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Everything posted by Atharun

  1. If he fights KG in this movie my inner 5 year old will scream like a 13 year old Justin Beiber fan.
  2. Gasaraki is actually a good series, just takes time. The main characters take a bit to warm up to you.
  3. Maybe it is just me but when I see some of these companies customizing super cars I always find myself asking why. At a certain point are you really going to feel an extra 100 hp when your car is already pushing 600 hp+ and the car already goes well over 200 mph? Does 212 mph really feel that much different from 202 in a car? As dumb as this sounds I tend to like the factory designs on cars far more often then customized versions of these super cars.
  4. Yup DC is owned by Warner. Not sure if WB ever bought rights to make a live action Voltron though. On a side note, when I see American franchises such as the Witchblade get a fairly high quality anime adaptation I always wonder what prevents franchises such as Robotech or Voltron, which have their roots in anime, from getting similar works. I can't all be about money can it? Because Top Cow is a small comic publisher
  5. The way I see is that WB bought the rights to sell licensed works but with DC closing the Wildstorm imprint they prob sub licensed to Dynamite since companies like them and IDW tend to scoop up titles like this that are based on shows or are older but still have a following. Dynamite and IDW specialize in these types of books. Either way, as both a Robotech fan and Voltron fan......I'd rather they not crossover but hey I'm sure some people will like it. If this and RT: LLA lead to more Robotech then good if not then it's just par for the course.
  6. Hey all, found a copy of Martian Succesor Nedesico complete set for cheap. Since I like mechs I was thinking about giving it a shot but have been told it is pretty kiddy-ish. Worth it or no? Is the series any good?
  7. The wait for this to come stateside is killing me.
  8. When I first watched Seed I loved it. Each time I'd rewatch however, my liking of it would continue to fall. Now it seems to be increasing. I like several of the characters but still feel Kira is way too soft. The animation was pleasant though ( minus the repetition). Destiny was a mess IMO. Speaking of the Seed verse, did Chiaki Mrosiawa e er pass her duties todo done else to get the film moving again or did they just cancel the thing?
  9. Was Argentosoma any good?
  10. I will be very happy if that is the case.
  11. Ever since I purchased my 370 , I hate visiting my parents. Every time I visit them I get pulled over. I have yet to get a ticket. They just live in a very good ol boy county in Central Florida and damn it pisses me off. I had cop pull up and as what I was doing at the ATM. With me, I tend to have authority issues so I am surprised it hasn't escalated yet. Sucks when you have nice car and cops just target you to try and make a point.
  12. I was able to get Big O for 5.99, Blue Sub No 6: Special Edition for 7.99, and Rahxephon for 19.99 so watching those. Started with Big O as I never viewed it the whole way through.
  13. Since I was on the Turnpike here in FL, the Highway Patrol officer only gave me a "Violation of Traffic Control Device" of about $275. In reality I should have been given a much higher one or possibly arrested.
  14. Why label it under Starvlazers? Weren't a few Yamato titles brought over with the original name?
  15. I can not wait for this series to come stateside...
  16. As a fun sci fi movie I liked it but as a Trek movie I don't know....The Klingon ship was very odd looking and I honestly kept asking myself why no Andorians were shown. As dumb as that may sound, with all the background aliens I kinda wanted to see a blue person. It did have a very Star Wars feel to it during the chase on Qo'noS...speaking of which they misspelled the Klingon home world as Kronos. Small things like that bothered me.
  17. The book is great but the more I think about it, kinda hard to imagine a movie doing it justice. That and the fact that this year has so many releases kinda makes me wonder if this will get lost in the crowd.
  18. I actually know quite a few people who had a lot of scratched discs in (then) new box sets. They would buy them and the when they got them, the discs would be loose and just bouncing around in there. Sucks to open a set and disc 4 is scratched and what not or the coors are faded on the cover.
  19. When I first heard they were making a film based on the book, I figured ok it was bound to happen but in the back of my head I would have loved to have had a "Battlestar Galactica" type miniseries based on the book. The political intrigue and change, the social commentary and enough action to really get the big fights. Just my random opinion though.
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