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Everything posted by amegari_hikaru

  1. The emigrant ship from Macross Galaxy fleet it's the first 4th Generation class? Or is any information about an earlier 4 gen fleet?.
  2. Thank you for the answer Seto
  3. Thank you for the answer
  4. Hello everyone: I have a couple of questions about emigrant fleets. Is there any information on which was the last of the emigrant fleets that was launched from The Earth (Solar System)? Is there any kind of emigrant ship in between the City Class and the Island Cluster Class? Can the Macross 11 main colonization shio (the one that appears in episode 25 of Frontier) be considered an Intermediate? (It is seen next to an environment type ship similar to the one seen in the Frontier fleet). Thanks for your time and sorry for any grammatical or translation errors in the post (English is not my native language). Kind regards. Juan.
  5. hi jedi knight... i'm not the guy who start this treat, but i'm very interesting on that picture (VF-19S top and side view) could you please rescan that picture again? that's it... PS: sorty for my bad english...
  6. hello everyone.... i send you my work on the VF-19F/S blank done be hello hikaru and jedi knight using the fabulous tutorial made by to her your opinion.... on my work on the shades (mostly on the wing shade), i'll hope to read some good feed back and critics my work all that you like... PD sorry for my bad english... it's not my natural languaje...
  7. je je je.. Aegis from the Macross Team of Animeportal.cl ?... i know tha you are!!!
  8. Thanks...and your english is fine. I think more people should try their own fanart. 6 months ago i don't even know how to use photoshop(and still learning as i go) and until about 1 month ago i can't do any shading. That excellent tutorial by Jeff Sorley is very helpful and the concepts can even be applied even if you use programs other than photoshop. black of de VF-19S ?I assume you mean blank ? I have one in the planning stage but just need time to complete it. i know... , but i guess it's so much easier to ask someone with more practice that make one for mi self… . And I tried to make scheme color for my VFs (especially for my Fan Fiction) but it’s too damn difficult!!!! And I can wait to see your VF-19 Blank!!!! (je je) That’s it… see ya!!!
  9. i totally agree!!!, i'm so jelouse of you... you really know how to use photoshop.... it would be very nice if you make a black of de VF-19S (Side)!!!!! my favorite VF!! PD: sorry for my poor english
  10. hey joshep, don't you dare to stealth my VF-19XS!!!!!, well i guess taht's ok since you desing them at the firts place
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