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Everything posted by thenoyb

  1. Ok to register hit the big orange button. On the registry page it asks for age, gender, blood type, something else (not sure what), screen name and password. And you have to check something just below age (not shure what that is ether). Your pass word has to have a number and can not have macross in it. This took me about two hours of google traslator and hit and miss. When you fill everything out hit the other big orange button. As for game play I have figured out some of it but some of the buttons and what you do with them have me stumped. Any help would be nice.
  2. Try this one. http://www.mediafire.com/?xewo329j1gis1zx
  3. Graham Folllow this link on how to DL to your computer http://codekiem.com/2012/02/24/apk-downloader/ Then sideload it to you phone.
  4. Lets try that again.
  5. Hit and missed my way through registration. My advice alessandro hit the big orange button. Game play is a lot like Storm8 games like Work Wars. Here is a screen cap of the main screen. Any help in translation is appreciated.
  6. Well I got the light version to install and launch on my Atrix. But guess what you need a mobage account to play the game and I can't read Japaneese. So I can't get past the login screen. Whent here to DL to my computer:http://codekiem.com/2012/02/24/apk-downloader/ Whent here to get the APK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.mbga.a12008983.lite
  7. Found sub file for ep 1 at Nyaa.eu but still can't find the video. I have googled and binged the cr*p out of it but can't find the video. help!!!!!
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