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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Well, I'm flying tomorrow to Tokyo. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the film at wald9 on sunday (I think I may be too tired on saturday) - for the first time, heh (of course I won't be satisfied with one viewing!) Thanks guys for the help. For now I'm off the forums for some days
  2. Thanks guys Since they haven't even announced ending date yet I guess it's safe to presume wald9 will still keep playing the film for quite a while. I'd love to catch it there if I can... As of now it looks like I'll be leaving on 15th day if everything according to plan... and Save, I really appreciate your offer but I think I have my hands full with my friend (who'd probably feel offended if I skipped seeing Tokyo with him as he said he's able and willing to dedicate few days for it entirely ) already, heh Despite my fear of spoilers I must admit I've followed discussion of music in quite few places (quite succesfully avoiding spoilers too, luckily) and overall reception seems to have been very positive, as expected... it seems to me that three tracks in particular get singled out often: F Refrain (BGM), the title song Sayonara no Tsubasa and Ranka's "Hoshi Kira"...so, uhh, those who have seen the film: are these really good? And is it worth to wait untill hearing them in film for "full impact" and not listen to anything beforehand? (edit: forget this part, better to wait another week in the end...esp. due to spoileriffic lyrics) And just how relevant is Macross Zero for enjoying the film? It's been close to year since I saw it and I still remember it pretty well but I've considered rewatch before seeing Tsubasa as that's something Kawamori recommended. My friend hasn't seen Macross Zero at all so I'd also like to know for his sake - if it's relevant I'll make him watch it before he goes to see the film some time in next week In any case: thanks again Xard
  3. (I hope this is right thread for this, I don't dare to read any posts out of fear for spoilers and making new thread would've just felt obnoxious...) Hi guys, "new school" Macross fan here (baptized by combination of Macross Frontier and DYRL in fateful Fall 2009. My poor wallet has never been the same fat, jolly fellow again but I surely don't regret finding this incredible franchise) looking for advice/wise words from veteran geeks To cut the chase short: I've been planning short stay in Tokyo for a while by now. Nothing too long, 5 day stay is what I've been thinking of right now mainly out of budgetary concerns. Of course finally going to Japan is one of the reasons for trip and other big one is that friend of mine is moving to Hong Kong from Tokyo soonish and I want to meet him while I still can. But I would be lying if I said that the biggest pull to go now wasn't seeing Sayonara no Tsubasa. I intended to go in March already but due to some very unfortunate and regrettable events everyone knows of I had to push the plans back... Now things are finally looking up though! I've planned leaving somewhere around 12th-15th April aka next week. I'm having hard time keeping my hands off the netabare album as it is, can't take much longer... The one thing that has held me back so long however is the uncertainty: How long does the film play in theatres in Tokyo? Has it already finished its run? If it still plays in some theatres in where exactly? I haven't dared to buy plane tickets and secure lodging place and potentially blow off around 1000€ just to find out after arriving in Tokyo that there's no way for me to see the film. If I can't see Sayonara no Tsubasa anymore I might as well wait untill Evangelion 3.0 finally comes out one day and go then... Now I know some fine members here live in Tokyo (and presumably have lived there long enough to see Itsuwari no Utahime in 2009 too) and have seen the film in theatre so I was kind of hoping someone here might be able to help me and tell if the film is still in theatres and will it stay there for at least 'till end of April? with best regards, Xard
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