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VF-15 Banshee

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Everything posted by VF-15 Banshee

  1. Good CG doesn't really enter into it. If you make a movie and have, say, just the Batman logo in it, and put that movie out into the public domain (through Youtube let's say) Warner Bros./DC can slap you with a C&D just for that.
  2. I bet Chie does a very good version of "The Borderline."
  3. The ironic thing is, if they'd been doing a fanfilm about literally anything else, they would likely have been fine. Star Wars, Batman, Pokemon, Ghostbusters, I've seen fanfilms about all these things and none of them ever have ever been interfered with.
  4. An excellent AMV but I'll have to dock you a point for footage of Kaifun.
  5. Are they going for a love quadrangle here? At least the end of episode two made it seem, to me, that Nobunaga and Ichihime were "that way." Also, that betrothal was some kinda psychedelic, huh?
  6. Frothymug, did I see that you posted a new chappie on FF.net?
  7. Huh, that's weird, don't think I've ever had any trouble with that part. Quick tip: If you accept the SV-51 subjugation quest in the Sierra Desert, also do the quest "Those Who Hunt Vajra." It spawns a ton of SV-51s so you'll get your five in no time.
  8. Video is private...
  9. I assume that Artdink is involved with these games? Seeing as the artwork is identical to the stuff used in Macross 30.
  10. If anything the third-party is probably Warner Bros?
  11. Ozma singing TLH will be worth it just by itself! I saw it on YouTube once but you can probably guess what happened to the account of the guy who uploaded it.
  12. Here's one.
  13. It's a self-sealing stem bolt.
  14. Well there's been no mention of Sunrise, you know, the people who OWN Gundam. No Sunrise, no Gundam.
  15. Wow, I'd completely forgotten that. Why am I not surprised that this thread has gone into a general commentary on M7 itself?
  16. Considering that his name is Takeshi Iori and that guy's name was Haru Irei, I'm thinking that's a no.
  17. We're doing another live stream tonight for episodes 11-15. Come hang out with us. http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/GBF03
  18. TROlololololololololol
  19. Well in FB7 he quite clearly transformed into Mr. Beauty-of-being-a-furry-in-a-mecha-show, so there's that.
  20. And then didn't she deny you your prize?
  21. That's kind of the way I felt too. Although I'm not sure this plan to pass Jeanne off as a man will work for any length of time. What are they going to do? Wrap her chest? I don't think that would work very well. And was it just me, or did the end of episode 2 seem to imply that Nobunaga and Ichihime are "that way?"
  22. I suppose that depends if the YF-24 had those inspirations as well.
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