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Everything posted by Atharun

  1. While I think Amy Adams is an attractive woman, I do have to admit she does look a bit older than what Lois should look like. Not hating but Lois is supposed to be in the same age bracket as Sups if I remember correctly. Not sure who would be better though.
  2. Thanks for an honest answer.
  3. I never liked Evangelion. Whether it was the series,Death and Rebirth, or EoE. Will the Rebuild change that? I know everyone has different tastes but I guess I always struggled to see why people liked it so much.
  4. hey all, I already posted in the Collectors thread but the "What it's worth" seems to be kinda dead so hoping ya'll could help me.As a huge Gundam fan, I have a large amount of the Bandai DVDs in probably better shape than some unwrapped/unopened copies and was hoping some of the folks here could help determine the values of them. Amazon and Ebay have some outrageous prices considering the shows are out of print but the ranges vary so if I list some stuff can ya'll help determine some values? Please and Thank you. Anime Legends Complete Collection - S-Cry-Ed Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0079 Collection 1 & 2 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 08th MS Team Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Anime Legends Complete Collection - Zeta Gundam Collection 1 & 2 Anime Movie Classics - Char's Counterattack Anime Movie Classics - Gundam F91 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Wing Collection 1 & 2 Anime Movie Classics - Gundam Wing:Endless Waltz Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Seed Collection 1 & 2 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Seed:Destiny Collection 1 & 2 Gundam Seed:Destiny Final Plus Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer Blu Ray I also have several individual DVDs from the above mentioned series in great condition left over from before their respective collections were released. Like I said, all discs are no scratches original packages and TBH probably better than a lot of new copies that have sat in storage. If pictures help I can add those too.
  5. Hi all, as a huge Gundam fan, i have a large amount of the Bandai DVDs in probably better shape than some unwrapped/unopened copies and was hoping some of the folks here could help determine the values of them. Amazon and Ebay have some outrageous prices considering the shows are out of print but the ranges vary so if I list some stuff can ya'll help determine some values? Please and Thank you. Anime Legends Complete Collection - S-Cry-Ed Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0079 Collection 1 & 2 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 08th MS Team Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Anime Legends Complete Collection - Zeta Gundam Collection 1 & 2 Anime Movie Classics - Char's Counterattack Anime Movie Classics - Gundam F91 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Wing Collection 1 & 2 Anime Movie Classics - Gundam Wing:Endless Waltz Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Seed Collection 1 & 2 Anime Legends Complete Collection - Gundam Seed:Destiny Collection 1 & 2 Gundam Seed:Destiny Final Plus Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer Blu Ray I also have several individual DVDs from the above mentioned series in great condition left over from before their respective collections were released. Like I said, all discs are no scratches original packages and TBH probably better than a lot of new copies that have sat in storage. If pictures help I can add those too.
  6. I can agree with that, TBH I will go see it in theatres as I love Trek but if it is as the spoilers described then this will not be a buy for me when it is released to home video.
  7. After reading the spoilers.....I have to say that I blame the writers more than anything. Not to be rude but their work has left a lot to be desired IMO. I look back and see their work on the Transformers franchise, Cowboys and Aliens, even The Island....I personally disliked the Transformers movies a lot. I love TF but the movies left a lot to be desired and it just seems these guys are revered in Hollywood but their movies , while they sell alot, kinda suck as far as writing goes. Just my .02 though.
  8. Maybe it is just me but the Raphael from the first movie was perfect. Kinda wish they went with something similar.
  9. I started playing again about a month or two ago and it is worth it to go back and play even if only for a few weeks. Always fund to create a character and new ship.
  10. Am I the only one that got an Excelsior vibe from that pic? I know it is most like the Enterprise but the angle reminds me of an E-Class.
  11. The problem I had with this movie was how they portrayed Flint. Both movies represented the joe characters far differently in fact. Hated how Scarlet was in the first but that may stem from being more of a comic Joe fan than the TV joe fan.
  12. My post wasn't relating Walking Dead to Utopia or sci fi, but using it as an example of how people are enjoying TV shows based on an Established franchise. Also Star trek did deal with the human condition in many ways. Enterpise dealt with it when Trip took it upon himself to teach the Cojenitor of a trigender race and as a result she committed suicide. Also Enterpise, Archer mentions several times that unlike Vulcans human's shorter lifespan meant hey try to accomplish more in their life and that time was almost an unseen enemy Data creating a daughter in TNG was a another example of him trying to be more human by creating and caring for another life. The directive to "Boldly go where no man has gone before" alone fills the human condition of curiosity. one of the better examples is in Star trek Generations, where Renee has died and Picard has to face the reality that his time has passed to produce a son to carry on the Picard name. the discussion he has with Troi is quite clear on the matter, he even states that he is aware he has far fewer years ahead of him then behind.
  13. I think a reason why many people turned away from Star trek was because of how it was portrayed to an extent. A lot of people look at TOS and just see it as old, others look at TNG and see it as self righteous or too preachy. For people close to my age (27) DS9 and VOY were welcome because they had a little more action and characters that were not as "after school special" in that they were not all super goody. Just my opinion though. The past several years though have led me to believe Star trek would do well on TV again. If you look at things now, BS:Galactica, Walking Dead, hell even people who were fans of Harry Potter and what not, established franchises are making a comeback on TV while people are seeking out good shows with strong story telling. Star trek is capable of telling a good story and can make a comeback on TV I think. yes some shows get cancelled but I can not begin to count how many people I know have discovered and love Galactica via Netflix. if it weren't on Sci-Fi/SyFy, I think it would have done better ratings-wise. Alot of people seem to like it just not many knew about it as much media would have people believe. (Media tends to blow up small but vocal things...truth is just because 1 million hipsters think skinny jeans are the rage does not mean every male will wear them case and point). That being said I enjoy the JJ Abrams universe and hope the move is a success. -on a side note this post is all over the place lol
  14. I actually liked the 2009 Trek film alot even though it did have some seriously questionable issues....but that being said I would love to see a new trek series in the Prime timeline set after the events of Nemesis or maybe even adapt Star trek online. Not the part of using old ships but rather some of the situations. Romulus is gone and one of the most powerful forces has been turned into nothing but private factions. the Dominion are trying to rebuild, Cardassia is a mess etc etc etc...I think dealing with that kind of political instability could lead to a very interesting plot. Then again, being an animation fan I would be interested in seeing Star trek Destiny turned into a D2DVD animation or CGI along the line of Starship Troopers Invasion. I haven't read the book myself but from I have seen ti is supposed to be rather exciting.
  15. Just saw it, it was ok. Not something I would buy on DVD or blu ray but if you don't want to spend the $10 at the theater this is best as a rental/redbox.
  16. Hyaku Shiki, GM Custom from 083, Gerbera Tetra and Kampfer always stood out to me. Tallgeese 3 was awesome IMO.....TBH I always like a lot of the generic suits like GMs and Leos....maybe I am just a rarity in that way.
  17. DS9 was the best Star Trek series IMO. A lot of people talk about that monologue by Sisko. It was what made the series great. He was forced to make tough choices. When he sent Nog on patrol and he lost his leg. Him blackmailing Quark to stay on DS9. Not going back for his son. Convincing the Bajorans to sign a non aggression pact with the Dominion. All these things made DS9 stand out to me. While I enjoyed TNG it was self righteous at times it felt like to me. In Wrath of Khan David even tells Kirk he had not experienced death to which Kirk admitted to on that emotional of a scale. Sisko was on the front line and had to deal with that regularly. Just my opinion though.
  18. As a huge Gundam fan, I will admit for me, 0083 is my favorite of the short series and for the long series Zeta and 00 seem to be the ones I like the most although lately I keep coming back to the original series. I was always surprised Gundam X never made it stateside after Wing.
  19. While i've never seen anything Yamato related (or Starblazers), it is something that has always interested me. Does anyone know if this will be coming stateside or is this a great series destined to stay in Japan?
  20. How are Blue Sun No. 6, Tide line Blue, and Fafner? I was considering watching them as I never got around to them when they came out. Worth it?
  21. I would love to see a RD Kampfer or some of the mobile armors like the Neue Ziel.
  22. Just bought Getter Robo Armageddon for $5.99 at moviestop. Not too familiar with the Go Nagai stuff but for the price I will give it a shot.
  23. I've been watching High School of the Dead and while I enjoy it the fan service is overdone. I don't mind the designs but not every action has to result in a tit bounce. Other than that I dig the story.
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