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Everything posted by ef500mm

  1. Is YAMATO developing 1/60 YF19? Any updated new?
  2. I shall consider, how much of YL-19 & YL-21?
  3. ef500mm

    Parts for Yamato

    Dear guys, No idea why my Yamato Monster missed the right hand palm, do anyone know where can find the parts for repair????? Regards ef500mm
  4. Put me down for one, but I want 2 if you can give me a discount.
  5. Dear guys, I have got a 1/48 resin kit of YF-19 before and schedule to build in the coming Easter holiday. However, I still can't find YF-21 in local market or online Auction over 2 years. Is it rarely either original or recast one in the market, any idea? ef500mm
  6. Waiting for your good news$$$
  7. Anyway, thanks all of you to share the info.
  8. Have anyone gotten it and shared the photo if possible?
  9. Dear all, Years ago, Hobby show showed that there was a launching arm for 1/72 Hasegawa's Valkyrie. Unfortunately, I have never found it neither in local market nor online aution. I like to support this project if some Macross fan intend to re-cast it. How many guys also want that? Regards MM
  10. I want both too, please count me!
  11. Dear all, Do you have a full set copy of "How to build VF" from Dengeki Hobby(about 1-2 year before)?
  12. Hi all, Does anyone note the recast of 1/72 Macross VF-4G Lightning III fighter version Club-M by hobbyfan? Have you experienced on that online shop and how good of her performance? http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php/c...roducts_id/1847
  13. I hope more such as Regult, glaug, Tomahawk, Phalanx, Monster & etc in 1/60 line series. YAMATO Go ahead pls.......................
  14. I hope Hasegawa not only consider VF-0 but also review the production line on TV serirs & Macross Plus.
  15. why it is 1/100 scale?
  16. My Yamatos collection on Macross 1/48 = 4 1/60 = 5 1/72 = 2
  17. Hello, The owner of hobby shop said that the recent Model Graphix mentioned the 1/48 Valkyris was under considered by Hasegawa. Have you heard that before? Regards
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