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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Thanks for the upload Seanzilla! The quality of the video seems to be better this time.
  2. Thanks Seanzilla for the upload. will eagerly await the rest : D 'Dots and Lines' Ep 5
  3. another Interview in USA http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2014-08-11/mayn/.77447
  4. Another interview. http://www.mtv81.com/features/interviews/mayn-connects-the-dots-at-j-pop-summit-festival-2014/ I did however find one video with May'n singing 'In the Air' but the person was standing maybe too close to the speakers, so the sound just burst. Pity though.
  5. More news + pics from J-Pop summit http://www.fafafoom.com/j-pop-live-at-union-square-2014-mayn-tomomi-itano-tokyo-girls-style-daichi-una/#.U-OQBuOSySo http://www.fafafoom.com/10-things-i-learn-j-pop-summit-2014-weekend/
  6. Interview with May'n http://otakumode.com/news/53d8c85b9e102de21b000402/ Dots and Lines#4 May'n fans at J-pop summit - err....not focused on her XD
  7. Indeed, her English has improved dramatically, during the interview, she was answering (in Japanese) without the interpreter repeating the question in Japanese. The other language she's improving is Mandarin. Damn, she sang 'In the Air' - that was easily my favorite in her new.album, wish I've could have heard it LIVE.. Thanks Seanzilla for the review. See if you can edit/cut your video to smaller parts - by song and upload it to Youtube. Would really love to see it, including those on her community.
  8. Welcome! If you're into M & M (Macross and May'n or the other way around) then you're in the right place! For those who has gone for the concert, do share your news or pictures taken. I do hope someone writes about the concert event.
  9. Have an enjoyable time at the Concert! Nice, if someone can write about it for the rest of us! : D Meanwhile Part 3 is out and you can see the Inari shrine.
  10. If I was anywhere near the continent, I would definitely go! Both venues! You never know when she might come again. The theme song from M3 - RE:Rmember is really nice, and so is the light hearted - LOVE, colored today (OP of Inari Konkon Koi Iroha) and of course, music from Frontier.And not to forget that super cute Nendroid which is only available during her concert! Someone should arrange to interview her! This just came in, needless to say, some of you may end up in the video, one of our members did in Jakarta. : )
  11. OH No! Why is Bucho so sad! Please smile.........err....she's just posing with that pix..... http://space.mayn.jp/media/17052507
  12. Interview and concert review is out. (so is the format spacing XD) You have to download to read. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41218 Not sure if the songs will be same at other venues but for Jakarta and Singapore is the same.
  13. Remember that Macross F information Agency thing? This is May'n (Behind Dots and Lines) episode 1
  14. MBS Anime fest Osaka! http://www.mbs.jp/animefes/ A cosplayer cosplayed May'n Nendroid! http://space.mayn.jp/media/17044400 For those of you who have watched 'Inari Konkon Koi Iroha' you would be familiar with this! Not sure what May'n is doing on the 2nd photo though XD https://www.facebook.com/maynasia/photos/pb.261617925333.-2207520000.1402215405./10152126298435334/?type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/maynasia/photos/pb.261617925333.-2207520000.1402215405./10152126298455334/?type=1&theater
  15. Some pix from the concert http://space.mayn.jp/media/17042432 http://space.mayn.jp/media/17042433 Final installment of her Taiwan challenge!
  16. Someone happened to walk by this truck https://www.facebook.com/maynasia/photos/pcb.10152095273790334/10152095273710334/?type=1&theater
  17. M3. RE : REMEMBER going on sale in June
  18. Found a pre concert interview http://sgcafe.com/2014/05/mayn-dots-lines-singapore-pre-concert-interview-sheryl-nome-will-always-part-sgcafe-exclusive/ During the concert, all of a sudden she said ' When I first started singing, I thought I could continue singing forever but that was not to be......' A feeling of dread came over me......
  19. One of our member is going to her Jakarta concert (10th May), whereas myself and Van Pang are attending her Singapore concert (12th May) after our Macross exhibit ends (10th - 11th) More from her Taiwan show. This time to look for someone at a certain age, After losing the 1st round to KIKI, May'n finds a surprise and I think the other persons was even more surprised! Winner gets to eat the oyster flavored noodles and the loser has to chow down - look like veins of some animal!
  20. That's great news! Full concert is always the best!
  21. May'n participating in a Taiwan game show - does look like she has a disadvantage as a foreigner. Part 1
  22. They could be her earlier collections or her way to support other artist. But like many who answered her post - she needs a shelf! Here's more of her - in an interview in Taiwan. Really funny! She's surprised when she's presented with a bowl of dessert - flour dumpling in sweet syrup (not sure if there's anything inside - red bean paste, peanut, sesame or sweet potato). And she tries her Mandarin on the spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEG_BiBCJvw&app=desktop
  23. This is posted by May'n herself! Our first insight/inside into her room! http://space.mayn.jp/media/17020077
  24. Happy Birthday Japan Expo 2014
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