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Everything posted by Andréas

  1. Nice! Very nice job
  2. Nice Im waiting for the updates of the 1/48 scale
  3. All i can say about JM is that they are great Ive bought one PE set for cockpit and more to Vf 1 S 1/48 and PE intake for same model! Nice detail sets! But i want them to do a radar for the nose or nice landgears
  4. I am intrested in 1/48 scale if they fits on hasegawas 1/48 vf 1 Sorry Ididnt see that you had written that they where to hasegawa
  5. Thanks for the link. Ive just bought a set
  6. Landing gears,radar?
  7. Im waiting for the link Thanks. Do you have any other idea about PE parts?
  8. What will the price be?
  9. I will wait buildning my 1/48 Valkyrie:)
  10. My thougt goes to you and your family! Have a nice time together //Andréas
  11. Thats looking really nice! Cant wait How is the tractor coming out
  12. Amasing
  13. I really hope they come whit it soon! Its one of the greatest
  14. Hello,does anybody know if there is a site whit the Sdf 1 Macross Japan version to the Ps2? Please let me know
  15. Upgrade whit pictures if you have done anything
  16. Anybody?
  17. That Apc gona be nice! Are you making in 1/48?
  18. Building and painting my 1/48 Valkyrie

  19. Very nice! I`ve bought Hasegawa Valkyrie 1/48 S Skull leader whit jasmine model pe parts
  20. Wow! Tundra,very nice job! Impres sive
  21. You have very nice models :)

  22. Super/Strike VF-1's in 1/48 Is Hasegawa gona produce one?
  23. Does any body know if Hasegawa gona produce a 1/48 Vf 1s Strike Valkyrie? I have the 1/48 Vf 1S Valkyre Skull squdron but would have an Strike Valkyrie Andréas
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