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  1. I know the Fp between the DYRL and the TV version are different but does the 1j FP still has the micro missles features when you take off the cover?
  2. AhBong

    vf-1S heat shield

    if only yammies are as nice as these.......
  3. AhBong

    vf-1S heat shield

    well, the only reasonable explanation to that is that the movie has bugs (just like roy's heatshield was yellow when he entered into the enemy space ship to rescue hikaru & minmay after they were captured on a tryst at saturn:P), i have watched the movie again and noticed that scene hikaru flying 1s at teh side of bridge and nodding to Misa, the heat shield is red but the last scene right before he blew off the Big BRain, the heat shield was clearly black. (query where was Max at that time ) as for max, the figthing scene with Milia right after kakazaki was blown up, i think i saw a black heat shield. anyway i think it doesn't really matter, it is up to your personal taste, just like the Low-viz which never appeared in the show and yet has received wide popularity.
  4. uh.. that big bad boy sure looks good.. i am really all over it got to get one soon... if anyone gets it first, pls make a review.....
  5. hm.. but the price is different from the usual. i mean usually valkryie together with fast pack is 9800yen but here is 10290yen, so does it mean the new vf1j be different from the previous one? or is it just inflation and we have to pay more
  6. AhBong

    vf-1S heat shield

    just got a quick question. i know the Yammies 1S-hikaru heat shield is in red colour but shouldn't it be in black? i watched the DYRL again and noticed before Max and Hikaru was promoted to commander, both of they were flying 1A and the heat shield were blue and red respectively. but later on, when MAX assumed the position of commander and was fighting Milia on earth i notice the heat shield is black, so is Hikaru's at the final battle. personally i like the heat shielf to be in red, so what do you think? <_<
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