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Everything posted by Atharun

  1. How true this is. When you look at franchises that depended on small fan communities for hopes of a revival, you will see many failures. Take Gargoyles for example. It has a small but passionate fanbase that had hoped for some sort of revival. Even Greg Wesiman has stated he wanted it to be revived but would need Disney to be willing to do so. When the company owning the property won't take action then all you're left with is people who can hope but not much else.
  2. It definately would be nice to get clarification. When you look at anime titles that have scenes from a prior series, so few seem to do it well. One of the few I can think of that does it well is Gundam 0083:Stardust Memory, and it did so by using stills that were drawn in the same style of the show depicting previous battles (In the opening). It didn't actualy use the animation or shots from a previous series. I couldn't imagine HG ever wanting to use the original MAcross, Southern Cross, or Mospeada footage in anyway in any potential new project. That's probably why when people mention that the new sidequel could be LLA, I can't imagine how that can be seriously considered a good idea by HG.
  3. I was under this impression as well. For a long time, anime companies would release a "box set" containing the first volume on dvd, a wrap around box, and the soundtrack of a series. If this is what was planned for Macross 7, then perhaps the view that the soundtrack was a seperate release may have increased costs greatly, but if they were only using the series itself I can't see how it would be such a hurdle as it is said to be. On another note, it has been stated here that Macross designs can not be used in any Robotech animation etc etc etc.....that being said does the continued sale of the Protoculture collection, which contains The Sentinels, serve as a violation due to them making money off an animated work containing Macross footage? Just curious.
  4. Just personal opinion. The character styles I tend to like are those by Yutaka Izubuchi (Rahxephon, his adults mainly, not his teens), Toshihiro Kawamoto (Wol'f Rain, Gundam 08th MS Team) and Kumiko Takahashi (Witch Hunter Robin). Once again just preference, that being said I definitely see why they went the route they did as it matches the U.C. style. That being said, Kumiko Takahashi did the designs for the Unicorn animation, just his design is different from his previous works I have seen. Not bad just not my cup of tea.
  5. I am hoping that once Unicorn has aired all it's episodes, that Bandai will release an "Anime Legends" version with all the episodes on a 2 disc Blu-Ray. Also Bandai did announce First Gundam dvds for this year. I am hoping for an "Anime Legends" set. Does anyone know if they due a collection of 00? Or when the movie is coming stateside?
  6. I think that is one of the things that people on both sides of the respective fandoms forget, that the situations surrounding both franchises are children of circumstance (Certain management issues not withstanding). In the case of BW, the financial self sufficiency wasn't there for them at the time thus leading to the various deals that we know of now. With HG, the circumstances of TV broadcasting stipulations led to the use of the three series. People often blame Macek for what he did but in many ways he was a very big anime fan. If I am not mistaken the original goal was a straight forward dub with only name changes. Also he helped save many of the original cells to Akira that are now in a museum (I believe in Ohio, but not sure). In the end, it seems various circumstances from the 80's have had the long term effect that we have now.
  7. Not sure if anyone has seen this before but MAHQ has an unused Garland design up. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/megazone23/megazone23.htm
  8. After I get a new car or Jeep, I'm thinking that one of those babies belongs in my garage. On a side note, I thought the Sport 1K's were no longer in production.
  9. Unicorn has been pretty good so far. My only gripe with it is the character design. That being said I do think that the designs do match the Universal Century style of previous shows. Also, would be awesome to see a Gundam FIX version of the ReZEL.
  10. Quick question, back when Gundam Wing and G-Gundam were airing on Toonami, I collected many of the action figures. A robbery later, caused me to have to start rebuilding said collection. Now those action figures which were sold at common stores, aren they the same as MSIA action figures or is there a difference? I ask so I may know which to buy.
  11. It was a Ducatti Sport 1000 that Sam rode right? If so, I am very jealous!
  12. A good place to find Gundam info (Or any Mecha anime for that matter) is MAHQ.net. They have detailed episode synopsis' as well as line art of the mecha from the shows AND the variation from games, books, manga, models, toys, etc etc etc. The site is perdominately Gundam but also has large sections on macross and other shows. http://www.mahq.net/
  13. One of the things to consider with Char is that he has always been motivated by revenge. First for the death of his father, he even set up the origina; Char Aznable in Gundam:The Origin. Then he assumed his identity. He did all this to get back at the Zabi's. Then he sought revenge on Amuro and the Earth. Char is a character that is interesting because he actualy gets things done. In many anime the bad guy always gets stopped or they join the good uys and have a change of heart. In Zeta, it almost seemed like Char was with the AEUG only because they were usefull to him.
  14. Hey, I'm just trying to find justification for the madness of selectively shutting down various fan works while endorsing others. The game intro thing though seems like a legal loop hole in a way to me, but then again I am sure a reasonable company would have all their bases covered.
  15. Could it be that, if an animated fan work uses Macross designs and does not properly document that they are not affiliated with HG, then that HG could potentially suffer legal repurcussions? I ask because, if I am not mistaken that HG can only uses the Macross design elements in merchandise including games and comics. Therefor if a fan film uses the Robotech name and no disclaimer then perhaps it could be confused with an actual sanctioned production by HG. Also on a side note, if a game is considered merchandise, can an animated intro be created without violating the legal issue?
  16. When you look at a series like Voltron, which has similarities to Robotecvh, you look at the track record and see that they have accomplished things where RT has not and you wonder if (all things equal) management will ever get the wake up call. look at it this way - Robotech - Macross, Southern Cross, Mospeada Robotech II- Failed Robotech:The Movie - Failed Robotech 3K - Failed Robotech:The Shadow Chronicles - Released Voltron - Beast King Go-Lion, Dairugger Voltron:Fleet of Doom - Aired and released on DVD Voltron:The Third Dimension - 26 episodes made and aired. Voltron Force - Airing this year. You take two series made in similar fashion and you see one succeed while the other languishes time and time and again. This leads me to believe that Robotech needs a "redo" and someone to actually go in a breathe fresh air into it.
  17. Here's the thing, Yune, Yun, and McKeever can do whatever they want, HOWEVER in the end it is a business. If the higher ups at HG see determine that the lack of forward movement and potential costs of keeping the franchise are too much, then expect the people in charge to be swept away. remember that they replaced someone and likewise can be replaced themselves.
  18. I would imagine that, if nothing comes of the live action rights, then that HG will either try to - 1.Get an animated series sponsored, or try to keep the property alive via D2DVD 2.Sell Robotech 3.Kill the line Depending on which occurs, Macross may or may not come stateside. but I imagine if it does, Manga Ent. or Bandai would be the prime candidates to pick up the license.
  19. Thank you, I have seen a few and they are sweet looking. I have tried the models but after I injured my wrist I find the precise control required for the kits I like is a little more difficult and frustrating so the FIX figures are the alternative.
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