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Everything posted by the9breaker

  1. Yes - I agree - we need translation ASAP as this may be a factor for me whether to hold out for the armored version or if it's going to be a Tamashii web special like the yf29 super packs.
  2. Reivaj, yeah. V1. Sorry about the confusion. Carry on.
  3. Not much. Its too time consuming. In all honesty I think 6 times a year actually. I like posing them and level them in their display stand. Btw I'm talking about the bandai chogokin line of macross frontier. I love the figures but they are a pain to transform. I haven't transformed my yf29 to full battoid mode yet. I figure my collection is still great due to the low usage I put them through. Paint chips scratches joint loosing up etc. Oh well.
  4. I also agree with what someone else said. I rather wait to see if bandai is going to release the armored pack version as a bundle. I own myself a v1 version of this figure and having done some custom work on it. I cannot bear to part with it. However this v2 version does indeed warrant its purchase if its green lighted for armored pack. But knowing bandai as they did with the yf29 it might end up being a tamashii exclusive. Its going to suck but time will tell. Also my v2 vf25s has aged well, but touch up are necessary as I started seeing some minor paint damage in the shoulder areas as as the nose side areas. Joints are holding up but I mean eventually it will flop. This release wont be any different.
  5. That's a great pic up there - I'm emulating that pose!!
  6. That's good to know. Thanks for the info.
  7. Wow. This hits close home dude. I know the feeling. Blow your 60% of your check on a VF25S Armored Messiah DX Chogokin pre-order at HLJ. Or risk coming up short for your tuition bill, having them take you out of the class because you didn't pay your bill online, and it happens to be a requirement. And you are f*cked for a year, because the class you desp. needed to graduate is not being offered until the next fall semester. I know the feeling. Time to start putting that OT form out and put in extra hrs boss. Either way - hard choice to make.
  8. I was referring to the canard wings OUTSIDE the turbines - have you seen how sturdy it is?? Nonetheless that's quite some weight it has to carry if you didn't notice the extra boosters by the tail fins + the weight of the fold booster in the wing turbines - remember that whole section folds in Battroid mode, hence, supported in Gerwalk on a single hinge (the same one prone to breakage as seen in some pics if bent too outward in Battroid). That's why I'm worried seen the MASSIVE weight brought upon by the Super packs of the v1. But I'm confident that's not too heavy enough to place a burden like the super parts did to the v1s - therefore ending as the floppy mess they sometimes caused if not carefully balanced...and placed upon. I don't know - its the first time I dealt DIRECTLY on their website, last times I usually just shoot them an email, they acquire the item, tell me a price, we agree, send an invoice, ship. I just paid upfront because I have budget for it now, before I pay my school loan at the end of the month, and I prefer not to be bothered with it already. Can anyone else offer more information towards an inquisitive member?
  9. Same here. If those are indeed clip ons I hope they fit nice and secure, and not stress the hinges.
  10. Maaaannnn......... Having the VF25G Tornado with powered set in display IS wayyy too much already - have YOU seen it in person?? I think its a brand new set of engine turbine that replaces the old one - that ain't no clip-on BS. No way all that stuff clips in the old one. BTW anyone notice that those "fold-booster" pylons have some sort of opening compartment? MORE micro missiles? or could they be landing gears?
  11. I concur. They have nice and great service. They helped me acquire a brand new Ghost & Weapon set after 3 months of nagging and going back and forth with offers. They went above and beyond the call of duty once I managed to find 2 WITHOUT their help and pointing them to the online stores after their whole "its out of stock, will keep you posted replies" They bill through paypal, and send you an order invoice, provide tracking, and can be negotiable at times. In the end, they are reliable and haven't screwed me. Yet. I hope that helps.
  12. The shield seems to be the using the same mechanism of folding and tabbing as the yf29. How in the hell did they get fighter mode in that stand!? if its indeed the same stand as the yf29. I admit, the thing looks awesome. Just have to wait and see if it holds up as well as it claims it does. I wonder if the Ghost set will be re-released again.
  13. I think the stand its the epitome of an utilitarian stand. It does a very decent job of holding all 3 modes with little jiggling, however it could at least TAB in for fighter and gerwalk mode, not just rely on the support of its weight of it. It's like yf29. The old stands supplied with the v1 DX line did a much better at holding the Messiah in Fighter mode because it tabbed in securely, the yf29 and its advent of the new stands only have 4 small pegs to "secure" the Messiah in fighter and gerwalk.....but its not a secure and strong connection. I agree with you in some points. That's just me though - I rather have it have near perfect standard QC and strong durability, than to whine about a stand that does a pretty decent job, that's just me though. I also noticed the stand is the same as the yf29. Nice lesson from them to take stand support for Gerwalk as well, to support the backpack part of it. Not like it needs it. YET. Want AWESOME stands for the v1 DX line, check out the Variable stand that was released in the Tamashii webshop, I own 2 of these suckers, and if my budget could only permit it, I would get another one - but my funds have drained towards the YF29 Super Parts. Yep - don't bother with Gerwalk mode stand - they both suck from my opinion. The yf29 stand is where is it at. I just wish it would tab in a much more secure manner.
  14. Head's up peeps. Tokyo-Hunter got it for pre-order, coming in (as of today's currency exchange at $54.43) which I have already paid for and now waiting until November release. I figure it be $10 or less than $20 for EMS shipping to the US. http://www.tokyo-hunter.com/category/sci-fi/completed-models/product/super-parts-dx-chogokin-yf-29 Later.
  15. Well, I fired the good ole' PS to illustrate my points here. 1309767318_7381_VF25Renewal2photoshopped by Supreme Pontiff Ares, on Flickr 1309767314_7381_VF25Renewal1shopped by Supreme Pontiff Ares, on Flickr Of course the antennas need to be soft/bendy material, much to the hate of many here. I think its just too easy to break, even if given an extra base joint to achieve the V form seen in the anime. It would be way too prone to breakage, given the amount of handling it needs. Many complain about the v1s crappy feature, but fellas, what we need is a durable figure. Sure it maybe a hell of a prettier-better-looking-more-posable-flexible-solid-and-sexier girl than its sister, but I take a nice solid woman any day of the week over any skinny frail looking chick, ANY day of the week. Right, now from what I seen and handled I KNOW v1s can handle a hell of a lot more abuse than the yf29. I cannot stress how Bandai managed to fold the arms in a ---/VoV\--- position. I think it can be easily managed in a v1 as well - but nonetheless - pure INGENIOUS, plus added support as seeing as the yf29 - an ALMOST perfect Gerwalk mode. Things will get interesting indeed once the support packs come out (Super, Armored, and Tornado with powered set - I really doubt they will come in packs - if they do, people better start s*cking d!cks for them as the prices aren't looking pretty right now for a standard v2 - HEY! I did ) if the v2s can indeed support all that weight, with no stress marks, or hinge breakage with enough handling, and of course, for all critics - NO floppiness. I seriously doubt it as Bandai is using even less thinner plastic (as seen in the yf29), will only have to wait and see for reviews and live demos. Hell right now I wonder how the yf29 Super Parts are going to fit in, given the short wing to be attached on, I'm worried as to how much stress it will place on it. But that's for the yf29 thread.
  16. http://www.anime-export.com/product/7381 REALLY!? You haven't looked hard enough bro. - however, downside to them, is that you have to pay THE FULL price upfront. It's how they managed to keep their pre-orders LONG after most stores closed. They send you the shipping price later. They will also cancel your order in 24hrs if its not paid. I ordered my Ghost & Weapon set from from them, and they were awesome, also I ordered the YF29 Durandal at a very reasonable price of $190 at the time when most pre-orders closed and only paid $14 for shipping, and yes, they did it without charging me for a bigger box with the corny poster in it, that most people wiped their arse in /jizzed on Ranka's face in (Who would pay extra $$ for something they don't want). And it got here 4 days after it was released in JP/HK. They are FAST. (That's debatable depending on where you live of course) Just letting in the info in case you don't trust them, I'm not vouching for them or anything, just passing on my experiences with them as a customer. I'm sure HLJ and Amiami are waaaay cheaper, and more efficient than them. Good Luck.
  17. That's a very risky move there bud. As I seriously predict at least a %20 increase of price perhaps bring the price to up to $155 the most with no S/H included. If you got the budget, go for it. (Look at yf29 re-stock value on ebay, IF you can find one, and other online stores...) I seriously think despite the improvements in the crotch mechanism, wider leg movement, a solid Gerwalk mode with TRUE A pose without the need a back adapter, it will STILL end up being floppy mess in the end, with paint tampo running the risk of being scratched and with all the wing joints still susceptible to breakage, especially when it comes to future releases such as the Armored and Tornado Packs! I look at how HEAVY those parts are in the VF25G (tornado WITH powered set), and I really don't see how the v2.s are going to handle all that weight! I really don't. Those things are so heavy, sometimes the wings almost want to slope down the ground if it wasn't for the extra hinge parts, they do a good job in distributing the weight, but its not perfect, hell, I'm already afraid to leave it in Gerwalk with all that weight stressing the already "crappy" joints as some of you mentioned - funny thing is, I see the same joint feature (perhaps and even weaker version of it) in the yf29. Look at the YF29 hinge stress pics out there - is there. I'm surprised not too many are shooting down in criticism about it. Yet many rush to call the v1. a piece of crap. I, for one, am not too hopeful about the the v2 so called "dramatic" improvements. It will still be a great figure no doubt, with a lot of improvement in movement and tightness in all forms (Fighter, Gerwalk and Battroid) but still plagued with the same weaknesses of its predecessors. To me the yf29 is the perfect example of it, lucky enough it doesn't have the burden of carrying a Tornado or Armored parts to deal with as its older brethren had to. I think too many people shoot down v1 obvious flaws in design, but in the end durability and hinge strength its what's going to make or break the v2 dx line for some of us and me. Just my two cents.
  18. Have you tried the Karate chop hands?? smells to me like a future flaw that should be fixed by the v.2 Messiah. Maybe.
  19. From what I gathered from previous posts by other members, they seem to be Fold-boost-generators (1st of its kind from what I also gathered too, I may be wrong though) The only conclusive answers we can get about them if its someone translates the new Mecha guide that they released around the time the movie was out too... Anyhow - I'll be def. getting it and if you guys wanna group buy - we should hook up - it might be cheaper, I know ways and I can ask if some peeps are interested.
  20. Group buy I'm in. If not I can always go through tokyo-hunters or any online store that carries it, as long as its less than $80 total...
  21. What's up with the EXTRA shield?? Also - I wonder how much...never mind, I saw the price - DEF. Getting it, however I'm still wondering about the extra shield part....
  22. Great inspiring pics man. Well done, keep up the good work.
  23. WOW......... You just made my self-esteem go down - congratulations!! (looks at kicker773's collection)
  24. TREAT IT LIKE EVEN MORE GENTLER THAN A BABY. Some one was arguing with me I loved the DX line that I shouldn't have to treat it soooooo careful . Thanks for illustrating my point . These things happen, just have to extra careful. Sometimes you get the locking parts too hard to unlock, a tab to hard to nudge, a very stiff joint - its bound to happen - hence my whole point, if you gotta take 10 minutes to transform it, then to do so. You DON'T want to end up with a great EXPENSIVE transforming figure with a bunch of tampo scratching and paint peeled. Also - thank you for pictures, as its going to help me and any other well-concerned collectors in what areas we should be gentler with. Appreciate it brother. NineBreaker out. EDIT: Couldn't put more emphasize in the word EXPENSIVE!!
  25. Happy yes - hell yes!! And so damn happy I'm sharing it with everyone. I just finished collecting the whole sms squadron perhaps a month ago with my acquisition of my third and last weapon set. At least it could be worse to be yamatoed, have a shoulder pin explosion, and start begging for a pin happy. I apologize to those who went tru this, but its a reality which still happens even now. I hold no love towards bandai, but at least they made a good solid figure that didn't require a whole thread dedicated to pin replacement issues. If you read my posts you would know that. Regarding your remarks about the stands, I was simply telling people that they should check their puchases for their battroid connector. Most sellers include them now which pretty much negates my statement above, but nonetheless being a concerned collector to my fellow man. At least they don't have to jerry rigg their stand, and yes, I seen you post in another thread and its simply not secure enough to MY standards. Hence, a piece of crap. Yamatoed. A common term used here. I'm not about to waste my time with you, debating who I hate more, yamato for milking everyone here with reissues, or bandai for remaking the vf25 and making some of us mad for buying all their v1s. Just making the best out a grim situation, and let's stick to the pics, this thread is for poses and pics, if you want to keep arguing, go ahead, I'm done. But you go ahead and have yourself a swell day.
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