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Everything posted by Atharun

  1. One more thing to note is that in the comics, the veritechs were developed under the "project Valkyrie" banner. I believe it was the From the Star mini series. Also in RT the Veritech seems to be designation for a variable fighter and not the name fo the actual plane itself. Kinda of like a "Sidewinder" missile. Sidewindeer is the name associated with it and missile is the device.
  2. I for one, am very excited for this movie. Just hope the lens flare doesn't pop as much as in the 1st movie.
  3. I'd recommend moviestop if you have one near you. They have new and used anime and the used are thoroughly inspected. Also used have a 7 day return policy just like gamestop used games.
  4. Not sure if anyone else here reads them, but I would love some figures based on Alex Milne's Fortress Maximus from the IDW G1 comics. That or Don Figueroa's Stormbringer Megatron, black helmet and all.
  5. CW I will try to get in there sometime this month man, I am in Sanford so you're not that far from me.
  6. Like most of you, I too love anime and at one point my collection was over 600 dvds large (prior to break in) AND like most of you anime that sticks with me tends to be comprised mostly of the older shows. One thing that a lot of people seem to believe is that most anime now is aimed more at a juvenile audience and that it doesn't offer the variety that it once did. That may be true, I can't answer whether it is or not however I do feel that anime now takes far less chances than it once did. Some shows I love such as Rahxephon, Cowboy Beebop, Outlaw Star, hell even Brain Powered had a more mature tone too them and had a different story to tell than most of what I see out or coming out now. It could be that living here stateside I only get a glimpse of the market but it is how I feel. I think anime now should take more chances on mature content but the high school dramedy seems to be the most popular genre so until someone comes up with something new I like, then we can at least go through the series we never watched but always wanted too right?
  7. Yeah I noticed that and not sure if I like it. I tend to not enjoy the more comedic anime but I figure I will try for this one as I love anything by Sunrise.
  8. Just started watching Zone of the Enders the anime series. Is it really as "comdedy-ish" as the first leads me to believe? I love Z.O.E. games and enjoyed I Dolo but this seems a lot less serious.
  9. I am rewatching Zeta Gundam, IMO best anime series ever. On a side note, despite being only slightly longer in length, do anime episodes feel like they last so much longer than the typical cartoon?
  10. I guess for me with series I like that have CG, it doesn't stop me from liking them but the visuals can be jarring. Shows like Samurai 7, Aquarion, and ESPECIALLY Blassreiter. I like the series but the difference in animation is so obvious especially with smooth animation and character designs.
  11. I know they did a CG appleseed series (or at least started one) but that seems to be the trend for that franchise and not the norm. And I do hope CG does not become the norm as the CG in Blassreiter was downright ugly IMO.
  12. If people want to talk about mecha designers, Hajime Katoki and Kunio Okawara have to be mentioned as well. Anyway back to the topic on hand, one of the things that does bother me Macross and Robotech was the use of CG models in both of their recent projects - Frontier and TSC. I would have liked to see the more "hand drawn" look used by Gundam. Capital ships CG sure but the fighters.....eh, wish we could see the other way.
  13. Yes there are people who want all of Macross in Robotech in some form of another and yes there are those who hate Robotech for the simple fact that it is Robotech. That being said there are also a majority (though prob not as vocal) who actually like both very much. As a fan of both I can say yeah the mech designs of Macross are superior but I can also say I really enjoy the design used in Macross II. Everyone is entitles to an opinion. Just because people do not agree does not make one or the other right/wrong. As a Robotech fan I would like to see them do their own thing with their own designs and as a Macross fan I would love to see it come stateside as I am not a fan of subs. Hg's handling of RT is a mess yes but in many ways the support they get from Tastunoko seems minimal as well. In the TSC art book, a lot of the pics of Tatsu staff seem like they were unhappy. Whether it is who they were working with (see HG) or just didn't even want to bother, we will never know but bashing one franchise or the others just because you like one more is kind of pointless. I may very well be wrong but for as many people that seem to like Macross/Robotech/Both, just as many do but aren't nearly as vocal or fanatic as some people and the respective fandoms make them out to be as a whole.
  14. Watching Casshern Sins right now and I have to say the animation is very fluid and well done. It's been a while since I have seen something as smoothly drawn. After I finish it I am hoping to finally watch Blue Sub No ^. Anyone know if it as god as people made it out to be when it first aired on CN?
  15. You're not the only one....I typed this- "Honestly I am growing more and more disenfranchised with RT. While I may watch the new LLA, truth is aside from announcing it and feeding con audiences, HG has done nothing to get those of us who are not con-goers' attention. A trailer or something would be nice..." And I also mentioned how animation with different "animation" (i.e. old footage/new footage") can be jarring for new viewers. The best attempt is the Zeta Trilogy and still the differences were obvious.... I put my money on Memo since he and I got into it at RTX. Truth is, stupid poo like that just pushes people away from liking Robotech. I used to like, quite a bit in fact, but after this stupidity, screw it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO8TaAQ0PjI&feature=player_embedded
  17. Their is such a thing as development hell.However while I doubt we will see a Robotech movie anytime soon, I wouldn't be surprised if it was tossed around for ~10 years or so as many properties suffer the same. There is a possibility it may come out one day (while I doubt ANYTIME soon) but I wouldn't guarantee it won't ever. Sometimes things like this have away of doing something.
  18. Actually meant write leave not live...my bad on that one.
  19. If this is the case, then was Macek a part of the original version of RT3000? If not,then if he was able to get Tatsu to at least consider working on a new animated series, to me that is much more then what we have gotten on Tonny's watch. Also did he live after that fell through because I was under the impression that he had only come back to HG for the new project they are working on and that he had been gone for a while.
  20. OK so let me get this straight, I have been told that RT3000 cost more then all of Shadow Chronicles. Also prior to Tommy and co. joining HG, the previous group of management was trying to create an anime version of RT3000 after the cgi footage failed to please audiences.....so given that information(not sure how accurate that is), why not pour more money into Shadow Chronicles if they were willing to fund a series only a short time prior? Now I am sure there was some funding available if they were willing to produce two series within in short periods of time of the others collapse. Also at the time, from what I have heard, Robotech DVDs sold fairly well adding another revenue source. All this combines to make me wonder why Shadow Chronicles was so meager in budget (inexperience on Tommy's part no withstanding).
  21. Does anyone have an idea of what the budget was? The reason I ask is that when compared to even a regular anime episode, the movie was still sub par.
  22. Has anyone enrolled in the identity Theft Insurance program they are offering yet? If so what are they offering in protection terms?
  23. One of the potential problems I could see facing new Robotech comics is that the Wildstorm series were done by artist from UDON. AT the time (early 2000's) they were still relatively new. Now however, UDON is huge and has a solid following so the price for their services has mostly likely increased significantly. On top of that, the UDON stable is one of the few that specialize in the anime look which limits HG's options. People say that Tommy can draw them himself however in reality his style is not as "anime-ish" as some people think.
  24. One of the problems I had with TSC were the very inconsistent character models. I think this may be in part to having 3 different directors. At some points, some characters looked good other times, I felt like they looked completely different.
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