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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. Just fresh from the oven! The 40th Anniversary collaboration talk show - May'n (MC) with Megumi Nakajima, Minori Suzuki and JUNNA, sharing their experience on doing the songs. Oh, and the Macross F LIVE 2021 BD release date has been changed to 22.6.22!
  2. Interview with May'n (as Sheryl) on her thoughts about the 40th Anniversary collaboration Album. Fun read. https://www.lisani.jp/0000198371/
  3. May'n 2021 Christmas concert sample
  4. Sample o all 11 songs from the collaboration between Macross Frontier's and Delta's singers is out. A special edition of 'Love, Do you Remember?' (11)
  5. Footage of May'n accepting best performance award at WEIBO Account Festival in Japan 2019
  6. Hang Jam goods!
  7. May'n preparing for Hang Jam, decides to mimic NANA chan (the 30 foot tall fashionable Mannequin at Nagoya) with Hang Jam T-shirt! XD Video at : twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1499672665056944130?s=21&fbclid=IwAR2j8jDgYQQtvgdPih6q-XeFDuYw0XP8ucT8qeePnEFIyCDK2X1Y4JjY3IU
  8. A special event by Flying Dog, u can now download full MV of May'n songs which previously was only 1st chorus. Click on Flying Dog to see more videos. 2 other FULL videos I managed to find are 'Lose my Illusions' and 'RE:Remember' (but I can't find it now)
  9. New song for anime - Untitled Magical Girl! There's 2 other songs by other singers under the same title.
  10. International Cat Day! XD
  11. Remember the collaboration between Frontier's and Delta's singer? Here's Ikenai Borderline by May'n and Megumi, the 2nd one released under the UTA Macross format. It takes a few listen to get used to this version but May'n does make it sound sexier!
  12. More Setsubun madness! XD
  13. May'n will appear on AFA SG channel 19/2/22 https://www.facebook.com/animefestivalasia/posts/10158188262211022
  14. More Setsubun festival..........XD https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1490188599379501057?s=21&fbclid=IwAR3Yi_VJ8il1rxHxBux3BFWH-gbFIe8rouybEwde4SuR7u-sAFPTDlFVdNU
  15. Setsubun (pelting the devil) Festival! Dressed as the Oni, 'I'm going to hell!' XD https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12724563798.html?fbclid=IwAR1b21mamV9U1wtoFpyfGqeFbMnPCaYb9VXOIKL0Dep6_51j6hQWiC6qf-E
  16. A short video of May'n last year's Christmas concert has been released! Hopefully they will release the whole concert! Anyway, for all those that are celebrating tomorrow - Wishing you all A Happy Chinese New Year 2022!
  17. Pix from LiS Ani and a funny thing happened when May'n went to the gym. They installed a rock climbing wall and she decided to try it. she almost reached the top and then she realized she's actually afraid of heights and don't know how to get down! XD LiS Ani song list 1. Graphite Diamond 2. Follow your Fantasy (Cygames 10th Anniversary) 3. Iteza Gogo 9pm Don't Be Late 4. Future Note (Nakabayashi Stationary's 70th Anniversary) 5. Orange (Pride of Orange)
  18. Remember the collaboration between Frontier's singers and Delta's? The full song list is out! May'n will be singing solo for 'Giraffe Blues' While on Delta's Walkure, the balance 2 songs are from May'n! - Universal Bunny and Northern Cross! But there's added bonus and you have to buy all 3 CDs! Why can't they just keep it to 2 (I would certainly buy 2!) https://macross.jp/news-detail/21252/?fbclid=IwAR1mRg0VSaFbY3yfxaUY5iptk4dxF54p0NyVR0lRe9toOQUUxlnwV0PpJic
  19. Mmm....chicken wings! https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1481930805798522880?s=21&fbclid=IwAR3A6ES6s0Ap0BkPP0i-ral-3-JkbX5OylVcwdDUux47mxHog7YtZnT1yKE
  20. Fist of the North Star is still running and new pix
  21. Another event - LisaAni! LIVE 2022 on the 21.1.21 (Another singer from Walkure - Nao is also appearing)
  22. Happy New Year 2022 (Year of the Tiger) from May'n (sorry for the late post) Food she ate on 31st n 1st!
  23. Happy New Year Everyone! Sheryl cosplayer spotted at Comiket 99 Day 1. Would be nice if there was a full body pix,
  24. Hi*Channel - music session - 2hrs+ long! Funny scenes at 1.20.53, at 2.00.10, at 2.01.55, & 2.03.20 (blooper and final product)
  25. May'n making Soba! First half is free (video start at 4.30)
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