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Everything posted by efisher

  1. Currently watching it on my 77inch LG C3 OLED and i think it looks good to great depending on the the scene. Yeah, some of the scenes at the beginning are very out of focus/smeary but I sorta remember the second blu-ray release having similar problems. When Hikaru and Minmay go joyriding in the VT-1, the picture gets really sharp with very noticeable grain. The HDR is really good and pops. The black levels look much better as well. I wish there was a 5.1 surround sound mix for the 1984 version of the film though (2.0 PCM only). All in all, I'm happy with this purchase so far.
  2. Great news indeed! I went and ordered a copy but I know it's gonna be scrubbed of film grain.
  3. Love me some Gaiares. It's one of the few Genesis shooters I haven't 1CC'ed. That boss rush on stage seven always stops me dead in my tracks. I'm still hoping Limited Run or Strictly Limited will do a physical re-release of Eliminate Down for the Genesis.
  4. If you still have original hardware (and some cash to spend) you can always get a Mega Everdrive Pro or a Mega SD flash cart and a RetroTink 2X for that maximum nostalgia trip.
  5. One of my favorite actors growing up. RIP Zed.
  6. Looks good but the limited quantities thing is putting me off. Also I don't think a Turbo Everdrive will fit in the card slot. My MiSTer FPGA box does the PCE/TG16/CD perfectly and there's no need for me to get this. The price they are charging for it is right though.
  7. From Dragon Quest V
  8. Man I miss playing lightgun games the with the GunCon 2. I think I own all the U.S. GunCon 2 compatible games on the PS2 (my favorite being Sega's Vampire Night). I remember having to buy that stupid Sony AV adapter thing to use it because at the time I ran all my consoles through s-video. It worked great and was very accurate.
  9. Thanks for that news. Gonna try the patch. I'm kinda disappointed that he couldn't add the two missing elephants back into Dhalsim's stage. It was one of the few things that bugged me about the SNES and Genesis ports. Off topic, but I finally received my two Terraonion MODEs last week and installed both without any problems. The Saturn install took about 18 minutes and the Dreamcast install was about 10 minutes. The games feel like they load a tiny bit faster (I'm using 1tb SSDs in both systems btw), mostly a second or two. I will recommend that you buy a micro sd card extender (around 9 inches) if you plan on keeping the systems tops screwed on. It makes applying firmware updates easier.
  10. Yes, things have massively improved since that Game Sack review. I don't think they even had cores for CPS1, Neo Geo, Sega CD, or TG16 CD when that review was put out. There's a PS1 core in development and is progressing smoothly, and a Sega 16 arcade board core (Golden Axe, Shinobi, Altered Beast, Fantasy Zone, etc...) being worked on as well. There has been support for external hard drives and larger micro SD cards for a while now so your digital collection would be totally playable if there are system specific cores to run them.
  11. Built me a MiSTer FPGA box for my retro gaming needs recently. Been playing a lot of Capcom CPS1 arcade games (Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Carrier Air Wing, and U.N. Squadron mostly) and a ton of Neo Geo games after a long day of work. I just got Turbografx CD and Sega CD games finally working on it and it plays them all perfectly. I think I'm going to finally box up my consoles for good this time. If anyone is interested, this is the guy I bought it from: https://misteraddons.com/ I also followed his video on how to assemble it here: This is the SD card tutorial I used:
  12. Just got a your order has shipped email from Amazon JP. I'm hoping DHL doesn't use it as a kickball this time.
  13. Terraonion just announced a ODE for the Dreamcast/Saturn. So hyped for this! Now to get started ripping my collection.
  14. I just watched the 4K UHD blu-ray of First Blood like last week. He was great in that! RIP.
  15. Really digging the retro style box art Black Valkyrie has been posting. I really wish Sega never ditched the grid box art in favor for the solid red ones.
  16. Got my PCE Mini yesterday from Amazon Japan. I gotta say that this is my favorite of the mini consoles. The selection of games it really nice, though the omission of the Legendary Axe is a big disappointment. The only fly in the ointment for me is that I have to set my tv's black level to low (limited), instead of the normal (full). If I don't the blacks will be grey. Great job M2 and Konami!
  17. LOL! At least they don't put doll in the description box like CDJapan does.
  18. Yeah, I own that game. I've never sat down and really played it to completion, but what I did play was really solid. The only thing I didn't like was the redesigns of the Valkyries. I also had the same problem with Scrambled Valkyries on the Super Famicom. Was Shoji Kawamori's Valkyrie designs off limits when it came to these games?
  19. Treated myself this Christmas with a SSDS3. I finally got around to beating Gate of Thunder and Castlevania Rondo of Blood. Such a great product.
  20. Got my Dairugger XV shipping email from Gamestop today. It should be here Friday.
  21. Haven't seen any updates on this thread and thought I'd add some of my recent retro related pickups: I got tired of waiting on the U.S. release of The Ninja Saviors and went with the Asian release. I've already unlocked the two new characters and now trying to unlock the SNES version of the music. Great game, btw! Some loose Mega CD games (The Ninja Warriors, Dennin Aleste, Devastator) and Final Fight CD Feels really nice to be playing Mega/Sega CD games again since my Sega CD 2 unit died on me a while back. All my ripped Sega CD game play without any problems on this thing. Expensive but well worth it.
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