his family died. ZAFT gears up for its LOGOS campaign with Durandal's little speech. Gotta admit, the guy's a masterful manipulator and a lot of people swallow it hook, line and sinker. Though I wonder why more people in the PLANTs and ZAFT didn't think, "well hey, isn't it a little strange that up till now the Chairman has been saying that we'll only fight if we have to and now he suddenly wants us to go after these LOGOS guys?" Episode 34: At last! Caught up! Not a bad episode but full of dichotomies for me. On the one hand, it's nice to see Super Kira get his butt kicked by Shinn and his planning, along with Rey. On the other, his rage is so laughably misguided that I can't take him seriously. Talia shows her quality by trying to get the Archangel to surrender before she's forced to destroy it. Athrun takes a break from moping to get pissed that they're attacking the Archangel. Realy, I think he's actually angry that Kira and Cagalli didn't follow his advice and go back to ORB because something like this was bound to happen eventually. They've attacked the ZAFT flagship twice now; did they really think ZAFT would let that go, even if it wasn't the secret desire of Durandal to get rid of them? Also, they confirm that Neo is Mu, which was only a surprise if you're four. And the most current episode, numero 35! So yeah, Shinn, you're still an idiot. Given the way Athrun was acting prior to the battle, why would he EVER be happy that you supposedly killed his best friend? Dude you deserved that punch even if Rey "All of a sudden I'm actually a character" za Burell has a point about injecting personal feelings into the situation. Ugh, this scene could also have been the perfect place to bring up the whole "Stella's death is Shinn's fault" thing as well. Is it just me or is Talia feeling just a mite uncomfortable with shooting down a target that didn't fight back? Things get stirred up with LOGOS. Poor Djibril. You were never the actual villain of this story and you don't even realize it. Durandal shows up to grant his two little protoges their new Gundams and while Shinn has drunk the Kool-Aid, Durandal has committed a tactical error and is about to make a new enemy. Until next week folks!
  12. Yes, you are in the wrong area. I recommend the Anime and Sci-Fi sub forum.
  13. Huh, it worked earlier.
  14. From あまみ on Pixiv Excellent fanart of Millia, Max, Hikaru and Misa.
  15. Episode 6 is up! I felt a great disturbance in The Force, as if millions of Pixiv users cried out in joy and suddenly started drawing fan art. I fear something terrible has happened.
  16. Episode 14: I'm sure I'll rant at length about this episode on the 'ole podcast but holy crap this episode irks the crap out of me. I think I've found a new addition to the Top 5 Worst Episodes of Gundam list. Now I'll have to check but I honestly think this episode is 1/3 flashbacks! And the wedding! It's just.... sooooooo cliche. Are Fukuda and Morosawa fans of Final Fantasy or something? Dammit Cagalli, where is your spine?! I'm starting to believe those stories that what happened to Cagalli in Destiny is because of the supposed fighting between Morosawa and Naomi Shindo. And wow, is Yuna a coward or what? He is exactly what I think Lynn Kaifun would be if he wasn't a pacifist. Episode 15: I'm actually up to episode 23 at the moment and 15 illustrates a point about a pattern I've been seeing in Destiny ever since 14: Have an action episode, then a non-action one. Maybe two non-action eps, or an ep where the action just gets started but then we have to wait until next week for the meat and potatoes. Also, Rey playing the piano: single biggest character moment he's had in 15 episodes. What is even the point of him? Also, I'm not overfond of this harem that's developing around Athrun. I used to think it was kind of a joke but now... Episode 16: Not much here. Shinn mouths off as usual and our heroes (at least for now) mix it up with the Extendeds again. Episode 17: You know, for the work they did on the SEED remaster, some of these Destiny episodes are still REALLY wasteful of time. This episode has a ton of recap at the start, so much so that the REAL episode doesn't start until 4:20!! DA FRAK?! I feel like at this point the writers weren't sure what to do with the Archangel, besides not wanting it to move away from Athrun and the Minerva characters. Shouldn't they be trying to figure out where those ASSH suits came from and/or smuggling Cagalli back into Orb or something? Episode 18: This was actually a really good episode surprisingly. The last good episode of Destiny perhaps? Almost like the Star Wars: A New Hope of Gundam. The only thing I didn't like was Shinn's attitude. Unfortunately, that's not going away anytime soon, is it? Episode 19: So yeah, once again an action episode is followed up by sittin' down to dinner. I love how Durandal throws out LOGOS here... and the Minerva crew promptly forgets about it until Durandal makes the announcement. Heine shows up here but is silent; I guess they couldn't get T.M. Revolution into the recording booth that day. Episode 21: More slowdown with Athrun getting an eyeful of Meer's nipples (when you guys mentioned that i thought you meant kinda sorta nipples, not the actual thing! 0__o Don't the Japanese censors usually say no to this stuff?), Luna getting mad etc. See, this is why i don't like this kinda sorta harem developing around Athrun. Maybe I'm crazy, but I find I don't much care for Heine. I really don't care much for characters that just show up out of the blue, offer wisdom to the established characters and crap. That and I know he's gonna die in a few eps and they wasted budget on hiring some celebrity. Shinn meets Stella and I can't say I care overmuch for her. I don't dislike her, I just don't care. I have plenty of sympathy for what she went through at Lodonia but... Four Murasame could actually hold a conversation. I really can't tell if there is supposed to be a romantic attraction there or if he's using her as a substitute for his sister... Episode 22: Can we get going here? Now we have set up for the battle and oh boy, here comes Kira and the Super Friends. I really have to wonder if anybody died when Kira blew up the Tannhauser? Episode 23: Aahaha Heine died. Man, the Gouf is doomed no matter what universe! At least we get Andy in his Murasame. So Kira cripples the Minerva and Cagalli tries to stop the ORB forces... although its kinda late for that. All the dramatic tension goes out the window as the Freedom lays waste to everyone. You know, if you really wanted the ORB forces to stop fighting, Kira should have gone after the ships and disabled ALL of the M1s and Murasames. And Cagalli does... absolutely nothing, despite the Strike Rouge being retconned the Ootori pack. Rassa frassa... And now that we've spent three episodes (and a clipshow, technically) building up to this battle and now it's time to slow things down again. *sigh* Oh and who here is absolutely sick and tired of seeing Uzumi burning in the fires of his ideals? I'm gonna have a rant about that later on. Episode 24 AKA The Archangel Has An Onsen: No seriously, whiskey tango foxtrot? I'm sorry but this is just patently ridiculous; I view this as being one of the prime representations of everything that is wrong with Destiny. The Archangel is a WARSHIP. Not the bloody Enterprise-D! If they absolutely must have an Onsen, take a cue from Full Metal Panic and just have it be a converted cleaning tub. Oh and more added fan service where Fukuda finally says "screw it" and shows Lacus naked. From behind but still naked with no Naked Space™ shenanigans. *bangs head on wall several times* I mean, for frak's sake, not even the Freeden, a ship run entirely by mercs, had luxuries like this. Maybe they should rename the Archangel, the Hall of Justice? Anyway, Athrun meets Miriallia and gets in touch with the Super Friends, oh wait, before that. We see several bodies being carted away from the ZAFT base and Minerva, including Heine's. I wonder if some of those guys might have been killed on the Minerva? Would make Lord Yamato a little hypocritical, wouldn't it? Lunamaria is following Athrun. Sent on a mission or just blowing off her responsibilities? Naw, I'm kidding, I know Talia sent her. And I'm kinda getting even more annoyed with Shinn. He might be a trained, enlisted pilot, but he acts more like the Accidental Teenage Pilot™. He and Rey find the Lodonia lab and Rey actually has another moment of character development. Not much of one but hey, this guy seems to have to take what he can get. Next up will be episodes 25-28 and 30. and that'll be through the 2nd cour of the series and into the third.
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