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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Weird fashion! The other day, she posted that she had to clean her room (hope she keeps the soft toys I gave her) ! Of course her CAT cause some disturbance.. XD
  2. May'n Birthday today n concert! New song - ULTRASONE!
  3. Funny pix before Birthday and Blooper! XD
  4. Other than her own Birthday concert, she appearing at Kitakyushu Anime Song Piano Live 2022, Fukuoka https://kitaq-anipi.live/?fbclid=IwAR1su8zl51qKIoWYWUU__FE0VDuKjO1PLDb8Obh6EiPKCmS8wnq_ZPo0B_E#news
  5. May'n new bangs and Yuria from Fist of North Star (she seems to be annoyed by the guy)! XD
  6. Beautiful May'n! Beautiful video https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1570745928080052224?s=46&t=Ne8OsNWeh5CeCrFUNVGk_w&fbclid=IwAR3nMqe--wkIGSO15gnbM_y9Jtn8nXY1rlneIF6TQ2Z-e19OjIMCYpZw7tk
  7. Anime Festival Asia (Singapore) is BACK! Of course May'n is coming (without her there's no AFA! ) XD So far the artist that are confirmed coming other than 'Sheryl' is Mikumo (JUNNA)!
  8. May'n is back as Yulia in Fist of the North Star! If you look at her arms, they look tender and delicate......and then suddenly MUSCULAR! XD
  9. Naughty May'n! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1567053170437947392?t=YjgGh5s6FTkP3tWnoxOQ8g&s=07&fbclid=IwAR03D3jv3D7FWtRup_Tu0obpIm_WfkCyysyPPUnBidvllJhwT--pWo1-DiU
  10. For the launch of Ahatte Teppen, she braided her hair...... https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1565975841221226496?s=21&t=6hiorwvhs1oeyUFHgU143g&fbclid=IwAR14XV3Ir2PKhQMxNbhNAs3l5xwyIsm17BGZpr7IMQJ1-UwG6amAALWAV4Y
  11. Visuals from Quantum Maki - OP song 'PRAY' (May'n)
  12. Launch of Ahatte Teppen, Ano no Kudo (All for Victory) and Follow Your Fantasy (10th Anniversary of CYGAMES) https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1559733959608930304?s=21&t=gG97hOw4FKGUt9p2ZNlukA&fbclid=IwAR03QV2MnCVWmG1fkq_htAzOXiQ64lUzsHeq-xftWJuiqj19ODeWSolaJD0
  13. Premier of Ahatte Teppen full ver. - ending song for a comedic anime (coming soon). Video starts at -7.36
  14. Laugh & Peace tour review. From 2 sources : https://www.lisani.jp/0000208421/2/?show_more=1&fbclid=IwAR1RUmmgJfvlqZ11BO18mddQcAJKWPpWXhQu2ejxXsgiuD5Er2b_o2a5LXU https://spice.eplus.jp/articles/306715?fbclid=IwAR3ckZMaFkPQITtmVj_184OrpwioG1biLlSQ8CmiNEfi2Noyn_XEk9wQBIw
  15. Another more detailed video about her historical pitch - she's been practicing her throwing. Because she's not officially a team member, she feels like she's cosplaying! XD
  16. Fooling around before the concert! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1556919601241305088?s=21&t=dDo5dMU_nJtGbiZjXBqaTA&fbclid=IwAR14xQpSAh7HNSSHl7qM8xcLm1kHgND9Huwd1NXiszLyU8OsFyzP1lEa0eI
  17. Promoting Laugh & Peace merchandise......XD and Chips Galore! (Look at that Happy face!) XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1555767728199176193?s=21&t=REIFKMoxqM2t58hNJGq2ZQ&fbclid=IwAR3t4QjFATIUzvh0dtCdKxBiEITKIj7L6EzxMHycm6eqV0v2Fm63A7sN4B0
  18. May'n sings 'PRAY' for the Mecha game Quantum Maki
  19. May'n playing horror game........XD. And the baseball team Dragons sent her this picture!
  20. 2 Videos showing from ground level May'n historic pitch! Unfortunately the first video was replaced by the author - maybe accidently at the time of this posting (which was much better. This is the 2nd one showing much earlier!
  21. May'n Blooper...... and more pix form the pitch
  22. Yesterday's baseball pitch caused a sensation - here's more of that moment! Will try to arrange it in order.
  23. Lately, May'n been involved with the baseball team Dragons and bringing the other Sheryl (Aya Endo and May'n own younger sister to the game) Lately she has been practicing 'pitching' for a few days now. And finally the moment of truth! Scroll lower, for another angle. https://twitter.com/re7tjd83txbrps3/status/1548955928690450433?s=21&t=A5DB9VtdCDdsiYZzKBlgBA&fbclid=IwAR2b1ZTA6y3FltqpaKPV6JZXZvfbykZykxmTIEzA4SBux_izvA4-UCq_Qyc
  24. New Song Ahatte Teppen! and more Macross F 2021- Osaka
  25. Since the launch of the BD, some photos have shown up, - showing Yoko Kanno (song n music for Frontier) and Shoji Kawamori (creator of the Macross series) were there after the show. The difference between the Special copy is that you get to see DAY 1's performance.
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