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Everything posted by LurkerX

  1. i feel left out i own 0; zero; zilch; nada; nothing. i sold my last one [jetfire] fairly recently to help pay for a 1/48 purchase.
  2. how about this in the name of battle damage accuracy. i would purposely drop my 1/55 valks & 1/35 alphas on the concrete; scrape them against the ashpalt; blacken some parts with a lighter to simiulate laser burns. purposely crack the cockpit glass to simulate even more battle damage. of course some of my valks survived cause i wanted some of them without battle damage. to simulate how they actually looked before the battle.
  3. this sucks. before i red this post i though yellowing were exclusively bandai valk problem shows how much i know. i have banana trees in my basement require extensive purple UV light to stay alive its on 24hr a day. my 1/48 valks are right next to it i guess i finally have to give my bananna trees away. mind you i haven't noticed any yellowing thus far however, its only been in that spot for the past 6 months or so
  4. i'm pretty happy with my transforming escaflowne [yamato] as mentioned above the downside is the rubber cape and the lack of poseablity i think it looks very nice with good detail. i actually bought 2 and display 1 in robot & the other in dragon mode. [too much of a hassle to keep transforming] for what it is [more of a display piece/ model than an actual toy] it does offer good value for your buck IMO. consider your options: studio half eye $300US++ resin kit perfect transformation, more fragile and joints are probably not tight at all on the upside you'd get more posability [of course with the loose joints its redundant] and a cloth cape, more accurate proportions BUT $300US??? so in my view, your paying an extra $250US for a cloth cape and minor design improvements over the yamato i guess if your a die hard escaflowne fan with money to burn and very anime accurate detail oriented then you'd perfer the SHE version but then there's the issue of loose joints i've encountered on my previous SHE piece i'd take my yamato escaflowne any day.
  5. i) studio halfeye shin getter 1. ii)my beast wars collection (can't unload them for beans and i have too many of them that were bought on impluse) iii) my medicom gatchaman 1/6 paid a fortune for them then it got reissued now i'm bored of them. you can't even pose these things. iv)my goranger red & blue 1/6 same reason. v) the selected few mcfarlane toys i did buy. they always look very good but once it falls off a shelf there's alway a piece that needs to be glued back on.
  6. well at least it wasn't a low vis valk.
  7. before you do anything rash like dropping about $180 to purchase the entire series i suggest you borrow it off a friend and watch it first sometimes you will tend to disagree with the hype i did in this case. i personally think its a gawd awful series but that's just me. i guess it had its moments but nothing could make up for the last two episodes horrible absolutely horrible. i wasted an hour of my life watching those 2 episodes and alot more watching the others. it made me want to sell the 4 SOC evas i bought prior to seeing the anime definately not my cup of tea. IMO
  8. i got mine today! funny, i don't feel quite that ripped off but the Q-Rau does reminds me of the 80's matchbox release and exosquad reissue of the battlepod, officer's and the hovertank. i feel its about the same quality a little prettier and obscure but nonetheless i believe the price for this should have been about $60-$70US just about as much as you would spent on ebay it you wanted to pick up the other zentradi pods or the invid shock trooper so i guess the real question is this worth the $60 premium at a price of $120 versus $60 for a matchbox zentradi pod maybe since it is obscure/ unique no ones' ever done before probably, cause if you'd buy a resin garage kit of this you'd probably end up paying triple for it. its just somehow i don't feel right displaying it inside my $170 ikea glass cabinet with the other yamato's but rather along my matchbox battlepods on my $59 wood cabinet open shelf. it just doesn't feel jewel-like like the 1/48's & the 1/60 & macross + valks i have overall, its a good toy just rather expensive. IMO
  9. i'm not really craving bandai valk SOCs to me the valk SOCs are the yamato 1/48s these thing are quite possibly the best vf-1 toys around and it'll take bandai alot of effort to top the 1/48 transformation gimmick [effort their really not willing to excert] i mean i collect socs but i really just can't picture a valk that could be better executed than yamato's 1/48 besides i think bandai's idea of valk socs were the takatoku reissues. i think bandai has given up on macross cause it feel its not worth they're while to compete with yamato dollarwise actually even if they end up making a valk soc i'm passing cause i'm determined to get every single 1/48 vf-1 ever released by yamato just got my 6th one today the vf-1j
  10. LurkerX

    1/48 valk

    i belive its definitely worth it it is no doubt [imo] the best vf-1 toy you can possibly ever own got rid of all my other valk mpc and bandai reissues to buy almost all the 1/48s granted that there are some part which are prone to breakage but the advantages greatly outweights the problems i mean afterall the vf-1 1/48 is a grown man's toy [more detail oriented and thus frigile] you don't see alot of 10 yr-olds with $130US lining up to buy this toy and as such the need to make it kid proof is as follows less of a piority however, having said that, after owning my 5th and latest 1/48 [vf-1s w/ fp] i grow weary and wish yamato would make another type of valk 1/48 i've actually held out on purchasing the vf-1j for the t-2 endoskeleton and the mpc prime. i haven't lost the urge to buy more such as the vf-1j s but my savings account on the other hand is on life-support any further 1/48 purchases may kill it completely. actually i've thought of selling off my SOC eva to buy more 1:48s
  11. hi, i posed my vf-1a max 1/48 in battroid mode with the wings spread open and attached the 4 missle pods on them. the left wing wouldn't stay up w/ the two pods. no problem with the right though. anyone else have this problem? guess its not really a big deal but it is a tad annoying.
  12. take control of the basement & build your toy lair in it then simply lock it. that's what i plan to do as soon as my son starts walking actually that's where i have all my toys already as the wife won't tolerate them elsewhere. besides that's where i spent most of my time anyway working/studying / having coffee breaks while looking at my collection and doing the laundry. will probably get asthma from all that exposed pink fiberglass insulation on the walls.
  13. hey guys, finally got my escaflowne my initial response was GOOD PRICE i don't know whether any of you are Canadian but today i paid a visit to Silver Snail @ Queen ST W. and found a stack of it for $27.99 each Canadian......That's about $21.00US so needless to say i bought two 1 for each mode. not very articluate in robot mode a bit loose in that nothing clicks into place, the diecast chest keeps falling off its got presence. but i like it i really dig this fig especially for what i paid for it.
  14. 1/48s = 5 to date 1/72 = 3
  15. you can open it and mildly play with it. as you are prabably already aware yamato doesn't put a tape on the 1/48's box so there is no such thing as MISB only MIB as for the stickers you can buy the substitute stickers from valk exchange and keep the originals intact. although i'm not sure what it'll do on the paint job when you try to remove the stickers you've applied.
  16. now that you've decided to get the VF-1s you have to get the fast pack as well. it looks fabulous.but then again so does all the VF-1 1/48s i keep telling myself that i'm going to skip a 1/48 release and start saving for retirement but its very difficult......... i just have to sell my other toys. funny i'm also a "soul of chogokin" collector and i found it very hard to justify purchasing the 4 EVA releases of the toy line but i did , it was the completist in me that actually forced me to buy it. but the yamato 1/48s i don't even hesitate........i try to put up a futile atempt to fight the urge to purchase another 1/48 but before i do i've already pre-ordered the next one............
  17. did anyone pick this game up? is it worth getting? i'm considering purchasing it. <_<
  18. Thanks
  19. I'm not sure which mini-figures you're referring to. i was referring to the "macross super dimension minifigure series" i don'think they had scale in mind when they made this but i'm hoping its close to 1/400 that's a cool avatar however i've yet to figure out how to install it.
  20. hi all i finally decided to post well i finally gave in and purchased the 1/48 VF-1S H w/ fastpack along with 10 of the macross mini figures i know its nearly identical to the vf-1a except fot the head but i want a whole 1/48 squadron without duplicates so i'll probably get the vf-1j as well as other 1/48 releases damn the 1/48s are so addictive i've got all 4 previous releases and i can't seem to stop. luckily i haven't had any problems with them however i do plan to reinforce the breakable back pack hindge with some glue that dries transparently to strengthen it..... think thats a good idea??? coinsidently are the min fig close to 1/400 scale??? cause i plan to deck them out on my 1/400 aircraft carrier.
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