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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Goodsmile is bring a new plastic figure of Sheryl Nome in a very detailed costume https://www.goodsmile.info/ja/product/14392/シェリル+ノーム+Anniversary+Stage+Ver.html
  2. New song - Interstellar Journey - Honkai Star Rail (game)
  3. May'n showing off her new hair style. https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1659456491471147009?s=46&t=ZmMewp7TUxp7H2euciwp3A&fbclid=IwAR2iVKfeUpKy4CCY8JFeEWVe_Km2E0TF5NkQEDxa_VcNE2KuCC094Gj_M20 Recently the 2 'Sheryls' are off to the games again.
  4. May'n will participate as a special selection committee member for the music area at the Doujin Competition #MultiverseFlash! Please check it out https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/honkai-star-rail/id1599719154
  5. Two really awesome pics were taken during the concert! LOVE these!
  6. Pix from Nakano Sun Plaza event!
  7. Nakano Sun Plaza concert goodies! https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1654319821734162432?s=46&t=ZmMewp7TUxp7H2euciwp3A&fbclid=IwAR26jOJqqbiIZ4BIWmRpbc7bkKcpt6zMCKgfgHw6UbiRxOTPj8LP0HS4aps The flag with 2 fishes looked good!
  8. A youtube vid for the song! She really sounded different in this one! (looks like a game)
  9. Seems like a new project - theme song 'Hakyo Juen' a Sengoku (Warring States Era) project I think she drew the sword wrongly but the 'licking' was funny! XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1650108419846832130?s=46&t=ZmMewp7TUxp7H2euciwp3A&fbclid=IwAR06Qzz_KWSFFPRaS7LGf5YQI9FiEbCoJ2gfylotlG9LQ3O4FV5PNQdEu98
  10. Macross F event at Ikebukuro, text error in the program though........XD https://bandainamco-am.co.jp/am/vg/cgslive/program/popupstage.php?fbclid=IwAR2JG8man_-SdhmLC1RBFGZTq5gSG6SNK4QO5n46MGtXrAh61o0_ai0pBbs
  11. More new from May'n & Abbysmare - Unichord x Abbysmare 23rd April 2023 https://d4dj-pj.com/news/20230416/post-1031?fbclid=IwAR0suzsz_oxfYUA8DvXoI1CN2mZvVg60wvFi4zYA7bq1rCCUClEHru2v3Bg Abyssmare members About Abyssmare
  12. Further to her involvement with the baseball team Dragons, a video was made. Stay till the end for some funny bits!
  13. May'n and hololive! 19th April 2023 https://hololive-fc.com/live/smiVt8BqF9CcmFu2h9u8bQfY?fbclid=IwAR3x6W0ZPM7yM0kkY3MsDlwFnhxzlayIFp0kKC2c15keFlskOjO4bnvHpdY
  14. May'n is with the baseball team again https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12797433300.html?fbclid=IwAR23lnCpP2fZlEI0ElFte_dGflcBdvGHL2wt-J1e6Xw9biKbrUMYryXnvl8
  15. May'n promoting the release of the 15th Anniversary of Macross F https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1640976922971897856?s=20&fbclid=IwAR12to2duNHhJopY2SyINTFEr4OaySA7K57UpTX5s73pqVo2qOcIwHjLTjU
  16. New photoshoot, smokey eyes (but before that, it looks like a horror story!) XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1635992697180938240?s=46&t=ZmMewp7TUxp7H2euciwp3A&fbclid=IwAR1lWWivgY2yRdUKoG5lrOTLhbNiLpjT5vXm2BWugzPYqnqlBdOv6skW0rk
  17. Macross F new release - Interview with May'n and Megumi Nakajima. There's some error in translation though. https://v-storage.bnarts.jp/talk/interview/202484/?fbclid=IwAR3KqcJxV4Q30ZrmSLy7bspE4zn1CB6wUE7WNALTu9z5pW3JqaUc1RYtKZo
  18. Getting into Abbysmare (May' - NEO)
  19. May'n - making eggs (wak!) https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1630522427972403201?s=46&t=g0eXBqeEyIuXuErGIC4PcA&fbclid=IwAR2ytVMpjcZJwpRcy8VOIqVzOT-_VOCyAqJHUmlnFR0zd-XXi_URmEuQTWs
  20. May'n is going to sing at the Vatelin Dome, Nagoya (the same one she threw the opening pitch last year) April 6th for 2023 series. Looks at the excitement she's in. XD
  21. May'n also appeared at a concert called LIVE Empower Children 2023
  22. Extra that comes with the 15th Anniversary Macross F BD. https://www.facebook.com/adrian.escobar.528/videos/4257109841180324?idorvanity=357754304585336 Region locked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyEAvKvVOn8
  23. Hang Beat ending https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1624668486386745345?s=46&t=xg1Sv6GC__UMMs4CJ_exng&fbclid=IwAR2bvlkpQrdFW4hcDvKSHR5wVvEpD3lReq6TW2T8RszVIZ7M5F3tPZV4-GA Hang Beat - enjoying Singing and Dancing (and first time using headset) https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12789014249.html?fbclid=IwAR0UjrZb1r9kwKjTsnhG9p-pYDcNyhNB93TMzX1YYibzWrDX7z5i-loU35E
  24. Hang Beat Rehearsal
  25. Setsubun Festival! It seems May'n dressed as the 'Devil' and was 'pelted' with beans by the audience as she ran up and down among them (all in good fun) Universal Bunny practice https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoPBYwngEvo/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D&fbclid=IwAR2Rwoz28oM6TEg9rEgi_d3e4cH1xCe0-VCGkFM6I9zoytDnQtEIDfTZ6dE Setsubun with fans! https://www.tiktok.com/@maynofficial/video/7195924555460889858?_r=1&_t=8ZZPciKkzuj&fbclid=IwAR1zA0ku2sowMSWpo1lDz5glm9Dy22ytQdvSn17alAFwMi4G8csOLg9quss
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