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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. This just in. Apparently her Taiwan tour on June 1st is totally sold out on the same day it opened. They are thinking of adding another day of concert on June 2nd. Wow, she getting pretty big in Taiwan! It's also a first for her! http://mayn.jp/news/6084/
  2. Other places the Nendroid went. There were some really ......weird ones (Had a Pansu over the head!) http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003999 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003568 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003655 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003602 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003603 The last pix is not a Nendroid! : D and current location of the tour posted by the Diva herself http://space.mayn.jp/media/17003972
  3. This one is really cute! http://space.mayn.jp/media/17000063 As expected, these are what fans did when they got their hands on the Nendroid OH WoW! May'n and the Galactic Fairy together! Let's do a duet! Sing - LION! XD http://space.mayn.jp/media/17000327 Another thing quite a few thought of doing.......Sheryl looks great but May'n......looks like when she was in 2008 to 2010 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17000294
  4. With the upcoming Dots and Lines Tour, she is featured in a Magazine - B.L.T. (Not Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato! though she does cook!) Beautiful Lady & Television. (in fact I met the Editor in Chief, in Singapore during May'n UNITE concert 2011) http://p.blt.tv/latest/check/201404/05.html
  5. Animax Taiwan - earlier this year. Meet n Greet session Taking time to learn a bit of the local language sure pay off. (No subs)
  6. Promo video for the up coming tour.
  7. First sign of a World Tour - dots and lines http://mayn.japanmusicfestival.asia/ http://mayn.jp/news/6026/
  8. May'n reaction during the launch and she was very happy as she was very satisfied with the outcome of the nendroid and gets to do what she does best - SING! (4 songs!) http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-11768727359.html Will be interesting to see this event, that is if anyone managed to record it!
  9. Found an article on May'n new album and her up coming collaboration with LIVETUNE http://natalie.mu/music/pp/mayn02 May'n strangely look like an elf from Santa's workshop except in blue XD
  10. More pix on this site and it will be officially unveiled during Winter Wonder Fest 2014 and a Nico2 Douga telecast of the 9th (tomorrow) http://taylalyell.blogspot.com/2014/02/may-shows-off-her-cute-new-nendoroid.html Looks like the trend will be a nendroid launch to coincide with a big concert! May'n will be the first live artist from the Macross franchise to have a nendroid in her image, Maybe after this we might get a Mari Ijima, Fukuyama, Chie and Megumi?
  11. The news that I've been waiting for - May'n Nendroid first look. If you are in the May'n space Revolver community log on and see the Nendroid! At least 2 items of 3 predicted by myself came through - Mike and Taiyaki (a little small though)
  12. Something missed out. Finally found this from Van Pang's camera and uploaded it yesterday. The missing song from Animax Malaysia
  13. Ooops! Hate this. Is there anyway to avoid this? - meaning an easy way to tell whether videos like these are labelled private or not? I mean, I just typed 'May'n something and was just browsing through her numerous videos when I found this. Didn't mean to intrude but the last time when it's private or something like that, a warning comes out and one immediately knows. Nothing happened when I pasted the link here.
  14. Not Macross but another type of giant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nedt5vhOHJI
  15. May'n new album launch - you can sample the songs in the link. http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/A021682/VTCL-60360.html
  16. Just found this! Animax - Love colored today. (full version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-TdEps9KZY#t=10
  17. Another interview that just surfaced. It seems everyone is expecting a Taiyaki! http://www.ani-culture.net/2014/01/afa13-interview-mayn/
  18. Side story. May'n younger sister has just reached adulthood (in a conducted ceremony) Will she also follow her big sister's footsteps? (Has anyone seen what her sister looks like?) May'n : I'm not sure. She's still in high school. When we were young, we used to sing together (2011 interview) Anyway, here's some photos of May'n san's own coming of age ceremony http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/96e9d89b17d68cbea2f5594bb9df44cf4a780397_large_zps17c5eda9.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/1705599c5b6647c0d49abb01c822e3552ae7665a_large_zps385f719a.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1
  19. If you're wondering about the picture she drew on the wall, we'll it's not - Godzilla spewing radioactive fire on hapless Singaporeans, and a giant sampan landed on the roof of some buildings and all this is happening while she's having Chicken Rice!' Actually what it means is - It's the Merlion (Half Lion Half Fish) the symbol of Singapore, with water coming of of it's mouth, the Marina Bay Sands, with it's distinct curve shaped pool on top of the building (3 of them) and her favorite Singapore food - Chicken Rice! Here r the photos taken during the 'Meet n Greet' sessions put in a photo wall. http://s1320.photobu...t]=1&sort=1&o=1 http://s1320.photobu...t]=1&sort=1&o=0
  20. So, vanpang has finally got his internet connection back. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40502 If you're wondering about the picture she drew on the wall, we'll it's not - Godzilla spewing radioactive fire on hapless Singaporeans, and a giant sampan landed on the roof of some buildings and all this is happening while she's having Chicken Rice!' Actually what it means is - It's the Merlion (Half Lion Half Fish) the symbol of Singapore, with water coming of of it's mouth, the Marina Bay Sands, with it's distinct curve shaped pool on top of the building (3 of them) and her favorite Singapore food - Chicken Rice! Here r the photos taken during the 'Meet n Greet' sessions put in a photo wall. http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/day1final_zps87e05ba3.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/Day2_zps24aa51da.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
  21. Hey, thanks Seanzilla! My internet has been out for like a week. The song is called 'Lose my illusions' Her earlier new song - 'Love, colored today' is released under a compilation - New World (DVD) which includes 5 other songs (Chase the World, Mr Future Super Star, Run Real Run and others which I can't recall at the moment) It seems like a shame as I just bought 'Run Real Run' (really liked the visuals) about 6 months ago and now they've have bundled it together in a new DVD! Here's : Love, colored today - if you have missed it earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzoYTAuR29U&feature=youtu.be This seems to be her 1st concert for the year 2014 - animax Taiwan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c75f4HTj5QE&feature=youtu.be
  22. Latest news. http://tokyo-anime-news.jp/?p=18862
  23. Well.........van pang still haven't got around to it. Anyway wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Silent Night. But No way! Not with these 2 on stage! What else but - 'I Can't Be Silent!' X D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPQNY330jZI Found this after I posted - enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzoYTAuR29U&feature=youtu.be
  24. May'n next appearance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i6-F_3d32U Maybe if you have always wanted to visit Taiwan but not enough motivation to do it, I guess this should be it! : D
  25. Just got the OK from AFA to post my article. Van Pang will do the honors (there's more to come), in the meantime May'n latest work. OP song for a new anime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F26Yjm5-qWA
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