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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Nothing much going on. From her blog I gather May'n is taking a much needed break, which I don't think is very long cause her new album will be coming out, new songs to practice, new dance moves and of course her 2013 'Mic-A-Mania concert in Budokan to prepare for. Happy New Year 2013 everyone!.
  2. Wow, someone was recognized! Go get the DVD/BD when it's available! It's one of those moments in life that you'll have fond memories off. Me. I'll get it because the tour didn't come to my region! Hope next year she'll drop by with the full concert!
  3. One of my friends posted this some 2 weeks ago but suddenly removed it from his site. Maybe he jumped the queue or something but thanks ALTMYK for posting this!
  4. Hmmm.....the hands flips out. I think I rather they slide out of their housing which makes it more practical in the real world. But I think in the long run, as a toy, the slide option might come loose and while in plane mode, a pair of hands might suddenly pop out!
  5. Ooops! Sorry! Toyoguchi it is! Megumi Toyoguchi! Thanks antibiotictab!
  6. Ha ha ha, what I meant was the original Zetran Giant Klan2 and the Micronized one which was both voice by Megumi Yoyoguchi. Since she sang with both voices, it sounded like there were 2 different persons : )
  7. I guess this is appropriate. Watch everyone sings - both Sheryls, Ranka, Klan2 & Klan2 and even Alto! plus a special guest! (posted by a fan) And Merry Christmas to everyone! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Kppb3AfpU
  8. As this is the first post on this site, i thought we might take a trip down memory lane with a first also. Here's May'n with her first TV life appearance! She sure look really different back then.(voice and all)
  9. Ok, it's out but under another heading (May'n - Galactic Fairy) as we thought that the current thread title is kinda out of date - May'n....2011. All new posts will go under the new header.
  10. Got the interview back, with some minor changes (really minor). Will be up soon! There was this PV (promotional video) about R.Y.B. world tour which is due to be out Jan 2013 posted for a short while (really short) before it was removed. Not sure why, maybe it's not the final version?
  11. Being the first time Horipro has set a booth in AFA, and able to meet May'n face to face and a handshake, we'll it was definitely good news for her fans (in previous cases, only those who won in a 'lucky draw' were able to do that, which some fans just can't seem to beat the odds). For many who are a first timer, it was an emotional moment! You can see their faces flushed red as the leave the stage. one almost stumbled off the stage. I could relate to that as my first two times meeting her was ...... kind of embarrassing. But till today, that feeling of my intestine churning still lingers. Sea*A (born of Maid café) looked tanned and really tired, more like zombies! They were at the Horipro’s booth to have their pix taken by a photographer, when suddenly the photographer said ‘Hang on, I’ve got the settings wrong!’ They closed their eyes to catch whatever little sleep they could. You could see eye bags on each of them. One particular girl (Winnie), I would say the cutest of the four, had puffy cheeks – last year! Now, it’s 
.. let’s say not so puffy anymore. Then the photographer finally said ‘Ok, I’m ready!’ Immediately all of them were awake and smiling – in a flash. Poor girls. The price of being in showbiz. Who the hell said being an artist was fun? May'n though, was in better shape. Probably because she's more established and her ex-manager has to push the 4 girls because it's been 2 years now and they've not scored a notable achievement. When I earlier said it was good for Macross fans - able to see May'n many times was a plus and then another plus! Which is Macross PLUS! Director Shinichiro Watanabe was there and he spoke fondly about his experience working on it with Shoji Kawamori and Yoko Kanno. Vanpang has the story. (just finished submitting it for approval) Anyway, I'll leave you with Mr Super Future Star - Animax (posted by fans) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yue-G-A3jOY
  12. Clearly from the video of the LIVE concert in Singapore, the video game PV and during the interview (still waiting for approval), May'n voice has changed. Occasionally, it'll be husky when she hits a certain note, whether when she's singing or talking. Anyway, her next Mega Concert will be back in Budokan, 2nd March 2013 - MIC-A-MANIA
  13. Well, no news yet from the PR section. Anyway, here's something interesting : This is from the Capcom game : EX Troopers and guess who's trying out the game!
  14. While waiting for the reply on the interview, here's some goodies. This event was organized by May'n company Horipro during AFA2012 Singapore. It include sketches and a song performance. You have to excuse the video tilting as I was trying to capture her footwear but was block by someone's head. The Merlion (half Lion and half Fish), is the symbol of Singapore. The Original one can be found at Marina bay. It faces towards the sea (Indonesia) and water comes pouring out of it mouth. But recently, there are some land fill projects and it now faces the new Marina Sands. MAYBANK, as u can see at the back ground is actually a Malaysian bank's branch in Singapore. Originally known as Malayan Banking Bhd, decided to change to a friendlier name - Maybank some 20 odd years ago. I suppose May'n picked up on that as it has M A Y on it. Anyway, the file was too big and it has to go in 2 parts
  15. That was the first thing I thought of too! (OMG! Got to download this!) This is the intro event at the HORIPRO booth (1st day) - last part This was during the 2nd day of the handshake n signing event. Vanpang went for a second helping. : )
  16. This fan recorded the Singapore 2012 concert from Nico nico Douga. I'd actually wanted to write something about the concert but since this video is now available, I've better post it before someone might take it off.
  17. Well, I'm back to C.E.T. but the fold sickness is still lingering around. As usual there's some bad news and good ones. Ok, the bad one : At first we were suppose to have her all to ourselves (interview), though there would be another media going in with us but we know them so well that I can ask them to ask less and give me more time with her. But then things began to go wrong and schedules began to jam up (they're shooting video and photo for the event in the next room and May'n was suppose to shoot a message for her company's booth also before coming to the interview) So in the end, everyone (8 media groups i think) were crammed into 1 room and were allowed only one question! The moment everyone heard that, everyone panicked and looked for that ONE all important question that would define the media they represent. I had like 10 questions (actually more like 20 disguised). So, in the official report, it would include everyone's interview (hopefully). Some media just asked her about food, maybe they're food media? The Good, infact very good! Despite that I only managed to cram 2 questions and one statement, we managed to get all the things signed and even took pix with her, which no other media managed. (Our Singaporean media partners were so jealous that he sounded me : ) ) But I have to say May'n looked so BEAUTIFUL this year, in fact the best I've ever seen. Check : Triangle (Fight on Stage) - Animax Macross Night. This is the first time Horipro opened a booth in AFA and they allowed her pix to be taken during her events (previously only authorized photographers are allowed), so this time her fans got tons of photos of her (very happy) There's also a handshake and sign anything you give her event (which you'll have to purchase something worth SGD30 to be entitled) Handshake and items signed - priceless moment! And she even gave a free performance - 'Diamond Crevasse' So much so, that some went on both days. Here's some of the stuff they gave her to sign. Rubix's cube, PSP cover, Iphone cover, Sheryl poster and on a few occasion a T-shirt - while it's still being worn by the owner! (There was even a yukata). Saw her a few times back stage also. There more, but it'll have to wait, cause have to do the interview thing down on paper while it's still fresh in the mind. So i'll leave u with this : WE ARE - from Yokohama Arena 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMApJgoQbcI&feature=related
  18. Suppose to post this tomorrow, but may not have time. Have to rush to a space port in Mid Valley after work. Spent the night there, to catch the 3 a.m. flight (once per day), and then 6 long space fold (but will make a temporary stop after the 4th fold - something akin to seasickness, which in this case fold sickness) to FGST (Future Galactic Standard Time) 9th Nov 2059 to catch a Galactic Fairy. Interview on the 9th itself and concert on 11th. Will be back to CET (Current Earth Time) on Monday 12th Nov 2012, hopefully with a satisfying grin. And don't be late! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4cIIWG0W-Q&feature=relmfu
  19. Wow, u must really have caught her eye, good for you. : ). I like MS too. By the way, there will NOT be a separate thread for the 2012 interview. If you have any messages or questions you would like to pass/ask her please post it on this thread as this one is already active. The forthcoming interview (on the 9th Nov will also be posted here - probably after a month - send to Japan for approval) Thks
  20. One more week to go before I meet up with May'n. Our spot with her is confirmed, the schedule will only be known.....well usually last minute and on the day itself. Can't blame the organizer, cause they have to handle a lot of stars. For those that enjoyed the Animax Macross Night, here's Triangle (fight on stage) in HD quality. I liked this one cause, this is quite rare - usually u see them performing 'Lion' all the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppsTvhqMIp4&feature=related You can also find the other songs (Dynamite Explosion, Planet Dance, Iteza Kuji - Don't be late and Seikan Hikou) all in HD quality by this fan (songs only but unfortunately not Pillow Dream and Love, do you remember? by Mari Ijima) There is another person who posted the event (though in HD but the audio is too loud - crackling) OOps, I spoke too soon. The same fan got the whole thing in HD! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYeeKwgInrM&feature=related
  21. No one knows what goes on behind the scenes in the Music industry, Some stars rises up very quickly and goes down as quickly also. Some seem to disappear and then reappear years later - Actually, they're around but sometimes the media don't report because there's some other more sensational news happening at that time. Maaya is good, but she's also a Seiyu (among other things). She's split between 'two worlds'. Say, she's voicing for Lightning of FF13, that could take up 3 to 5 months, the rest of the year, she's doing 1 or 2 songs, public and concert appearances and then voicing for another character. So she seem to disappear for some time and that maybe one of the reasons she doesn't appear in the limelight that often. For a better details, you'll have to ask a hardcore Maaya fan. (the same goes for Megumi (Ranka)) May'n on the other hand in a Singer (though of late, she gets some MC jobs), and have been steadily rising since her involvement in Frontier. Singing takes a shorter time (maybe a week - rehearse and record) and so they can pick up another project fast. It's also the ability of the singer themselves (some unfortunately can only 'sing; in a recording) - bringing something different in their performance and to woo fans, which May'n does very well. Because of this, most of her works after Frontier is in the top ten Oricon charts. That makes her very 'sell able', so much so that sometimes, the song does better than the anime (Example : Kimi Shinitamō Koto Nakare OP from Shangri-La, the company went bust, the BD stopped at Disk 4 (ep 10 - 12 out of 24 eps)) Check her full potential after at the slow part of the song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O544qz5CD8&feature=relmfu To be honest, i can't keep track of every star I like. If I have to pick one, it has to be May'n. Cause she really ROCKed me (she sings, dances, runs around and shouts! Energetic and Fun for the duration of the concert) - something that I find lacking from other singers. On top of that, she's our Macross ambassador (unofficial) to the world - each time she sings one from Frontier - people referenced back to Macross and she is the first Macross person, directly involved that comes to my region. And on top of everything she's really friendly and fun person to interview.
  22. May'n in Mr Super Future Star (Capcom game) One of her nicer videos!
  23. Some FB7 tracks (sample - way too short and only 2 available) Click on the blue sound icon to listen next to the songs (1 & 2) http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/-/VTCL-35141.html
  24. Almost forgot, yesterday was the last leg of her RYB concert (at Zepp Tokyo) and today's her Birthday. Happy Birthday May'n! (October 21st) From fans, Forbidden Elixir (Yokohama concert) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXBQ2MBcNY&feature=relmfu Giant Step (Yokohama concert) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sJFbyjcWRk&feature=relmfu
  25. Putting down in writing, is much more difficult than thinking of what to ask....(need to submit to PR before interview) Meanwhile, more from Yokohama Arena. As usual, a portion of the media section is none responsive..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnz18dgEBOM&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gD3WeFx-s&feature=relmfu
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