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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Hi Darkgiver, thanks for posting that awesome video. Been away for ahwhile - another exhibition. Just finished my write up yesterday night. Hopefully soon it will be up.
  2. May'n at NHK World - Everyone Vs May'n!
  3. Some of what happened during AFASG2015 http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12101716857.html?frm_src=thumb_module
  4. Firstly, thanks for answering Seanzilla, yes indeed it's Moonwalker. Malaysia Cosplayer Angie Ong will again be the mascot for AFASG 2015. Will get some pix of her soon. (November 27 - 29) Secondly, Saruta, Horipro did not release any news of May'n during the time she was in the hospital/recovery except news of her having a condition in her vocal chords and have to stop her 'HANG JAM 2' concerts. Then was a total black out of information until her recovery in time for her 10th Anniversary Concert in Budokan. There was nothing mentioned anywhere, whether in her official or private blog/sites. Not a single picture. Total Black out! She was totally missing for almost 3 months. Fans were worried like hell that her 10th Anniversary Concert will be cancelled. And then on 26th of July a video was released . She was wearing a 'voice enhancer' - that small tiny object around her neck. (see video below - 2.45") We have requested an interview of May'n sama during AFASG. One of the questions posed will be regarding that 'lost' time period and hopefully the manager will allow it. Will see how it goes. Thirdly, thanks for posting her 12th single Darkgiver. If not wrong, it's another OP song for Aquarion Logos - Dawn of the logos http://mayn.jp/blog/news/13592/ Yes!!! Can't wait for the Blu-ray release!
  5. Looks like Anime Festival Asia Singapore, have become synonymous with May'n. XD https://www.facebook.com/animefestivalasia/videos/vb.91683256021/10153121025766022/?type=2&theater Can anyone name the song?
  6. Looks everyone is jumping into the Halloween fun these days! http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12089765586.html Even if you can't see her face, she looked good! XD
  7. This is really a big fun birthday present for our TAIYAKI loving songstress! http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12087204107.html?frm_src=thumb_module
  8. Happy Birthday May'n! One of the oldest vids - Live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjjE3D4xxg4
  9. 3.....2....1...........
  10. Really enjoyed this one, supposed to talk about the CD but went off topic! XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=5&v=E2qbCFeX3_k
  11. May'n on........taiyaki! https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=19&v=UzQ3RjzorC4 There was a photo of her returning from somewhere (maybe Nagoya) and she dropped by her favorite taiyaki shop (in Ebisu, Shibuya - see pix at article 304) and found out that it was closed. She looked really disappointed. Loved that photo. XD
  12. Found this in youtube. Not sure which year is this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPcSDM8g5dI
  13. May'n at AFASG2015 - 27th-29th November 2015!
  14. Some pictures taken during the trip - 25th to 27th August 2015 Tower Records - Shibuya http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11949342_10153590363933390_7249166912067172996_n_zpsiv3lqxyn.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=6 Taiyaki shop - HIRAGI, Ebisu, Shibuya http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11951122_10153590368528390_4553819626009613642_n_zpshdu7e9xl.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=5 Budokan http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11953278_10153593233783390_1818032882946735765_n_zpsxq5he2a3.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=3 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11954724_10153593232468390_3589231795557205744_n_zpsurphlgan.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=2 http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11988301_10153593233443390_5323037699051101630_n_zpskpslo5zy.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 Akihabara http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11924556_10153593231873390_6871694675639767663_n_zpsdqfn2ebq.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=4 UDX building - Akihabara http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/jameswmc88/media/11200917_10153590822523390_960147412548008708_n_zpsisbrzvtz.jpg.html?filters[user]=133666143&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
  15. Powers Of Voice Concert Review The concert began when the lights went out. Expectations were high. Both giant screens on each side of the stage came to life, May’n then appeared on the screen - talking. Everyone scanned the stage, looking for ‘Bucho’ but she was simply not on stage, it was a recording. They played visuals of May’n past concerts for the past 8 years. The screens fade to black. Then a familiar tune played (Ready Go!) and this time May’n was really on stage, with her dancers. She wore a silver and gold lining short dress. Everyone jumped to the tune and do their ‘special’ move when the song reached its climax. Next off was the crowd pleaser - ‘Vivid’. Fire balls illuminated the stage as her next song began. This was the first song she sang in her solo Budokan concert. Another of my friends who was also his first time in Budokan was constantly wiping the ‘tears of joy’ off his eyes. A short break, and May’n takes time to ‘Welcome Back!’ everyone back to Budokan. I was really amazed by her ‘come back’ voice, in fact she sounded like she was back in 2011 Rhythm Tank concert! By now, I think everyone who was worried about May’n voice after the operation could now feel relieved and settle down to enjoy the concert, plus with the ample rest, she looked fabulous! She shared a few jokes with her fans and then it’s time to take out the towel! Everyone ‘swung’ their towel to the tune of DOLCE. At this point, green lazer light illuminated the stage and it was an impressive sight. She then hit us hard with ‘Northern Cross’ and followed with another Macross Frontier song – Iteza Gogo Kuji Don’t Be Late! At this point, it looked like it was raining green lazers! Next on, another Macross F song – Pink Monsoon! She did all the sexy moves and swung her hips left and right, much to the delight of her fans. Next was a song I’ve seldom heard her sang after 2012 as it was taxing on her vocal chords – Shinjitemiru. Next May’n did an acoustic song and she chose ‘Love, colored today’ for this. I loved this song as it was but after listening to this, it sounded like a completely new song (with additional music notes). The original was jovial but this had a tinge of sadness to it. Totally loved it! A break and they started showing the opening of the ‘Yamaidare Darling’ MV and then quickly cut to Re: Remember, Love, colored today and Lose My Illusions. We began to understand that this was a backward countdown! Suddenly, we were back before she joined HoriPro! The words on the screen showed ‘May Nakabayashi’ What a nice surprise! May’n came back on stage with a black and white pattern dress and performed all three of her singles – Crazy Crazy Crazy, Sympathy and Fallin’ In or Not. She then explained that this was her first time singing these songs in Budokan. May’n then asked her fans, if they’re ready for a song Marathon? Budokan erupted with a resounding ‘YES!’ and it started with ‘Run Real Run’ followed by Dare Ga Tame Ni (insert song from M3), Hero, Morning of Determination and Kimi Shintamou Koto Nakare. May’n then got down to the small stage in the middle of the arena. It’s time for May’n Space! Flag bearers ran up the stage from both sides and made their way to the opposite side. Everyone was totally engaged in this song and it was really a lot of fun. May’n then went off stage and after a short break, returned with the Powers of Voice t-shirt and introduced her band members, only 3 of her regular Budokan musicians were there, Nouchi (Keyboard and Band Master), Tetsu (Drummer) and Wataru (Bass) and the other 3 were guitarist. She started off the encore with ‘Chase the World’, followed by ‘Yamaidare Darling’. Went back down to the small stage to perform ‘Phonic Nation’. At the right time, they released strips of gold foil down to the audience. We were all really into it as we put our arms over one another, sang ‘La la la’ and swayed side to side to the longest chorus ever! One more song and then it was time for the last song for the evening. I guessed it was befitting as many considered this song to be THE song that made May’n into a household name. It’s none other than ‘Diamond Crevasse’. It was the perfect blend of sadness and sweetness, rolled together in one magical moment and many like myself found it hard to hold back the emotions swelling up inside as we listened intensely at every key and note performed perfectly by Bucho. May’n went back to the main stage and thanked all the dancers, flag bearers, her musicians and the audience which she called ‘Live Friends’ and last but not least the vocal of the evening – May’n. One last call, and everyone held their hands together for a final bow and she shouted at the top of her voice: ARIGATO!!! This is where usually where the Blu-ray will fade to black. But to those at the event will know that this is not the end. After everyone has left the stage, May’n goes around and wave and thank everyone for coming – block by block. A really heartfelt gesture and is easy to see why everyone adores her. Having done all that, she bowed a few more times, waved and retired behind the curtains. How was the concert? Well, I have to say it was emotional. Everytime, May’n took the time to talk to us, each time she finished a song and the audience responded with great enthusiasm, you can see the emotions swelling up in her eyes and face. But, at the same time, she has to remain calm and professional. There was a point in time, where, I’m not sure it was sweat or tears on her cheek, she quickly brushed it off with her hand and continued to perform for us. I have nothing but admiration for her as she performed with so much energy (much like that of an Olympic class runner) and dedication which for me, has set the benchmark for any performance. And for many of us, she is more than just an idol, for the past 8 years since we have known her, she has been more like a friend that guided us through difficult and challenging times and has always been there to raise our spirits. In her final address, she hoped to see all of us again at her 20th Anniversary concert. To that I can proudly say – It’s a Promise! Song List 1. Ready Go! 2. Vivid 3. Universal Bunny 4. Dolce 5. Northern Cross 6. Iteza Gogo Kuji – Don’t be late 7. Pink Monsoon 8. Shinjitemiru 9. Love - colored today (Acoustic) 10. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY 11. Sympathy 12. Fallin’ in or not 13. Run Real Run 14. Dare Ga Tame Ni (insert song from M3) 15. Hero 16. Morning of Determination 17. Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare 18. May’n Space 19. Chase the World 20. Yamaidare Darling 21. Phonic Nation 22. We Are 23. Diamond Crevasse
  16. Hi wolfx! Glad you could join us here! Since this is May’n 10th Anniversary, my partner and I decided to visit some of the sights we can identify her in. Most notably, the Taiyaki store at Ebisu and the picture of Sheryl Nome at UDX building at Akihabara. But since my partner (1st time in Japan) was very eager to get his hands on May’n Best Album, we headed out to Towers Records at Shibuya first. We found her ‘section’ but was empty! Sold out already? Apparently, the ‘sales’ only starts tomorrow. The sales person informed us that only Album A and Album C will be available. Album B will only available at Budokan. So….kind of disappointed, we headed to the next venue (after going to ANIMATE and Mandarake). The Taiyaki shop - Hiragi, It was a difficult place to find as we spent about an hour running around in circles. Even the locals have trouble giving us good directions (they tried their best) Finally, we found it and ate to our heart’s content. Undeterred, my partner decided to return to Tower Records and try again. His persistence paid off and and he bought Album A x 3. We dropped by Budokan on our way back and showed him around so that next morning he can get his bearings as he planned to line up early to get his hands on all the goodies. But that night, I caught fever and luckily the hotel staff gave me some medication to ease my situation. The next morning, my fever came back (later we’ll joke it off as May’n fever) and was kind of down and out. My partner left around 7am in the morning to Budokan and was raining the whole day. I managed to visit one place before going back to the Hotel. My partner, managed to get everything he wanted and dropped all the stuff back to the room before setting out again. Set my alarms for 4pm. No way was I going to miss the concert as that was the whole reason I was in Tokyo in the first place. Luckily the rain subsided as I made my way to Budokan. As I walked to the main staircase, I could hear ‘Diamond Crevasse’ being played. So I thought, ‘Oh, ok. Diamond Crevasse will be one of the songs’. I wasn’t sure that was just the mp3 playing or the actual final rehearsal’. It turned out to be the latter. As I walked pass the goodies shop, I smiled to myself. It seems everyone had the same idea; they came very early despite the heavy rain and did all the shopping! So now, there’s hardly anyone need to line up at all. (In the previous concert – Mic-A-Mania, even 1 hour before the concert, we couldn’t even get a peek at the goods) I met the other members of my party and we got to our seats. The set up of the stage was impressive. There were 5 giant 4 sided Diamond shape structures in a ‘V’ formation with the center moving into the stage. On both side of the stage, were staircase leading down to the Arena area. In the middle, there is a simple rectangular stage. Concert starts at 18.30pm. The clock showed 18.02 pm. It was a long and agonizing wait. 1 minute passed like one hour! But I know, once the concert starts, it will be over in like 40 minutes. To be continued……….
  17. Was originally planning to do a year by year look at May'n career spanning the past 10 years but then there were too much work at the office, at home, my PC refuse to booth up every now and then, software malfunction, exhibition - Visual Arts Expo, which the father of Valkyries attended, preparing for my Tokyo trip and totally gave up on the 29th n 30th exhibition. So after finally meeting the man himself - Shoji Kawamori - friendly, open and hyper active brain. So after each day, I would go back and pack a little for my 2nd dose of Macross : LIVE! But May'n didn't turn out to be the 2nd! As we helped out a little at the SATELITE booth, they hinted that another person was suppose to come together but he missed his flight but at the same time he is here as a visitor only. On Sunday morning, as we were setting up our exhibits, he dropped by our booth. Casually dressed, no one recognized him, until I pointed out to Van Pang - TENJIN! After that, it was mayhem as everyone grabbed something for him to sign. With that done, and YES I managed to attend the Galactic Fairy's 10th Anniversary Concert. Happy to report that she is doing very well and something unexpected also, after her operation. Please give allow me some time to put all those wonderful memories onto paper. Will be back soon.
  18. PV for Best Album Yamaidare darlin PV truck
  19. I guess she's really recovering well. Can't wait to see the reviews of the upcoming concert. http://space.mayn.jp/media/17299196
  20. Hmmm....i don't think that should be the case, after all she has it as 'LION - May'n ver.' Not sure what kind of contract Megumi's side has. Could be a copyright thing as each song has 3 parts, the Lyrics, the Composer and the Singer. So should any one of these have a tussle then things can get 'stuck'. But since this song was wriiten by Gabriela Robin and composed by Yoko Kanno (of course sung by May'n). Is Yoko is having problems with Hori Pro? Or much worse - with Gabriela Robin! (this can sound really strange as many suspect both of them are the same person!!!!) Well anyway, just hope that she gets to keep singing 'LION'
  21. Yes, it's LION. I wonder why? Maybe some copyright thingy. If you look at all the youtube videos in the net, all her BIG four from Macross Frontier (meaning - ITEZA, NORTHERN CROSS, DIAMOND CREVASSE and of course LION) are all muted. Maybe they just managed to regained the rights for the first 3. As for the other songs, I don't think she has time to sing it them again as she was having problems with her vocal chords and only just recovered. When I last interviewed her in Bangkok, it seems they are still at the planning stage for the new album (they did say 'compilation'). They seem to be focusing on Hang Jam 2. Another clue that it's not a going to be a 'new rendition' of all her songs is that Hori Pro seems to be expanding rapidly with new singers and musicals - like Death Note.
  22. May'n & Yoko during recording of Yamaidare darlin http://space.mayn.jp/media/17291529 Latest album http://mayn.jp/best_pov/ Anyone noticed one song missing from the list?
  23. May'n is BACK! This is the first upload I found from a Chinese site. And she looks GOOD! She took a good rest and it does wonders. She is still wearing a 'voice enhancer' round her neck. The streaming is pretty bad at my place. http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2634234/
  24. Aquarion Logos Opening song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXVjdlmp80E
  25. Looks like she has been recovering well, poster of the upcoming 10th Anniversary Concert! http://space.mayn.jp/media/17276701
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