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Everything posted by soul.assassin

  1. This just in, especially to those living in Honolulu. http://www.animenews...jima-kazuki-yao This could be your next shot to meet Ranka in person.
  2. ...In the weirdest places? I don't know if they've been posted here before, but these two air show vids might be the better places:
  3. This is why we have games like Fallout (to explore a postapocalyptic world), and some of us watch old TV shows and old anime. Truth is, I hardly watched any new TV programs (they seem to be look... boring), and didn't bother about watching what my sister's family leech off to watch. Also, judging from the preview vid, the premise sounds too close to Jericho, which kind of gone nowhere after guessing too long as to who started what caused the collapse of America. And... does The Postman -- THAT movie -- ring a bell?
  4. Found this on my favorite usual newsblog -- Yaraon. http://www.4gamer.net/games/185/G018559/20120922012/
  5. I'll never forget this guy's baritone... and his arse in Armageddon. Thanks, Big Man Duncan.
  6. ^ In the same way their oddball entrepreneurs make funny blatant imitations of brands and logos, and then bolt them to their storefronts. Or create a MacF knockoff. Either way, I just can't embrace the phenomenon, it's not for me because I have a soft spot for human imperfection.
  7. "Puny god". So pricelessly funny and ironic.
  8. In my country some will think it's a new cellular phone service promotion.
  9. Just a few weeks ago we had Curiosity safe on the surface of Mars, and then this. We raise a toast to the man who's synonymous with legend, among the rare few who went to the Moon and back. Thank you.
  10. Time for me to buzz the control tower.
  11. In the light of one of the worst mass murders in US history, I felt that the timing was pretty bad, and they're having dumb newsies asking stupid questions that would predictably make legislators and other violence-averse people -- the types who want to "save the children" -- panic and shriek.
  12. Thanks! BTW, right now where I'm sitting, I'm cooking up something big for the 30th anniversary, and as always it's WIP.
  13. Even if it looked damn cheesy, in and out, it worked as advertised, and the show sprouted wings in the end. Clearly 0048 may not be a show that everyone could like, nor it'll easily win awards, but here's my final take: Now I'll try to get back to SDFM on my drive, just in time for the anniversary.
  14. ^ Couldn't find a better hi-res line scan of J models, which left me with that old-school Herc without the now-standard external tanks. Since some people are still nostalgic, maybe later I'll take a shot at a few VF-1s, now that I have the VF Master File on ready.
  15. LOGH is the one epic galactic saga of great and sanctified manliness that everything else is sized up against.
  16. ^ Sounds real interesting... What episode?
  17. It'll be off the scale, I'm sure of that.
  18. Squadron 3, RAAF. Note that much of the detailing were based from the F18, and are in high-viz color, and a few elements rearranged to fit with the Messiah's layout. Also, as many air arms on Earth were integrated into UN and later NUN, along with the eventual standardization of rank, unit and squadron designations, some squadrons were allowed to retain their heritage and past unit histories (i.e. insignia, coolor motifs, emblems, national flag, etc.).
  19. Yep. Also, to broaden further I'm considering about using foreign naval paint schemes.
  20. ^ Space Bros and Kids on the Slope are the only few that buck the trend, and then it take much sifting to find real gems that emphasize on real storytelling without having to resort to the usual gimmicks. Also, there's huge popular interest in Korean entertainment, so much that anime shops overseas board up and file for bankruptcy.
  21. As the trainees were told during the selection episode, the DGTO machines are unmanned and programmed combat drones.
  22. As I live in a third-world country without a credit card, I don't have to buy, but I can only provide praise or moral support. But I'm not angry, just sad. I'm a normal fan who just happens to have found a new opportunity to rewatch the series after a very long time, and for her to do the unexpected on such a personal level abruptly left me a lasting impression about her personality more than her music.
  23. I would have been happy to support... if only she didn't have to kick my arse twice on both Twitter and Facebook for innocently mentioning Macross in a comment. Now will you guys excuse me as I get something hard to drink?
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