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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Message from May'n to San Francisco Fans (in Japanese) Message to L.A. fans Well, that's how down to Earth she is when's she's not on stage. If you don' recognize her, you'd thought that this was somebody's friend posting a message on Youtube. When she talks to you, at an interview - she talks like she's your friend whom just happens to be a foreigner. At times she even appear on Youtube without make up! (can't say I know any other artiste who does that)
  2. With 'Heat of he moment' at no.9 and 'Chase the World' at no. 5 on the Oricon, her next project is with Capcom. The game : EX Troopers. http://www.capcom.co.jp/ext/index.html
  3. Some update on other venues other than those earlier posted by May'n USA. It's China - Hangzhou (July 8th), Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing. There are other venues according to my source which will be posted later. Something interesting to note. Before May 2011, whenever May'n sings 'Diamond Crevasse' - fans would sing along with her. It was during her China tour after the 1st venue, fans have actually asked other fans not to sing along because it got so loud that it drowned her voice ( fans who had attended her concert more than once). Since then it has trickle down to other venues (last one was in Singapore). I'm quite sure she'll sing this song cause this is the song that got her to no. 2 on the Oricon charts. So, don't sing along even though it feels like the right thing to do ( I've actually seen her got surprised when the audience did that during her BIG WAAAAAVE tour in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRhBbWnzB88 More from the fan that made the earlier one. This is - Iteza Kuji gogo - Don't be late. I can tell you, this one is a real crowd favorite. Macross and non-macross fan alike can go crazy with this number. Seen it on youtube and with my own eyes - no matter where she is, the crowd behaves the same.
  5. May'n will be making an appearance in FanimeCon 2012 this month. http://www.fanime.com/programming/panels/panel-listing/category/?category=Industry%2FPromotional#962
  6. This is a fan made video. This person has put together 6 different videos (from different time and venues) and made them into one for the same song, which in this case is Northern Cross ( Macross Frontier) The thing that impresses me is : as the song progresses, the actual audio from each of the concerts is singled out for the viewer to listen and when the it's time for the chorus part, all 6 May'n sings together! Nice touch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7RGF1Wd7rs&feature=relmfu
  7. http://www.chojikuutenrankai.com/index.html Latest pix of the VF-25F!
  8. Another thing the fans may do is catch her at the airport when she lands and throw her a welcome greeting! This happens every time in Singapore and shower her with gifts and in return she signs her autographs on the stuff the fans brought. She usually arrives 3 to 5 days before the concert (she needs to practice for the show as each venue is different ) but this info (such as time and flight no.) can only get from an insider source (probably tortured out of some poor victim .........I'M ONLY JOKING - please don;t this!) Usually only the local fans can do this unless you're there for like a week.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRbBMlItNmo&feature=related Uh....NO, she not going to sing this at the concert but it demonstrate that she can do everything live!
  9. There is usually some sort of PR event where the fans can see May'n close up in person a day or two before the concert. in both LA and SF. Usually it'll be a record shop that carries her album or an Anime related store (mine was at an anime store) - keep an eye on the news (maybe someone at May'n fans USA might know) If anyone can get the info, post it here so everyone can share. Another place where you can get a glimpse of her is probably some iconic place in LA and SF (photo shoot) - quite a low chance, but let's see if anyone gets lucky!
  10. Actually I've never really given much thought about which generation one is from but since you asked, chronologically anyone who had their first contact with the Macross franchise beginning with SDF Macross would be 1st gen. Flash Back 2012 (5th anniv.) - 2nd gen., Macross II (10th anniv.) - 3rd gen, Macross PLUS and Macross 7 (15th anniv.) - 4th gen, Macross ZERO (20th anniv.) - 5th gen and Macross Frontier (25th anniv.) - 6th gen. But I don't think there's anyone who is 2nd gen because if you had seen Flash Back 2012 (which is just a succession of music videos) one could hardly believe anyone could fall in love with the Macross franchise after watching it just by itself! So if Flash Back 2012 doesn't count then everyone moves one step down. Another thing is if the 30th anniversary has no anime at all, then there would be a LOST GEN? (Does sound kind of cool though. Q: which gen are you from? A : the LOST gen! : ) Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I'm just happy to be partying with my fellow Macross fans!
  11. No problem. I'm a first generation Macross fan. When I was at both her solo concerts, the 1st gen partied with all the other gen and it was damn fun. In fact, because of Frontier, the latest gen went back to watch the Original Macross! Some non fans got introduced to May'n's music and since they liked it, they got curious as to which anime it came from and ended up watching Frontier and some ended being fans (I didn't know it could work from the other end!) The way I see it, it's going to be a 2hour plus show (around 20 songs) and she's not going to sing all the songs from her latest album 'HEAT OF THE MOMENT' but a compilation of all her albums (since it's her first time solo concert in the region) and of course songs from Frontier! Try to listen to her non-Macross songs (some, you;ll immediately like, while others you may only liked it after you see her performed LIVE!) but if you have been keeping track of her, you'll feel right at home. In fact Christina Aguilera told her fans to listen to her music first before coming to her concerts and I would say that's Good advice!
  12. Music breaks all barriers (Age, language, race etc) In fact that's what May'n is trying to promote. Back when she had her first overseas concert (AFA 2008 Singapore), after seeing the Singapore crowd behaved very much like her home crowd, out of curiosity she asked the organizers whether the crowd knows what's she is singing about. The answer was : 'Probably No'. It was then that an idea hatched in her mine and it became the song 'Phonic Nation' (this doesn't refer to a Nation of Hand phones users but the pronunciation found in every language) To her, it doesn't matter where you come from or who u are. We can all share the smiles and listen to the same music, under the same skies.
  13. Just hope that the previous organizer will bring the tour this way or like last year in Singapore , maybe at the tail end of her tour.
  14. Well I guess she heard all your prayers and your heartfelt messages and has come to see all of you in person! So go turn out in numbers for our current MACROSS Ambassador to the world! I'm feeling a little jealous as you guys get to watch it first and I wish US is not that far away. Otherwise I'll drop in and ROCK with all the rest of you! Hmm.....look like she has only time to go to the West coast. Guess the East coast will have to wait....a little longer. The venue at Yoshi's, June 23rd seems to be booked by another performer(?)
  15. I was hoping that you guys over in the US gets her full solo concert show. That one is awesome! (we're eagerly waiting for it here) Five/Six songs that she usually gets from Anime expos feels like a teaser, before u know it, it's over. But still ....there might be hope.
  16. I understand what you meant. In fact I was pretty disappointed by most of the Macross series and OVA that came after the first Macross. For me Frontier was the closes to the original (TV series) and like it or not, it really revived the franchise for Macross. But not the Movie versions, like DYRL, if you had not watched the TV versions first you would not probably understand what's going on ( If you had watched the movie versions first, probably you get a headache from all the plot jumping here and there and why is there people singing, is it a musical?) It leads me to conclude : DON'T give Kawamori full control, let him do the ground work and designs and let someone else do the story! He'll come up with outrageous stuff that in the end disappoints. (you can find that not only in Macross but in other Animes that he took control). Don't get me wrong, I really do admire the guy but his strong points are somewhere else. The big question is - if it's not THIS then WHAT? Would you be happier watching something totally new (some good, some bad but all of them have some good moments in it) or a sequel to the previous one? (which after sometime sounds like - flogging a dead horse) To this effect, Kawamori chose to tell new stories and new adventures and let the bygone ones be something you would talk about to this day. I have no answers. Another thing that worries me is that : Who will take over Macross when Kawamori is no longer around?
  17. For those who managed to catch it, savour it as the link is no longer available. The videos has been removed fr youtube probably by the order of her company HORIPRO. Anyway, do not despair as the DVD n Blu-ray will be available probably by Oct or Nov.
  18. One of May'n fans of Malaysia gave this link and the entire concert can be watched from here : Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL84B938118E2C3A7C The ear piece seems to be giving her some trouble - not fitting properly (due to incompatible DNA, her ear is rejecting it : ))
  19. I was quite happy when I first heard they were going to do a story about Sherly, as for me, her character was the most interesting and had most potential. I was hoping they would steer away from that all too familiar story branch which lead to Frontier. I was hoping the story would go this way : A brief moment of her visit to see her grandma Mao Nome and a chance meeting with Ranka but that's all (she doesn't remembers it later). She returns to Galaxy with her mum and later the hellish nightmare after her mum passed away and she's all alone with no one to fend for her. She's then 'rescued' by Grace and experimented on as Fairy 9. As Sherly grows up and became a singer, we get to see what's life on Galaxy looks like, development of the VF-27, cloning of Brera and gathering of Grace's accomplices. As Sherly became famous, she met her first love (not Alto), a young hot shot pilot (NUNS) but was betrayed and the incident left her so emotionally lost that it affected her performance as a singer. It came to a point where Grace considered dumping her. But it was at this moment that Sherly remembers the hellish years and picked herself up and practically crawl her way back to the music charts. She developed a hard outer shell so that no one can get in and hurt her emotionally and believes that no one should chart her destiny but herself. The last volume - Sherly begins her Galaxy tour, just when she was about to board her ship, the hotshot pilot realized his mistake and hoped for a 2nd chance but Sherly's heart has gone icy cold. As the tour continued, Sherly's heart began to warm up enough to have somebody get close to her and ends as her tour ship jumped in towards Frontier. There enough stuff here to make a 12 episode anime. But seeing the reviews from a few fans, alas this is not going to be.
  20. Thanks for the video. Her voice sounded normal when she sings at low and mid range pitch. It's only at the higher pitch or when she shouts at the top of her voice that you'll notice the coarseness. This I believe is the last song of the concert, probably she had time to rest a bit and recovered some of her voice. At her UNITE concert tour, her voice was noticeably coarser after singing Shinjite Miru, but once she had a break and a sip of water, her voice was back to normal. When she's on the platform, they should put some sort of safety belt to give her some confidence and enable her to use the other hand to wave at her fans when the platform is going around. Bet her fans would have loved that! Thanks again for the post!
  21. Hey, thanks for the post! I was dying to get some news/visual of her latest concert in Yokohama! Ani-culture reported the event briefly : - May'n was on a platform strung from a crane some 30 feet in the air and was going around the concert hall. One of the fans noticed that she was holding the railing really tight! (I suppose I would too in that situation : ) ) Was it me or she's losing her voice? It was evident when she sang 'Northern Cross' and got even worse after she sang OBELISK. Guessed she practiced to hard! I liked the acoustic version of 'What 'bout my star?' Refreshing. The concert hall looked even bigger than that of Budokan but even that you can hear the fans' voices! Ha ha.....as usual, the media section is quite dead. The last one - Welcome to my fan club's night' was from her previous concert in Budokan - Rhythm Tank on 06.03.11. For me that was her best performance to date. Will have to see the rest of May'n Go Around before I make a decision. And yes. Hero was one of her better songs.
  22. Another latest news from May'n. One of her songs from her new album - Get Tough is being used in the online game Oni Soul. And ..... believe or not there's a character by the name of May'n! (sort of priestess type character), wonder what powers she would have? (perhaps the obvious - the song to heal and boost power of friendly forces?) Anyway I'm sure fans will definitely want to use this character! But, you'll will have to purchase her latest album to get the password to unlock her! http://www.oni-soul.jp/ Pick the 3rd icon on the menu from the left, choose the female character on the main board display to see her.
  23. Here's a link to May'n latest Album : HEAT of the moment. You can sample each of the songs by clicking on the GREEN audio icon. MOST of the new songs sounds good (the new ones 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, & 12). Jewels actually sounds unusual. No 9 is a song she wrote herself which came along with her first photo book (title : number one - which she explained that even after leaving school life you still have to strive to be number one, even though you may not achieve it but it shouldn't stop you from being able to do your best! - UNITE concert in Singapore 2011) http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/A021682/VTZL-40.html
  24. No problem! Able to share is part of the fun. Anyway, I still owe Seanzilla one question. If you have anymore just fire away! For Sherly Nome fans, this is a real treat! SHERLY NOME HAS HER OWN FAN SITE! (OFFICIAL) It's still under construction from what I can see but you can get some info about Sherly like her birthday is on NOV 29! http://www.sheryl-nome.net/news/index.html
  25. Hope that we can get a longer interview time with her in the next round.
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