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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. This is why May'n is my favorite artist! On stage her performance is top notch, off stage she makes us laugh! XD New version of Diamond Crevasse....through a balloon! XD
  2. Frontier meets Delta! Yesterday May'n had dinner with Freya and Shabu-shabu (Hot pot). Wonder what they talked about. Hopefully a collaboration! https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12575456326.html?fbclid=IwAR2A5y3dhH7H97H-itzRZP0_2u0q5T2g8vM8ZKSYvdFo4creuaM7r1QQEeg
  3. Sad news for her Taiwan fans (as well as for May'n) as the concert was cancelled due to the corona virus outbreak. https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12574981362.html?fbclid=IwAR0iDdahDd_8XGfW6N3Y2C10FPQNQK7WiwPXlBj7nXQe4byxW-kHFWh9-wA
  4. Risa Ebata (famous for her drawings of Sheryl Nome) send May"n a Valentine card during her Hang Jam 4 concert tour of Tokyo Next is her stylish costume. The last one is weird, as if she was going to take a photo with ReoNa when suddenly a guy got into the picture! XD
  5. Still on her Hang Jam 4 tour, May'n shows her tough workout routine! https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1225407731911151616?s=21&fbclid=IwAR06kE20JxTHjFHPCwq3R37y-bmNyeF8IeeXzhAofMkF-n21-8DwA8ofT3U She's wearing that special Taiyaki T-shirt which you could order for her concert. Did anyone noticed there were also some Giraffes and some other toy animals other than her One Punch Man dolls.
  6. May'n have One Punch Man dolls as inspiration to do better at her work out. At another partially related news, one of her best friend- LiSA is getting married. One May'n fan posted : 2 good news! 1. May'n is invited to the wedding (maybe she'll sing!) 2. May'n is not the one getting married! XD To be honest, at some point I did feel relieved. So let's ask ourselves this question. If May'n should one day get married (hopefully not in the near future) would you still listen to her songs? https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12569880713.html?fbclid=IwAR1aDwk2GIhyycxhinGllQzYEb1GgYKHVcH35_eJJTM7XcTM94slaVPTH9s
  7. Some perks being a registered member of May'n fan club. You can download a personally drawn calendar! http://sp.mayn.jp/download/list.php
  8. May'n cat - Mu chan is being naughty again. This time chewing on some leaves! XD
  9. During her usual talk program, she did a charade like game on air and here are what she drew - Pikachu, Evangelion, Bank robbery, Arm wrestle, A Scam, A Snowball fight and An Orangutan! There were a few more but I couldn't understand them..... XD! Imagine if these drawings were found 1,000 years later could it be misinterpret as Ancient Aliens? XD
  10. Final installment of May'n Christmas concert - Part 6 https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12565395883.html?fbclid=IwAR02HQ3JSwOhuv2jfM_AWFsDyxXFWlRSFcSVfBlGqBYiklzaVS_dqihvLP8 She went back to her home town to spent time with her parents in the New Year and shortly after that she went to a Sea Park. Someone has taught this seal to stick it's tongue out! XD
  11. I somehow missed Part 4. Part 5 is here. There's a picture where May'n is observing a mannequin at a place called BUCYO Coffee which sounded like BUCHO (May'n nick name) https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12565158846.html?frm_src=thumb_module
  12. Message from the Galactic Fairy herself! Next year is the year of the Rat. https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/image-12563950488-14689044340.html On another note - there was a real surprise at Comiket 97 (2019) - A Sheryl Black & White Bunny cosplayers! and a another Sheryl cosplayer!
  13. Happy New Year 2020!
  14. While waiting for part 4, she's involved in the NHK Anisong Premium - December 28th and she sang 'graphite/diamond' and Diamond Crevasse! Wow! 2 Diamonds! https://www.nhk.or.jp/anisonpremium-blog/300/?fbclid=IwAR1FWkY3kUQQL-OdaCSNNsy5xL3bsjqNQDWDiD9RqreXvRhyE4-aShAdJK0
  15. Part 3 of the Christmas concert. https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12563162095.html?fbclid=IwAR0PVsmcx1Or74kFVWzdLXhugwBdIDd5u9zCfRbpf5NyvvYcqu7MGb2Wrl4
  16. Part 2 of May'n Christmas concert - from her blog https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12562934277.html?fbclid=IwAR0uUCwTPkPOPRJWjIYZ5Z3sTkjswDsuKFv78QhimMlQDyT3lePydJZ4TDE
  17. May'n Christmas concert - pt. 1 This year unfortunately I couldn't go. If this is a regular thing, then I suppose I could make plans for next year! XD From her own blog. https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12562699288.html?frm_src=thumb_module
  18. An interview conducted during Songs of Tokyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-PQEMko8zk
  19. C3AFASG 2019 (29th, 30th November and 1st December 2019) – May’n This year C3AFASG 2019 wants to engage the fans more and they have setup a variety of things for the fans to do while they are there. Most notable is an extra stage named AFA Play, where you can engage with your favorite cosplayer with some games. Another was the ninja exam set where you can try if you can measure up to the likes of Naruto. A Butler café – SWALLOW TAIL for the ladies, a karaoke stage for those who want to try out their vocals and lots more. Sadly because of tight scheduling, most of the artist was not available for interviews. Rehearsal - 1st December 2019 I always wondered whether if the singers practiced their performance according to their song lineup, yesterday 1st December 2019, I got my answer – which is NO! Having no interviews with ‘Bucho’ this year, we took our time reaching the venue and was rewarded by the sound of May’n doing her rehearsal at 11am at the main stage! As we was about to walk away, we heard LION being played in the Concert Hall which was still closed. The voice accompanying was unmistakable May’n. She flew in last night and had no time to practice yesterday. There was a repeat of no. 3 (Refer Song List). There was a break and the next is no. 2. Then it’s no. 4, 5, 6, and 7. Most were just one chorus. Speaking in English, ‘This is my last song for tonight and it is also my lastest song’ (song no. 8). So when I finally heard it ‘LIVE’ it was like heaven! Next is song no. 1, also only the first chorus. That covered 8 songs which was the usual number of songs per artist. Then came a song that was familiar but because it has been some time since we heard it that we can’t recall the name. Then it came back to us and it was song no. 9, but the way May’n sang it was like she had a slang! Asian languages, you have to pronounce them carefully because the same sounding word have 4 different meanings. So she was like stretching the sound of the word in front to join with the next word. She repeated the same one chorus in the same manner. There was a break and the rest of my party decided to go inside the exhibition hall. I stayed behind and awhile later, song no.10 could be heard and it was a duet. I couldn’t identify who the other singer was but they sang it twice. Then I saw one of the staff had brought ‘lunch’, this was like almost 12 noon. They had Chicken Rice – May’n posted in her blog. Basically that was the end of the rehearsal. Anisong Artist’s Appearance on the Main Stage at 4pm One by one the Artist came out, my friends informed me that they are coming out in the order of their appearance at the concert. The last was May’n (the crowd cheered the loudest). As tonight, all the artist were from one agency (HoriPro Intl.) they decided to do something special and that was a collaboration. May’n informed that they will do their best in this special event and the songs will be those that you are familiar with! (corrected) Her English was somewhat rusty as probably used less in these past few years. The 2nd pix below - May'n in black (can't get it to go up!) Anisong Concert Night 7pm! That night’s concert was a trip down memory lane. First up was Minori Chihara (VA for Nagato – The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya fame). She sang 2 songs from Haruhi Suzimiya including the popular ED – Hare Hare Yukai and Op for Ga Rei Zero! Ayaka Ohashi was next, followed by Asuza Tadokoro. They each sang 6 to 7 songs. The sound system this time sounded better- no more busting up your poor eardrums and each song’s title as well as from which anime was displayed on the Big screens on the Right and Left of the stage at the beginning of each song. There was a short break and everyone rushed off to the toilet. You could see that May’n had brought her 4 piece band and they were setting up. Just as the band started to play, May’n came on with her 2 dancers, she was wearing all blue – something similar with her graphite/diamond costume. The first song was ‘Belief’ and she immediately rocked the stage. Followed by another fast song – ‘Vivid’ The next song needed no introduction, LION May’n ver. The crowd got super hyped and you can hear the fans singing along! Perfect performance! At the end of the song she posed her triumphant pose! This was the part where the concert slowed down so that it can have an upbeat finale. The slow songs were, Kiba to Tsubasa followed by the relaxing ‘Shine A Light’. Colorful lights flooded the stage as fans sang along too. May’n took off her top layer, revealing a sleeveless blue piece underneath, signifying that things were going to get hot! The next song was from her YELL album – Zettai Daijobou! Meaning in life, you’re bound to make mistakes! Don’t think too hard on it as everything will be alright! There was a sing along built into the song and everyone followed. Next was another crowd favorite – Chase the World. All too soon, it was time for the last song. As practiced earlier, she informed that it’s her last for tonight and latest song – ‘graphite/diamond’. Another rocking song and crowd favorite! To be frank, this song sounded like 2 songs as the music sounded different when the song moved to the beginning of the 2nd chorus After finishing the song, everyone left the stage. May’n left the stage kind of playfully – waving at the audience. There was short break and then May’n came back with her band members. She then announced that tonight there would be a special collaboration with all the artist and the first was with Minori Chihara! Minori came back to the stage as everyone cheered! Immediately they started playing ‘Don’t Say Lazy’ from the anime K-ON. The crowd was taken by surprise and totally hyped (The singing style wasn’t the same as what I heard earlier in the morning – so she was just …. experimenting?). For the final song, they called out to the rest of the girls to join them - Ayaka Ohashi and Asuza Tadokoro (see pix). Each had a short message to the audience. When it came to Asuza (who is clearly a May’n fangirl) told the audience that when it comes to performing on stage, May’n is the Queen among Queens! May’n was taken by surprise! Quickly turned shy and looked away (‘fanning’ her hand) saying ‘Iie! Iie! Iie!’ – (pronounced E-yeh)-‘Not true! Not true! Not true!’ shyly. But we all know better. And the last song for the evening was another well known song – ‘Butterfly‘ OP from Digimon Adventures. Each artist took turn to sing a few lines and you can hear the difference in their voices. It was an awesome sight. May’n seemed more relaxed than the rest of them – she even put her arms around Asuza as she sang. By the end of the song, the crowd was super satisfied. May’n then thanked members of her band and they left the stage. All the artist then moved forward to the front of the stage, held each other’s hands and waited….. you could see May’n eyes looking at the crowd, expecting someone to shout something – which usually happened in all the previous year’s concert – but everyone stayed silent. They quickly do a silent countdown and shouted at the top of their voices ‘Arigato Gozaimashita!’ The crowd was super happy and gave a long applause as each of them left the stage waving to the fans. An eventful evening, but for those that have been to the 1st AFA concert in 2008 will know that it has been 10 years since AFA had an encore but also a first for collaboration between all the artist! Let’s hope that this is not the last! Song List 1. Belief (OP Taboo Tattoo) 2. Vivid (OP Blood Lad) 3. LION (May’ ver.) 4. Kiba to Tsubasa (ED Kochouki : Wakaki Nobunaga) 5. Shine A Light 6. Zettai Daijobou (2nd song on the YELL album) 7. Chase the World (OP Acel World) 8. Graphite/diamond (OP Azur Lane) Encore collaboration 9. Don’t Say Lazy (K-ON ED – May’n + Minori Chihara) 10. Butterfly (Digimon Adventures – May’n + Minori Chihara + Asuza Tadokoro + Ayaka Ohashi)
  20. I didn't attend JUNNA's concert, the tickets were quite expensive (gone up another 10 SGD - if only I was earning SGD). Anyway, I was there for only one reason and one person XD. Those that did was happy with her performance and she could speak English. First song was - Ikenai Borderline - I guess it was to announce her presence (Mikumo) before moving on to her own songs. Some interesting pix..... Can almost the Rocky's theme playing in the background and then the KO! XD
  21. C3AFASG 2019, this year is quite different in the sense they try to engage the audience more - karaoke contest, hands on new games, an additional stage for the audience to play against cosplayers, a Naruto ninja exam/training course. And then tragedy struck......in a cakey way... XD Even nano and LiSA joined in. Probably she was going to share it with them.....lots of funny comments....
  22. I'm back from C3AFASG 2019 and sad to report there were no interviews to report for both JUNNA and May'n due to scheduling problems but happy to report some awesome things happened at the concert - which will be soon. Meanwhile, this is an interview done for WEIBO. She did managed to take a photo with JUNNA at C3AFASG 2019 http://www.wws-channel.com/interview2/179567.html?view=more
  23. Since the launch of graphite/diamond, there quite a few good pix (sharing below). Another one more day and I'll be heading down to Singapore for C3AFASG 2019 and hopefully able to meet up with 'Bucho' and Junna (Mikumo of Macross Delta)
  24. May'n as a guest at Minami A La Mode show, eating cat shaped confectionery. Video starts at 36.40 and ends at 47.06 https://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv322798650
  25. Graphite/Diamond launch! I want that poster! XD
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