UY is my favorite series, and has some of my favorite music too. Melancholy no kiseki is my favorite song of all time, and I also love Ai wa boomerang, Dancing Star and a bunch of others. Anyway, there is no complete vocal collection that I know of, but there's a complete UY music collection that has every single vocal and bgm on about a million cds. Very expensive. If you don't want to pay for all of the BGM, I'd recommend doing what I did; get the Lum's Best Collection CDs 1 and 2; they have most of the best songs, only missing a few like Good Luck. Lum's Best Collection 1 also has some funky comedy dialogue tracks with the voice actors from the show in between the song tracks; cool if you can understand Japanese.
Or you could get mp3s off Winmx if you can type the japanese names; that's how I got some of the more rare songs like moonlight coaster, lame iro dream, jounetsu no azeria, etc.
Good to see another UY fan.