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J So

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  1. Hey everyone, well I never thought that day would come but I just don't even care about my toy collection anymore and I'm thinking of selling the items I could actually get money for. Could someone please help me figure out what these things are worth nowadays? Starting at the top everything is new in box unless otherwise noted Gundam F91 1/60 Original Bandai VF-17 Origianal 1/60 Yamato Hikaru VF-1A Bandai 1990 VF-1S. Box is worn pretty good and stickers were not so expertly applied by an 18 year old self Reissue Milla Bandai 1/55 VF-1J Reissue Hikaru Bandai 1/55 VF-1j Diecast Battleship Yamato 1/1300 I believe it's a Mimuko Bandai HCM RMS-106 Bandai HCM RX-178 Black Soul of Chogokin Mazinger Z Bandai Char'z Hizak Soul of Chogokin Takara Soltic H8 1:72 reissue Bandai SOC Great Mazinger Z You can't see it but I have one of the limited Edition I think it's a VF-19 gold, it's been years since I've looked at it thou so I'm not 100% sure. Any info would be greatly appreciated! THANKS! Jon
  2. I remember the regret I felt as I child when this toy line was released. I could not understand how my Strike Valk was the pinnacle of awesome and yet how allegedly the same mech could be so lame in this bottom feeding abomination. The only Robotech mech I bought was the “Invid Shocktrooper” and even with that I would just pretend you could not open it up and drop an action figure in there. I kept hoping Matchbox would come correct and bring the Chunky Monkey to our shores but alas it was not to be! For something worse than the toys.. Anyone else remember these commercials with the lame ass theme song? It’s Robo Tech!!!!! To the resss cuee!!!
  3. I Always wondered how they got away with using this without Harmony Gold eatting them alive.
  4. Got my Mikimoto #13 Damn this triskaidekaphobia!!!!
  5. Anyone know when we can expect the Mikimotos to start shipping?
  6. Okay.. well Paul just sent me an email (what a great guy BTW) and said we are at 26 boxes now 12 Mech and 14 Mikimoto. This is still a FAR cry from the 120+ on the survey.. I think we need to start tracking down people by IP! Serious thou.. let's get these numbers up!
  7. Anyone have any updated order numbers from Paul?
  8. Come on people.. STEP UP and order a damn box.. This is such crap that all these people chimed in and nobody ordered. I was hoping we would be above this.
  9. I paid "The Mikimoto"
  10. I'd be really down if it was plastered with Mikimoto watercolor art and looked style wise like his Gasaraki box.
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