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Everything posted by max

  1. Aftering seeing pictures of a club M garage kit in another post I must say I really like the aesthetic. I know the level of quality varies wildly with garage kits but some of them really do look professional. For anyone who is a collector of garage kits, would you mind posting a few pics of your favorite boxes. Also does anyone know where these garage kit builders buy there boxes. I'm making a garage kit of my own and looking for a box that looks better then the corrugated cardboard that I plan on using.
  2. I remember a while back, someone put a picture up of a guy who had a wall of boxed original Bandai and Takatoku valks on shelves. If my memory serves me correctly, it was about a few boxes high, a few boxes deep, and all the way across the image. It must have been about 80 valks. I think he was slowly auctioning his collection before the rereleases hit. Does anyone know the link to the picture? Or if you have an equally impressive image of your own wall of boxed valks, I'd be interested in seeing some pics.
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