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About Nightdare

  • Birthday 06/19/1977

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hmm, if I wanted a good story I'd wait till Shirow returns from his porncalenders and continues his epic mangas (fat chance) IMO this looks worse than the Dominion CGI
  2. Well, when it comes to monetary value it would probably be SDF-1 1/3000 1/48 Stealth Fast/Strike and the VF-1A Low-Vis being the only one that would maybe even turn a profit when selling When it comes to emotional value, any attempt at confiscating my hobby collection (Anime - Macross / guitars) will be met with deadly force
  3. Well, spent some quality time with it in between applying the greebies Paintjob may be a little lackluster, but I wouldn't accept a 30% price hike for a weathered version, though the lack of panellining at this price is a bit disappointing Transformation is not only accurate but wonderful, though the centre hull even when locked with the tab is still a bit loose, I also suspect in the future the torso will drop down onto the waist/legs due to wear after enough transformations I decided to dab all those little parts with a drop of glue since they are of the size I'll never find them again in the event they fall off/out Ofcourse doing this before looking into the railgun fix -I already suspected they could have been mounted wrong, though all images online showed the same position- thankfully also found out the 2 little pieces left on the sprues were not nesseccary I can't understand why people were put off in buying because of this DIY job They are -for the most part- screwhole covers, Yamato actually supplying them loose gives me the idea they thought ahead and with the customizers in mind allowed it to be disassembled all in all it took me about a little hour -taking my time- to get them all on The ARMDS are a PITA to attach and detach, even after sanding down the ridges on the arms a little I may end up taking off the corners to enable a kind of 'wedging in/out' to ease (dis)assembly looking at bang/buck, I'm very satisfied with it It is pricey, but is reflected by it's design, size, also status and not being released as a todays trend market toy, but 28 year old cartoon relic Would yamato release a TV version in say +/- a year from now (and I'm not talking Repaint), I'll dig up the money again, Though they should take note hiking up the price may just negate that sentiment
  4. I already gave the technical answer to that
  5. I'm your genuine Ghostrider, passing between cars and old ladies in wheelchairs with only inches to spare popping wheelies in little kids' playgrounds and making burnouts in the driveways of hospitals Yeah I'm pretty special, instead of jumping into a comfy padded and heated seat, the AC on "Snooze" temperature and a little music to listen to that are probably not the best idea when you're tired or weary I actually actively need to take part in traffic and force myself to be awake and responsive or it'll have an immidiate effect on my driving It's what I've been doing since 2004 every day in any weathercondition except snow and ice (and I have driven in those conditions as well) I've crashed 2 bikes 1 at Zero mph, slipping out of my hands on a slippery tile when coming from crawl to full stop 1 at 5mph caught in a snowstorm, locked my brakes and highsided because I didn't want to take the risk of guessing if that car coming from the left was able to stop (Even though I had right of way, taking an invite to play tag with a 2000lb adversary is never a good idea) Neither is, neither are calibrated to the same standard, both even have a different divergence from their own calibration (lower at slower than higher speeds) having a difference of 10mph between different vehicles at equal value on the odometer is nothing strange Sorry, Lost in translation, I was confused with a Tachograph
  6. Your tach shows 65mph, mine shows 65mph yet I'm overtaking you How?
  7. You think I overtake trucks at high speeds (and from 60 to 100+ is possible in the length of a semi) in heavy traffic or without looking forward? and do you think it's smart for a bike to stay alongside a truck for long? Hell it's even taught (no we don't get lessons from uncle Buck, but from licensed drivingschools) to pass vehicles quickly to get out of the turbulence/spray and keep the chance of being sandwiched against the guardrail to a minimum Riding between lanes during gridlock is allowed by LAW over here, with no more than a speeddifference of 10 kph, up till 50, then you're requiered to weave back into the lane And I can ride aggressively without breaking any traffic laws or hindering others Putting in more effort requires more concentration, though perhaps not in a car Yeah, selfreflection keeps a man humble
  8. Jerk yes! Inconsiderate and reckless, no If I were, you'd have scraped me off the road years ago
  9. the average person always considers himself a better than average driver Compared to the sleepheaded halfwits busy with everything but driving, where they forget everything that isn't automatic and have to do themselves? People should be more focused on driving instead of going from A to B as a bunch of zombies in a parade also if you are overtaking with 5 miles an hour, I can state that you are less concious about traffic than I am, since I realise there may always be someone faster than me even when I grab a handfull of throttle and blast in the 100's over the left lane to overtake a truck, I still keep my blindspot and mirror in check But then again, I'm only busy with driving I don't have passengers, sigarettes, navsystems, radios, cellphones or any other 'on board gizmos' distracting me On 2 wheels I need to take in account wind, grip in roadconditions like wetness, dirt, temperature -also of my tires and throttle at leanangle not take a sip of coffee, take out my razor, take a call, take in the latest news on radio or in paper or even take a puff from a sigarette I can't even relax in gridlock, since when riding between lanes (-at moderate speed, allowed here) a car may just switch lanes without checking his mirrors or using his signal The more aggressive I ride, the more focused I am on any possible dangers occuring slouching like a half comathose in a luxurious private bubble does not improve driving skills or response time, both of which are badly needed in something dynamic as traffic I'll even be so bold to say that those driving in convertibles are more aware of their surroundings than those in closed/topped cars
  10. Well, I got it in, and I can say she's a Beaut! Quick question guys with all the supplied extra parts in place, does it still fit in its box?
  11. Public transportation is there for a reason People that don't like driving 'in general' lack confidence and assertion while on the road, being a bigger problem for other traffic that the traffic appears to them I prefer freedom over safety by a long shot "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO what a ride!"
  12. the regult doesn't transform either, yet it is a whopping $450 (and $100 over the 1/3000 SDF-1 -that I should have made clear I was comparing it to) That the other destroids didn't sell is no surprise, same price as a 1/60 valk, weathered as much as a 1/48 valk, even though there's the "less parts/features" argument ...I don't know what those guys at Yamato are smoking, but I'll bet it's stronger than what you can buy over here
  13. I've got a rice rocket It has nothing to do with the size of my wang, because going 0-160 full blast, that little bugger is crawling into my bladder from fright, my heart is racing, windresistance increases and involuntarily makes me start to eat my helmet, wind turbulence is like I'm tornadohunting and below me something is imitating a small nuclear explosion ....meanwhile I'm hanging on for dear life other people go fishing or collect stamps
  14. After calling the delivery guy, the bloody lazy bugger told me he'll be coming on monday well, payback is a *****, he'll be coming for nothing since there won't be anybody home
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