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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. If this was done in a single take, May'n and all the Wake Up Girls! members did a fantastic job!
  2. May'n exercising.....XD
  3. Pix from Macross Fan club meet and latest Sheryl artwork.
  4. Found this - 10.29 May'n
  5. The next destination for her 'KICK IT UP!!' concert is none other than Taiwan! The first part (in Mandarin)
  6. A review of the Flying Dog 10th Anniversary concert in Japanese (unfortunately once translated it looses some of it's content) https://www.anime-recorder.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?seq_no=21649&fbclid=IwAR1wm8vO4sS3IzlW35eC_Kw_kSHFv4eFb0U1wooA82415KNEq2m1EqEpv-Y&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
  7. Among other songs May'n sang are Chase the World, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late and Diamond Crevasse An Interview on Flying Dog's 10th Anniversary with the CEO Mr. Sasaki Shiro recalling his meeting with Megumi Nakajima & May'n (scroll down a bit) https://cafeange.blogspot.com/2019/01/anisong-station-episode-92-1-24-19.html?fbclid=IwAR3GjS731AKMPczdse1Nj4ftxaIcY2YpvU8pIOyOcyBWIaEzOWgz8JnuhuE
  8. Pictures from Flying Dog's 10th Anniversary May'n duet with Megumi (Good Job and LION)
  9. May'n at RisuAni LIVE - signing event (Among other are JUNNA (Mikuno) and Minori Suzuki (Freya))
  10. JPY5,000 (tax included) And this is the difference in the song list for both days. '1' being on the 24th and '2' being 25th
  11. May’n Christmas Concert – 25th December 2018 – Part 3 After entering (with drink in hand – that JPY500 one) we found our seating positions, On stage was set up a 3 piece band – a Piano, a Percussion Set and a Guitar – (Spoilers – my friends who attended the concert yesterday informed me that there will be strings instruments later). May’n entered the stage with a Christmas themed dress. It was red and had a black corset like thing in the middle and the back of her red dress had a Big ribbon. She greeted us ‘Merry Christmas’ and we replied back ‘May’n Christmas!’ (Anytime she did this and we would replied the same). They were playing with the words – May’n Christmas (sounded like Merry Christmas). The first song was Silent de Nanka Irarenai – May’n ver. It was presented in a playful way and with a star shaped tambourine. Next was another Macross F song – What ‘bout my star? Performed playfully too. After the song, she introduced her band members to us. Only one member I’m familiar with which is the Band Master known as ‘Nochi’ whom I recognized from all the Budokan concerts. During her talk time she suddenly let out an manly laugh (I was taken by surprise! Is this how she normally laugh during her private time? – Luckily No! She was just imitating how Santa would laugh!) For the next song (JEWELS) the strings section joined the band. 2 violins, one viola (Strings leader) and one cello. She commented how cute one of the violinist looked. (We noticed that too!) May’n then faces her band and acted as conductor for the opening notes to the song before continuing as Vocal. Swan – one of my favorite slow songs. What a treat. She sang it in low key and it reminiscence the days before she ‘fixed’ to using her high pitched tones. Another surprise was when May’n played the xylophone of the opening part of ‘Love, Colored Today’ and some other places in the song. I should say, it takes quite some concentration switching from vocal and then turning back to play the instrument. The songs performed so far have been pretty laid back. Then came Diamond Crevasse. As we listened attentively I noticed my hands were moving to the rhythm of the song and so was my friends’. In a normal concert we would be moving our light sticks. I suspect we were not the only ones doing that. Perfectly sung by May’n, and the audience loved it. A long applause followed once the song ended. The concert picked up momentum and so were the audience’s feelings (her dance moves were also sexier!). After Northern Cross was ‘Run Real Run’ and ‘You’. We were cheering like crazy (I would suppose we came expecting a normal May’n type concert where we made a lot of noise, and so we unloaded all our energy during these songs) There was a short break as they moved a keyboard onto the stage. Her band had left the stage. May’n, emotionally explained that she took quite some time to learn how to play it. Every time she played, Mu chan (her cat) would distract her by making noises or running over the keyboard. At one time her cat accidentally played a tune and this surprised her. She got her phone out to record but nothing happened. The song she performed for us was ‘HOME’ ED from Phantom in the Night. You can see she was really concentrating on the keyboard while delivering the vocals and she did a really good job. My roommate told me that the fans in China really loved this song (to the point where tears would flow down – maybe it reminded them of home as they had to travel really far to find work and could only see their families once or twice a year) There was a short break and some of the audience took this opportunity to relief themselves at the toilet. The audience started chanted May’n! May’n! May’n! Then she came back for the Encore with a white dress and a guest – he brought an accordion. After the intro, he played ‘Silent Night’ and May’n sang in English (If I’m not wrong she sang only the first verse x 2). The guest then left. Even before the concert, some of my friends were wondering who might be tonight’s special guest and one of them suggested – Megumi Nakajima! (Ranka from Macross F) That would have been awesome but it turned out to be someone else. Though most of us don’t know him, he was May’n music teacher (wearing a black hat) when she first started out and they talked about things related to Christmas – one of them was KFC. Somehow having Kentucky Fried Chicken was synonymous to Christmas in Japan! (May’n posted that she managed to eat KFC (bucket) a few days later in her blog) As for the song, it was a Bluesy duet – The Smell of Money! It was refreshing as we have never seen May’n sing like this before! Next is her the latest song - 'Starring' (which she wrote the lyrics) - for a mobile game, which is due to launch next year and one of the main characters was voiced by none other than her 'partner' Megumi Nakajima The last song for the evening is none other ‘Love, Like the Falling Stars’. If you remember any from her previous concert, as soon as the song ends, there will be a sing along session with the members of the audience. And we sang our hearts out as she went from one section to the next (Left, Right and Center). And she challenged us to a looong one – which we managed to keep up! As fun as it was, things will still have to come to an end. As a usual she would asked the members of her band to come forward and lined up in a single file. One last round of introductions and then everyone held hands, bowed (at this point everyone clapped the loudest as it was a really enjoyable evening) May’n shouted at the top of her voice ‘Arigato Gozaimashita!’ The crowd continued clapping as her band members left the stage. A stage hand came out and handed her with her hand phone. It was photo taking time! She moved to the Left side first and because she tried to include everyone in the picture, she really have to jut out her phone which left her in a ‘suggestive’ pose. Her butt was high up in the air and we’re giggling to ourselves as we all posed for the photo. And this happened 3 times as she moved around to capture all three sections. She then moved back to Left side again and began thanking everyone for attending her concert – from the front to the back – Arigato! Arigato! Arigato!… We waved back frantically hoping she would see us. She then moved to the other two sections and at times you could hear her running out of breath! One last time – she shouted ‘Merry Christmas!’ and we replied ‘May’n Christmas!’ May’n replied ‘Arigato!! BYE! BYE!’ and waved all the way backstage. Another Special Concert that we managed to attend. The Concert was perfect, not once her vocals were off key and the songs we’re used to hearing – were played in a different way. SONG LIST – 25th December 2018 1. SILENT DE NANKA IRARENAI (Macross Frontier – CHRISTMAS WITHOUT YOU) 2. WHAT ‘BOUT MY STAR (Macross Frontier) 3. JEWELS 4. SWAN 5. LOVE, COLORED TODAY (OP Inari Konkon Koi Iroha) 6. KOITGE 7. DO NOT LEAVE IT AS IT IS, I DO NOT WANT IT AS IT IS 8. ANOTHER 9. SHINJITE MIRU (Incite Mill – 7 Day Death Game) 10. BLUE 11. KATASUMORI 12. DIAMOND CREVASSE (Macross Frontier) 13. NOTHERN CROSS (Macross Frontier) 14. RUN REAL RUN (Real Onigago – THE ORIGIN) 15. YOU (2ND OP The Ancient Magus’ Bride) 16. HOME (ED Phantom in the Night) ENCORE EN1. SILENT NIGHT (with Tetsuya Kuwayama – playing the accordion) EN2. SMELL OF MONEY (duet with Tatsuya Kawaguchi) EN3. STARRING (OP Do Scientists Dreams of Girls’ Asterism?) EN4. LOVE, LIKE THE FALLING STARS (ED Saikyou Bushouden) Many thanks to Andy and other May'n fans.
  12. May’n Christmas Concert 2018 – 24th and 25th December – HULIC Music Hall, Tokyo PART 2 - 25th December 2018 Since its Christmas, I’m wearing a light green mock neck shirt. Joked with my friend that today I’m going to be the ‘marker’ when May’n takes a photo. Our seats for today will be further back. Today also, we were supposed to sample a seafood buffet at Ueno (Numazuko Kaisho), but my friend told he’s not too fond of buffets and decided to go to the venue to buy the key chain which he could not get yesterday. I asked him to get me a key chain too and a Black T-shirt L size, which was also sold out yesterday. So, together with my other friend that had attended yesterday’s concert, we headed out to Ueno. After a short wait and paid for the buffet (JPY1,200 – eat all you can for 45 min) we were shown to our seats. We made a mistake thinking 45 min was a long time and took our time settling in our table and then to the food. We took small portions to test what we liked (raw red sun-fish, baby tuna, potato salad and cherry tomatoes) I managed to go 3 rounds before the time was up. We just took enough (not to the point of bloating up our stomachs) By 3.00 pm I left my other friend and headed back to the concert hall. They had put up different exhibits from that of yesterday. A friend introduced us to a Japanese fan who gave something known as a ‘CALL BOOK’ – totally fan made and quite well done (almost looked like an official merchandise) Basically it’s a book telling you how to wave your light stick for a selected song (talk about dedication!). The best thing about buying the merchandise was the receipt! Each receipt has May’n signature on it and each is unique! (well….almost) I got one that has a Taiyaki. My friend had one with a Hippo. All in all there were 4 designs. So other than the merchandise, the receipts itself were collectible items! After a quick dinner we went straight in. There was a fan who wore a Santa Claus outfit and was sitting right in the front row! Lucky guy, he was noticed by May’n and was later mentioned again during the Encore!
  13. May’n Christmas Concert 2018 – 24th and 25th December – HULIC Music Hall, Tokyo Part 1 – 24th December 2018 This was the first time May’n has announced a Christmas Concert and I had no idea what to expect. Having just gone to Tokyo for the Walkure 3rd LIVE (and missed May’n performance on Day 1 – but luckily they released it on DVD/BD) I was kind of reluctant/unsure and (AFASG 2018 in November) whether I would like to go. But before I could make a decision, my May’n fan friend signed me up for 2 days! Then, the Fan Club member informed that he got 4 tickets for both days. Since the tickets were confirmed, I decided to go and since I’ve not seen Tokyo during Christmas, it would be a bonus. But I’m just going for one day and offered the other ticket to other fans. Only one was financially sound and had the annual leave left to go. Something also had gone wrong in the merchandize line up as to date only a key chain has been announced. Finally five days before we flew, a whole range was announced, with the exception of a coat which the makers in China could not finished. On our first full day in Tokyo, my party of 3 (including myself) scouted the venue, as we might go our separate ways before the concert. It was located at LUMINE building, on the 11th floor. There was no indication or poster that showed May’n was going to perform there tomorrow. The next day we set out early around 10am and already quite a number of fans already sitting down at the venue. Noting has been set up yet. I picked up my ticket from our friend. We went around the area and had lunch. After that we went back to the venue and they had already set up some exhibits and selling merchandises. I went round snapping photos. I left the concert hall as my turn to attend the concert was tomorrow. Another friend in Singapore suddenly texted me and wanted me to buy some merchandize (I uploaded the pictures to my FB) I went around Roppongi, Harajuku and Shibuya (using my all powerful 3 day subway pass) looking for Christmas illuminations. The one in Shibuya was like a sea of human wave just getting to the site. Once in the area then it’s not that bad. I had return to the venue to buy the merchandize and we were supposed to go to an ‘izakaya’ after the concert. By the time I got there, the merchandize that I wanted was sold out! So I posted to my friend and told him that I will try again tomorrow. Met up with my friends and they were busy chatting about the concert. From what I could gathered from their conversation as we left the hall - it was an acoustic type concert and there was a Saxophone player. Another thing was that you need to fork out an additional JPY500 for a drink (beer or soda) or they won’t let you in! There was also no standing up or light sticks (Urgh! and I brought my light stick all the way to Tokyo). In conclusion - this was a relaxing kind of concert. Soon the photo taking session pictures came out! I could see where my friends were sitting (because of the distance – I could just make out their outlines). The song list was out too. We tried a few places to have supper but they all fully booked or had a long queue. In the end we ended up in Yoshinoya. The concert was sold out for both days.
  14. Once awhile, some stunning photos of 'Bucho' gets published in the social media.
  15. May'n eating Taiyaki and making faces....XD. Click on the '162 people are talking about this' to see another and longer video.
  16. This was taken by AFA photographers during the concert - May'n listening to her fans shouting - May'n! May'n! May'n!
  17. C3AFASG 2018 – Celebrating 10 years of Anime Festival Asia This year marked the 10th Anniversary of Anime Festival Asia (AFA), the Premier Anime Event this side of Asia which started back in 2008. The event was announced early in 2018 and we were really excited so much so that when they announced the date, we immediately made plans and booked our accommodations – 8 months ahead. We kept a close watch on the social media sites, hunger for any news of this event. As the date got closer, we were not disappointed. Top notch Anisong Artists, latest showcase and Cosplayers, etc. filled the lineup for the 3 day celebrations and to top it off, a Red Carpet event (something we have not seen before) made us super excited. We got in early on Friday before opening time and already a super huge crowd of fans lined up to get in. On a regular C3AFASG event, Friday usually isn’t as packed as Saturday but this time the numbers were beyond my imagination. How packed? Well, we had to wait one floor down as we couldn’t go upstairs (packed) and while we were waiting, we had to move on 3 occasions to make way for people to line up! I guessed the limited special merchandise were too tempting for fans to wait till Saturday to purchase. As the doors opened, fans ran in every direction to the merchandise booth to get their treasures before it’s sold out. Once in, we were like children in a toy shop – interesting booths everywhere coupled with stage events packed with schedules. We were having a hard time deciding which way to go or what to see first. It will be an eventful 3 days! Happy 10th Anniversary AFA! May’n INTERVIEW DURING C3AFASG 2018 – AFA 10TH ANNIVERSARY Interview with May’n was conducted on the 3rd Day of C3AFASG 2018. Different groups of media attended and the overall interview are as below: Q : CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR UPCOMING ASIA TOUR CONCERT ‘KICK IT UP!!’. May’n : When I do my tours every year, I would like to visit the venue halls and check out the acoustics in each of the venue, to bring up the tension, the heat to make it exciting. That’s the concept for the new tour. Korea is confirmed. As for the other venues outside of Japan, you will have to wait n see. Q : NEXT YEAR, YOU’LL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE MACROSS CROSS OVER LIFE. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT? May’n : It’s been awhile since I did a LIVE Macross concert. I’m delighted to be part of it and hoped that everyone will come over to see it. It’s been awhile since I have performed with Megumi Chan. Q : RECENTLY YOU ADOPTED A CAT. CAN YOU SHARE WITH US THAT STORY….. May’n : Oh! You know about it? Mu Chan. Well, it started with when I was doing the musical (IKIRU), it was a challenging time and after work I met a stray cat and it followed me home and it was injured too. And I was like…ohh it’s so cute and the rest is history. Q : IS THERE ANYTHING FROM NAGOYA (May'n HOMETOWN) THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE TO US? May’n : There is a Doll called Nana Chan and they would dress her up according to occasions and recently they have a collaboration with IDOL MASTER 2. I love this doll very much and whenever I have a chance I would always take a selfie with her. So, it’s a must see item in Nagoya. In Shibuya there is a dog named Hachiko where people will usually meet, it’s the same at Nagoya except that Nana Chan is 10 meters tall! It’s an Iconic spot! Q : HOW DO YOU FEEL, UNITED AGAIN WITH MEGUMI NAKAJIMA SAN AND YOKO KANNO SAN AFTER 10 YEARS, FOR THE SONG & MV ‘GOOD JOB’? May’n : As you all know it’s been awhile since I was able to work with Megumi Nakajima san. Even though we had never had a prior meeting before hand, but when I put up my hand, I would find that Megumi Chan also has done the same and that we both seems to work so seamlessly and naturally together and I can be Sheryl Nome because Megumi Chan was next to me. Even though I have worked with many artist over the years, but in terms of a partner, I can only think of Megumi Nakajima san. LET’S HOPE WE GET TO SEE MORE SONGS! May’n : Oooh! I hope so too! Q : CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE, WORKING IN A RECENT THEATRE PLAY LIKE ‘IKIRU’ May’n : I always like passionate about musicals and this time where acting is incorporated, I took it as a challenge. This is like a new thing for me. In my concerts, I was always at the center of the stage and in my concerts I have the freedom to go where I want to and my dancers and staff will support me, but now I’m sometimes on the left and then on the right and I have to remember not just the song but the dialog as well as the position on stage and where I had to go. The theatre staff gave me a lot of support. Q : YOU HAVE COME TO SINGAPORE MANY TIMES, SO WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD AND WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE THING IN SINGAPORE? May’n : Awww…that’s a bit hard. Hmmm I would have to say Roti Prata but last year I tried ‘Bak Kut Teh’ again and this is really good! I liked to see the Christmas decorations every year and this year is Disney themed. Q : HOW WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE PERFORMING AT 'Walkure Wa Uraginarai' AT YOKOHAMA ARENA EARLY THIS YEAR? May’n : I was a special guest at the Walkure concert and when I sang the songs from Frontier which was ten years ago, I was surprised that Sheryl Nome was still a very much loved character in the Macross universe and that made me felt really happy. If you have seen the Walkure concert, you would have seen the stage actually moved. Ten years ago you don’t have this kind of technology. Each year we are getting closer and closer to the world/environment of the Macross Universe. In a video, you can see Sheryl Nome changing costumes LIVE and I hope someday it will come true! Q : CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR LATEST SONG FOR LORD OF VERMILLION – TENSHI YO KOKYO WO KIKE May’n : The concept for the song is for a person to know more about one self and to do that one has to see his/her reflection, the first thing that come to mind is a mirror so you can see in the MV and the cover there are mirrors. Q : IN THE MV, YOU SPOT TWO DIFFERENT LOOKS, ONE IS A BAD GIRL LOOK. TELLS US A BIT ABOUT THAT ONE. May’n : It’s like knowing yourself and breaking out of yourself. If you noticed in the MV, the TV and the car is not like the latest model. The concept is to break that and when it comes to breaking it. Q : IN YOUR LIVE SHOWS, YOUR PERFORMANCE IS VERY PHISYCAL. HOW DO YOU TRAIN FOR IT? May’n : Kick Boxing! At home I have something like and Aero Bike and I work out on when I’m watching TV. For food I try not to eat too much and if I think I eat too much I would exercise more and sleep. Q : WHAT IS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE THING AT AFA FOR 10 YEARS? May’n : Ehhh…a difficult one! There’s so much that I did over the years. But the first time overseas and performed overseas, I was worried and had concerns but everyone was so warm and welcoming and that allowed me to be more confident to try performing in other countries and going to world tours too. Q : RECENTLY YOU HAVE DONE THE OPENING SONG FOR A MOBILE GAME – ‘STARRING’. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT IT? May’n : The game has not launched yet and at the pre order stage. The story is about a girl living under the stars. Her destiny has already been predetermined, so how do you go against that and get the life that you want. When I wrote it, I incorporated those feelings into it. Q : WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR OVERSEAS CONCERT AND WHAT SONGS EXCITE YOUR FANS MORE. ARE THERE ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONCERTS IN JAPAN AND THOSE OVERSEAS. May’n : Ahh…another hard question. Hmm…when I performed in Japan or overseas, song from Macross Frontier, 10 years ago – LION, Northern Cross and Diamond Crevasse fans will go wild and it makes me happy. Also another thing that makes me happy is that internet and social media is very strong now and when I sing any latest songs or anime, fans around the world would know about it. Every year when I performed I can see there’s really no difference between Japan and overseas. Q : WHAT SURPRISE YOU THE MOST WHEN PERFORMING IN SINGAPORE? May’n : Hmmmm…..Every year I come to perform in Singapore, the thing that excites me the most was like everyone shouting May’n! May’n! Encore! Encore! (everyone laughed) and waiting for me to get on stage, shouting and anticipating for me, makes me happy. That’s all the time we have for the Interview. We wish to thank SOZO Pte Ltd, members of Asia PR Werkz and of course May’n for taking time to talk to us. RED CARPET Event As this was the 10th Anniversary AFA, a special RED CARPET event was held at the entrance of SUNTEC Convention & Exhibition Center at 4pm. May’n walked down the Red Carpet accompanied by the Managing Director of SOZO Pte Ltd. Mr Shawn Chin. She was honored as she has become the ‘Face’ of AFA and included in the event was the Ambassador of Japan to Singapore. The ceremony can be viewed at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzEH8H59mbM Other guest honored were artistes performing at tonight’s concert, Cosplay contest finalist, Mascots, Guest Artists and Celebrity Cosplayers. I LOVE ANISONG Concert Day 3 (2nd December 2018) – AFA 10th Annivesary – May’n This was the last day for the Concert. It started at 7pm and 1st up was ‘MILI’ singing the OP (Rightfully) for one of this season’s top anime – Goblin Slayer. Next was Angela, which consist of Atsuko (vocal) and Katsu (composer) whom entertained us by pretending to be another group – Fripside (Satoshi (composer) and Nao (vocal) and even sang a few bars from Fripside’s popular song – Only My Rail Gun. GARNiDELiA came next, well known for their colorful stylish wardrobe and popular anime songs. Nano gave us a special treat just for AFA’s 10th Anniversary - she sang Star Light, Star Bright. A song Nano has never done LIVE before. As always, the last Artist to appear on stage every year (since 2008), she continued to WOW the crowd for the past 10 years with her top notch performance. As for AFA’s 10th Anniversary concert, she prepared a special list of songs to commemorate the event. After a short set up, the band began to play, lights were still dimmed when May’n (flank by 2 dancers) came on stage. She was wearing a stylish black fabric piece. There was a 3 piece band in the back (lead guitar, bass guitar and drummer) and straight off was the song ‘Welcome to my Fan Club’s Night’ – from Macross Frontier. The music was rather loud but her high pitched voice managed to pierce through to be heard by the crowd. The next song was another Macross Frontier song that I have not heard her performed for 8 years at AFASG – What ‘bout my star? But certainly the audience has not forgotten this song as they began to sing along with her. The 3rd song that evening was the hard rocking ‘Belief’ the OP for TABOO TATTOO. The audience followed her every movement and jumped to the heavy beat. Song number 4 – Tenshi Yo Furusato O Kike is one of the new songs released this year and it was the OP for the anime Lord of Vermillion - King of Crimson. The next song needed no introduction. Fans know it by heart. A song that is synonymous with the Macross series and one of the top favorite songs for karaoke in Japan – LION. The crowd immediately ‘roared’ in approval. Many sang along as they waved their light sticks in unison with the song. The audience clapped long and loud after the song ended to show that they enjoyed it. The 6th song – ‘YOU’ 2nd OP from the Ancient Magus’s Bride – has a lot of meaning and May’n wished to convey to her fans that everything (whether it is hope, dreams, career etc) starts with yourself and overcome your doubts like in the lyrics ‘ONLY YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF’. By doing so, other people will support you and bring success, something which is true in her career & hoped that it will too for her fans. A short break as she shared her thoughts with her fans. ‘This song is very precious to me. When I first came here (Singapore) in 2008, I was thinking – Who would know me? Who could have heard my songs? But when I sang this song and everyone sang along with me, I was so surprised and so happy! Thank you Singapore! ……Diamond Crevasse’. The crowd cheered with excitement as this was the song that caught the interest of the fans and catapulted May’n to the world stage and beyond. The fans began to sing along and towards the second lyrics, you noticed a slight (one second) off key in her voice. That’s when we noticed that her eyes were watery, she must have been trying to suppress her emotions swelling inside her. I guessed this scenario reminded her of when she first started as an unknown guest artist at the first AFA, plus the tremendous support given to her by fans over the years. A lesser artist might have apologized and stopped the concert to wiped away the tears and emotions. (It’s hard to find words to describe the feeling but the closes I could think of was accidentally taking too much wasabi or mustard – that overwhelming sensation where you could hardly breath or talk) But May’n is a PRO, she waited till she finished all her vocals before quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. Once the song ended, the crowd cheered loudly (as they really enjoyed that song) they felt some of that emotion as well and began chanting May’n! May’n! May’n! Even as I was writing this days later, I had to pause a few times as I still got swept away by the emotions from that night. It was a concert to remember for all of us whom have gone on a journey with her. Once everyone has settled back to Earth, it’s time for the last song for the night. Suddenly, a band member handed her a guitar and she strapped it around her shoulders (In her BLOG, there was a mention that she was taking guitar lessons) and now she’s showing us her skills – we reckoned the first time outside of Japan! ‘This is a song I wrote when I first came to this region - No matter what’s your Religion, Race or where you come from, we all lived under the same sky. I believed MUSIC can save the World! …… Phonic Nation’. There were fans and attendees from many different countries (Malaysians, Indonesians, Thais, Chinese, Japanese, Singaporeans and others attending the concert) as they wave their light sticks and hands in unison, we became one people. Once the song ended, everyone clapped and May’n introduced her team of dancers and musicians. And as a regular thing, they would all line up in a single row holding hands and express their appreciations. The crowd was still clapping and cheering and time was running long. With the help of her dancers, they put their fingers in front of their lips – to quiet down the audience. As usual someone would shout out ‘May’n!’ at the last moment and it would be ‘shhhh’ again. May’n shouted at the top of her voice – Arigato Gozaimasuta Singapore! Followed by a bow and a jump. The crowd just burst into claps and cheers as the band and May’n left the stage. With that, the official 10th Anniversary celebration of AFA ended. May’n Song List 1. Welcome to My Fan’s Club Night – May’n ver. 2. What ‘bout my star? 3. Belief (OP for Taboo Tattoo) 4. Tenshi Yo Furusato O Kike – (OP for Lord of Vermillion, King of Crimson) 5. You (The Ancient Magus’s Bride 2nd OP) 6. LION 7. Diamond Crevasse 8. Phonic Nation.
  18. Here she is giving a clearer description of the merchandise that would be on sale in days to come.....
  19. Finally a list of merchandise appeared for her Christmas Concert 2018 Satarina May'n. I suppose we all wish that she would look at us like that! XD https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12427066540.html?fbclid=IwAR24fmqAXNhelQjt9fvxEyzyY4HbRCM1Y40SIfxg1YM-JqfRWNz4_3fnUP4 Christmas concert merchandise http://mayn.jp/mayn-xmas_goods/
  20. May'n n long time partner Megumi Nakajima met up again. I suppose it's not easy to meet up as they have busy schedules outside of work! https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12426852600.html?fbclid=IwAR084tgVKMHYojafY_vn54bJUkZK6gNnsXgUQOyoJHjvkKiWXh3TP1FA5d4
  21. Busy weeks ahead for May'n http://mayn.jp/mayn-special-concert-2018-「mayn-xmas」ロゴ決定/ http://www4.nhk.or.jp/anisonpremium/
  22. May'n & AFA - 10 years together. On the 3rd day (2nd December 2018), a special Red Carpet Event was held at Suntec Convention Center, Singapore to celebrate the 10th year of Anime Festival Asia and May'n was honored as she has become the 'face' of AFA.
  23. My copy of the Walkure 3rd LIVE has finally arrived. Well, the booklet is super thin....and the making of this concert is exclusive only to those that bought both days (it has some juicy bit of May'n backstage, actually quite a few minutes on her segment and funny bits (May'n had some problems doing the 'W' sign - like Toby Maquire's Spiderman trying to shoot web the first time ). But of course, more important was her performance on stage (was just awesome and her entrance was epic!) There were some funny parts capture during Walkure's performance - Minori (Freya) was lying down on the overhead stage (last song) and Junna's (Mikumo) eyeballs looks a little off sometimes. Though I missed May'n performance (I only attended the Day 2 concert which had Megumi Nakajima (Ranka) as guest), I was still happy as this was the first time I saw Megumi's performance LIVE. Many had predicted that Megumi would come to AFASG 2018 (unfortunately she didn't come - schedule conflict), it would have been awesome to see both May'n and Megumi do a duet! Four more days to go and it's AFASG 2018!
  24. This is another one worth mentioning. 『もう二度と離さないで 捕まえてて // don't ever let go of me again, catch me ひとりじゃないと 囁いてほしい planet... // I want you to whisper, "You're not alone" to me, planet... 』
  25. Today's is Sheryl's Birthday and this year has been the biggest celebration for her so far with many sites hosting the Birthday event. Many artist and cosplayers around the world have posted their artworks and photos (too many to count) on varies sites and shared among fans. Below are just some samples. PIX - are Anya Endo and May'n (Sheryl's Voice Actress and Singing Voice - I believe it's taken from 'Restaurant to Another World')
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