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Solidus Snake

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Everything posted by Solidus Snake

  1. Delta as a show just keeps growing for me, and this episode highlights why. It's always great to see any episode where characters can sit back and One thing that I do wish this episode would have done was give more lines and colour to Mirage. Right now she's a cardboard box, but oh well, I guess that will have to wait.
  2. That trailer was beautiful. December can't come soon enough.
  3. I hope Macross Delta is about hipsters...Macross needs a story about trust fund babies and their struggles living in Brooklyn...I mean in a dirty, but upscale macross colony with a lot of "character".
  4. Kinda, but I felt Jamming Bird was a better example since they were created by the military, where as Leon took an already formed idol and used her for government work. Would like to see a Macross series where the government effectively runs the whole idol/music process.
  5. I know, right? I just finished rewatching Frontier over Spring Break, and when I got done, all I could think of was, "we're not getting a new Macross anytime soon?" Glad to be wrong. My Macross itch has been itching badly of late. I'm hoping we get more references from Plus. We didn't get enough during Frontier. I hope that they make the whole idol thing to be something bad. Like the government controlling how idols are made and marketed and used. Kind of like what they did with Jamming Birds, but this time sinister.
  6. Well I am more than excited for this. I know exactly how you feel. I already bought Sayonara no Tsubasa, but here I am going to buy it again just for the subs. Oh well, it could be worse I guess.
  7. Wow, I'm really shocked by this news. Didn't see it coming. I hope she comes back to singing because I love her voice.
  8. Okay, now I'm really excited. On a side note, it'll be interesting to see if this goes with the film's or the tv series's timeline...or if it just takes place in an undetermined point in the Frontier story
  9. I've started Re-watching SDF. Plan on rewatching them all by New Year. And then when New Year hits, rewatch Flashback 2012
  10. I'm excited. Time to spend more money on macross!
  11. Do recall that not everyone in the Anti-UN were for de-centralisation.
  12. Wow, that quality looks amazing.
  13. Didn't the UN also possibly do some bad stuff? Nora seems really hateful towards them.
  14. Meh, I'm not bothered by the change. It's going to happen. Macross can't be stuck in the 80s and each Macross entry offers something new and something different and isn't just a rehash of the same ideas like a certain other franchise that I enjoy as much as I do Macross.
  15. I don't know if this has been asked, but I was recently watching Macross Zero and, apart from the fact that hero (Shin) is part of of the UN forces, I've always wondered: which side would I support if there was a similar war with a similar cause (giant spaceship comes crashing down to Earth). Would you have supported the UN forces or the Anti-UN forces?
  16. I can't wait to watch this on my telly.
  17. Very sad news.
  18. I'm highly disappointed that the 30th anniversary is not a series about a Meltran hipster and her idol otaku brother who move to the Macross 33 and start an indie band. Damn you, Kawamori.
  19. No, I don't think so. Macross the First is more than good enough. I would like for them to do other stuff and bring new ideas--like a hipster meltran and her zentran brother that's an idol otaku decide to runaway from home because their parents want them to join the military; and instead, they go to the Macross 33 aka Williamsburg and start a indie band called Yak! Deculture. Unfortunately for them, their flatmate is a straightlace pilot who's in love with the classics "minmay, firebomber and sharon apple" and can't stand this "new sound." He doesn't see any "culture" in it. Oh and it'll star Maaya Sakamoto
  20. Gotta go with the VF-22. I'm a big fan of the F-23 design. Speaking of which, I wish they'd model a VF after the F/A 18 super hornet
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