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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. During the work break, she went to TOWER Records and found this! Her mannequin and Megumi's! She usually put her things in a waist pouch inside her clothing but for Macross F 2021, it wasn't a good idea, so she had it made at the back. Pity the cap was not properly set or maybe it tends to slide off.....
  2. May'n and Ranka comment on the release of the Macross F 2021 concert, include in this video is footage from DAY 1 (Forbidden Elixir and Niji-iro Kuma Kuma) which is different on DAY 2 (live streamed) - video starts at 13.00
  3. PV for the release of Macross Frontier 2021 concert 22nd June 2022! Excited to get the 'Behind the scenes' footage Quite sure there were some sound correction.
  4. Road to Victory !
  5. An interview for the song collaboration with the baseball song....
  6. May'n showing off her shirt-dress and hairpin https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1531996118355103744?s=21&t=7-Br0M3GMmEI0XR01NeX6g&fbclid=IwAR0UyQJIMynSKiYAWbIsTx4eqnrsPS32NDNyQGwk6gq6-EjnIEAo3KVSSZY Getting ready for her 17th Anniversary in show biz
  7. My message to 'Bucho' : The pandemic has upset many of our lives but 'Bucho' remained a constant reminder of the good times before and the future that will come. Happy 17th Anniversary and many many more!
  8. It'a also announced that May'n will have a special program to celebrate her 17th Anniversary http://mayn.jp/news/other/17th_namahaishin/
  9. Hi Everyone, May'n will be celebrating her 17th year in showbiz early June 2022. A fan in Japan offered to send your messages to her. If you have any messages, you may drop it in this forum by the 31st May 2022, so that he can type it in for you in the the sample below. Thank you.
  10. Trying 8 types of Ramen flavors. Verdict : 3. Chili Tomato 2. Tom Yum Kung 1. Emperor Cheese Curry (Whatever that is.....)
  11. Sheryl (May'n) invited Sheryl (Anya Endo) to see a Baseball game! Among the stuff she brought back was a baseball card. : D
  12. Finally received my CD!
  13. Looks like May'n is doing the ED song for a comedy anime 'TAPH!!!!!!!!!!'. The Song - Ahatte Teppen (I'm sorry for you) https://www.digitaldouble.co.jp/artists/mayn?fbclid=IwAR1CATFzWoSsPySD9mxRuqqBM7fAlKPJf5_7vnOaF105G5rI2JQsoEbiTOg
  14. A new tour - Laugh & Peace will begin soon. Here's what May'n feels about it! https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1516972786190745600?s=21&t=W90VGS2V5PzM8tiVP8_XxA&fbclid=IwAR23B5ia4hQ5UZZ6u4UmzKbmNHywHcd282sg5fdqvkdzSSG-ixBsP6hQwws
  15. There were some nice photos of May'n when she went to support the baseball team DRAGONS but one in particular I'm really curious about! The recent one, her younger sister came along to watch with her but her face was covered over (koala bear)! Really interested to see what she looks like! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1513864096424206336?s=21&t=ExbK9bUY2Zj_339naTySLg&fbclid=IwAR1eLFSvDMiGYU2Kd4zcxAs8-TpXv9g75Phic2OWEq6qOHs2uvNGkMLVLQQ
  16. Interview with May'n on her collaboration for the song. https://www.lisani.jp/0000199587/?fbclid=IwAR2zVGwluiC2N6kQrkgPmqPeJCj6in7uOG0VpTYBdeoIKm2iSO_3lFV1zJA
  17. I was going to post that no3Ljm, but thanks for posting it anyway. So I guess all of us are DRAGON's (one of Japan's baseball team) Fans now...... XD New Song - for the baseball Team!
  18. Sheryl n Mikumo pix on Newtype cover - Deculture Mix I've ordered the Regular version of the collab CD while waiting you can listen for free :
  19. An interesting perspective from May'n. When we hear LION or any other duet song, we often think it's 50-50 (May'n & Megumi) or even Sheryl 50-50 (Aya Endo (VA) & May'n (song) but to them and the rest of the cast it's 100% & 100%! (with the exception of Universal Bunny - 200% May'n!) XD https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12736042349.html?fbclid=IwAR2LpucYnuB1FWBb_Cx4z1QdfV92hp1VXfSQD5iCGNbYbNfyCJ37Y5ftPJo
  20. More pix from the launch!
  21. May'n delighted to get her copy of the 40th Anniversary collab CD! How about you?
  22. May'n promoting the 40th Anniversary collab CD https://twitter.com/FlyingDogInc/status/1510905096368005124
  23. May'n suddenly noticed the similarities of her pix cover for the F 2021 concert and the one taken live during the concert! Feels emotional....
  24. Pix from last night's event. the Cover for Macross F' 2021 BD - Sheryl and Ranka's stickers exclusive only for the 1st 10,000 copies (by the time of my reporting is already sold out from what I'm aware of)
  25. For that, you will have to check out macross.jp. Anything really NEW? As far as I know.... NOTHING! But lots of reissues - like the Regult (after 40 years, the forward guns still can't point forward! XD). Same Valkyries but different color schemes! Probably only NEW thing would be the Yami-Q's X-wing fighter and Capital ship - but somehow Capital ships are not popular.
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